(fn [] ;; the inner, render function, potentially called many times.
[:div "Hello" @name-ratom])))
First, note this is a [Form-2](https://github.com/Day8/re-frame/wiki/Creating-Reagent-Components#form-2--a-function-returning-a-function)
`component` ([there are 3 forms](https://github.com/Day8/re-frame/wiki/Creating-Reagent-Components)).
Previously in this document, we've used the simplest, `Form-1` components (no setup was required, just render).
With `Form-2` components, there's a function returning a function:
- the returned function is the render function. Behind the scenes, Reagent will wrap this render function
in a `reaction` to make it produce new Hiccup when its input Signals change. In our example above, that
means it will rerun every time `name-ratom` changes.
- the outer function is a setup function, called once for each instance of the component. Notice the use of
'subscribe' with the parameter `:name-query`. That creates a Signal through which new values are supplied
over time; each new value causing the returned function (the actual renderer) to be run.
>It is important to distinguish between a new instance of the component versus the same instance of a component reacting to a new value. Simplistically, a new component is returned for every unique value the setup function (i.e. the outer function) is called with. This allows subscriptions based on initialisation values to be created, for example:
``` Clojure
(defn my-cmp [row-id]
(let [row-state (subscribe [row-id])]
(fn [row-id]
[:div (str "Row: " row-id " is " @row-state)])))
In this example, `[my-cmp 1][my-cmp 2]` will create two instances of `my-cmp`. Each instance will re-render when its internal `row-state` signal changes.
`subscribe` is always called like this:
(subscribe [query-id some optional query parameters])
There is only one (global) `subscribe` function and it takes one parameter, assumed to be a vector.
The first element in the vector (shown as `query-id` above) identifies/names the query and the other elements are optional
query parameters. With a traditional database a query might be:
select * from customers where name="blah"
In re-frame, that would be done as follows:
`(subscribe [:customer-query "blah"])`
which would return a `ratom` holding the customer state (a value which might change over time!).
So let's now look at how to write and register the subscription handler for `:customer-query`
(defn customer-query ;; a query over 'app-db' which returns a customer
[db, [sid cid]] ;; query fns are given 'app-db', plus vector given to subscribe
(assert (= sid :customer-query)) ;; subscription id was the first element in the vector
(reaction (get-in @db [:path :to :a :map cid]))) ;; re-runs each time db changes
;; register our query handler
:customer-query ;; the id (the name of the query)
customer-query) ;; the function which will perform the query
Notice how the handler is registered to handle `:customer-query` subscriptions.
**Rules and Notes**:
- you'll be writing one or more handlers, and you will need to register each one.
- handlers are functions which take two parameters: the db atom, and the vector given to subscribe.
-`components` tend to be organised into a hierarchy, often with data flowing from parent to child via
parameters. So not every component needs a subscription. Very often the values passed in from a parent component
are sufficient.
- subscriptions can only be used in `Form-2` components and the subscription must be in the outer setup
function and not in the inner render function. So the following is **wrong** (compare to the correct version above)
(defn greet ;; a Form-1 component - no inner render function
(let [name-ratom (subscribe [:name-query])] ;; Eek! subscription in renderer
[:div "Hello" @name-ratom]))
Why is this wrong? Well, this component would be re-rendered every time `app-db` changed, even if the value
in `name-ratom` (the result of the query) stayed the same. If you were to use a `Form-2` component instead, and put the
subscription in the outer functions, then there'll be no re-render unless the value queried (i.e. `name-ratom`) changed.
## The Signal Graph
Let's sketch out the situation described above ...
`app-db` would be a bit like this (`items` is a vector of maps):
(def L [{:name "a" :val 23 :flag "y"}
{:name "b" :val 81 :flag "n"}
{:name "c" :val 23 :flag "y"}])
(def app-db (reagent/atom {:items L
:sort-by :name})) ;; sorted by the :name attribute
The subscription-handler might be written:
:sorted-items ;; the query id (the name of the query)
(fn [db [_]] ;; the handler for the subscription
(let [items (get-in @db [:items]) ;; extract items from db
sort-attr (get-in @db [:sort-by])] ;; extract sort key from db
(sort-by sort-attr items))))) ;; return them sorted
Subscription handlers are given two parameters:
1.`app-db` - that's a reagent/atom which holds ALL the app's state. This is the "database"
on which we perform the "query".
2. the vector originally supplied to `subscribe`. In our case, we ignore it.
In the example above, notice that the `reaction` depends on the input Signal: `db`.
If `db` changes, the query is re-run.
In a component, we could use this query via `subscribe`:
(defn items-list ;; Form-2 component - outer, setup function, called once