- automatically wrap subscriptions in a `reaction` (removing the need for over
10 keystrokes per handler!!). Just kidding there are better reasons than that.
- produce a more fully featured todomvc (beyond the standard one), todomvc-with-extras
- use `enrich` to handle todo duplication
- show testing
- show debug
- begin to use goog.Logger ?? How to let client apps know about exceptions, etc ??
## v0.2.0 (2015-03-06)
Being blocked by:
In todomvc, to be done tomorrow ahead of release:
- fix bug in todomvc which means the footer disappears and doesn't come back.
- add localstorage
- add history, back button etc.
### Breaking
-`register-pure-handler` renamed to `register-handler` (and existing low level `register-handler` becomes `register-handler-base` but is not a part of the API).
- remove `apply-event` middleware and replace with similar `trim-v`
- rename `register-subs` to `register-sub` (avoid confusion over possible plurals)
- rename `set-max-undos` to `set-max-undos!`
-`undoable` middleware is now a factory. Where before you used this `undoable`,
you must now use this `(undoable "some explanation")`. See further below.