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## Bootstrapping Application State
To bootstrap a re-frame application, you need to:
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1. register handlers:
- subscription (via `reg-sub`)
- events (via `reg-event-db` or `reg-event-fx`)
- effects (via `reg-fx`)
- coeffects (via `reg-cofx`)
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2. kickstart reagent (views)
3. Load the right initial data into `app-db` which might, for example, be a `merge` of:
- Some default values
- Values stored in LocalStorage
- Values obtained via service calls to server
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Point 3 is the interesting bit and will be the main focus of this page,
but let's work our way through them ...
## 1. Register Handlers
re-frame's various handlers all work in the same way. You declare
and register your handlers in the one step, like this "event handler" example:
(re-frame/reg-event-db ;; event handler will be registered automatically
(fn [db [_ value]]
... do some state change based on db and value ))
As a result, there's nothing further you need to do because
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handler registration happens as a direct result of loading the code
(presumably via a `<script>` tag in your HTML file).
## 2. Kick Start Reagent
Create a function `main` which does a `reagent/render` of your root reagent component `main-panel`:
(defn main-panel ;; my top level reagent component
[:div "Hello DDATWD"])
(defn ^:export main ;; call this to bootstrap your app
(reagent/render [main-panel]
(js/document.getElementById "app")))
Mounting the top level component `main-panel` will trigger a cascade of child
component creation. The full DOM tree will be rendered.
## 3. Loading Initial Data
Let's rewrite our `main-panel` component to use a subscription. In effect,
we want it to source and render some data held in `app-db`.
First, we'll create the subscription handler:
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(re-frame.core/reg-sub ;; a new subscription handler
:name ;; usage (subscribe [:name])
(fn [db _]
(:display-name db))) ;; extracts `:display-name` from app-db
And now we use that subscription:
(defn main-panel
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(let [name (re-frame.core/subscribe [:name])] ;; <--- a subscription <---
[:div "Hello " @name]))) ;; <--- use the result of the subscription
The user of our app will see funny things
if that `(subscribe [:name])` doesn't deliver good data. But how do we ensure "good data"?
That will require:
1. getting data into `app-db`; and
2. not get into trouble if that data isn't yet in `app-db`. For example,
the data may have to come from a server and there's latency.
**Note: `app-db` initially contains `{}`**
### Getting Data Into `app-db`
Only event handlers can change `app-db`. Those are the rules!! Indeed, even initial
values must be put in `app-db` via an event handler.
Here's an event handler for that purpose:
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:initialise-db ;; usage: (dispatch [:initialise-db])
(fn [_ _] ;; Ignore both params (db and event)
{:display-name "DDATWD" ;; return a new value for app-db
:items [1 2 3 4]}))
You'll notice that this handler does nothing other than to return a ` map`. That map
will become the new value within `app-db`.
We'll need to dispatch an `:initialise-db` event to get it to execute. `main` seems like the natural place:
(defn ^:export main
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(re-frame.core/dispatch [:initialise-db]) ;; <--- this is new
(reagent/render [main-panel]
(js/document.getElementById "app")))
But remember, event handlers execute async. So although there's
a `dispatch` within `main`, the event is simply queued, and the
handler for `:initialise-db`
will not be run until sometime after `main` has finished.
But how long after? And is there a race condition? The
component `main-panel` (which assumes good data) might be
rendered before the `:initialise-db` event handler has
put good data into `app-db`.
We don't want any rendering (of `main-panel`) until after `app-db`
has been correctly initialised.
Okay, so that's enough of teasing-out the issues. Let's see a
quick sketch of the entire pattern. It is very straight-forward.
## The Pattern
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(re-frame.core/reg-sub ;; supplied main-panel with data
:name ;; usage (subscribe [:name])
(fn [db _]
(:display-name db)))
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(re-frame.core/reg-sub ;; we can check if there is data
:initialised? ;; usage (subscribe [:initialised?])
(fn [db _]
(not (empty? db)))) ;; do we have data
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(fn [db _]
(assoc db :display-name "Jane Doe")))
(defn main-panel ;; the top level of our app
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(let [name (re-frame.core/subscribe [:name])] ;; we need there to be good data
[:div "Hello " @name])))
(defn top-panel ;; this is new
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(let [ready? (re-frame.core/subscribe [:initialised?])]
(if-not @ready? ;; do we have good data?
[:div "Initialising ..."] ;; tell them we are working on it
[main-panel]))) ;; all good, render this component
(defn ^:export main ;; call this to bootstrap your app
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(re-frame.core/dispatch [:initialise-db])
(reagent/render [top-panel]
(js/document.getElementById "app")))
## Scales Up
This pattern scales up easily.
For example, imagine a more complicated scenario in which your app
is not fully initialised until 2 backend services supply data.
Your `main` might look like this:
(defn ^:export main ;; call this to bootstrap your app
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(re-frame.core/dispatch [:initialise-db]) ;; basics
(re-frame.core/dispatch [:load-from-service-1]) ;; ask for data from service-1
(re-frame.core/dispatch [:load-from-service-2]) ;; ask for data from service-2
(reagent.core/render [top-panel]
(js/document.getElementById "app")))
Your `:initialised?` test then becomes more like this sketch:
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:initialised? ;; usage (subscribe [:initialised?])
(fn [db _]
(and (not (empty? db))
(:service1-answered? db)
(:service2-answered? db)))))
This assumes boolean flags are set in `app-db` when data was loaded from these services.
## Cheating - Synchronous Dispatch
In simple cases, you can simplify matters by using `dispatch-sync` (instead of `dispatch`) in
the main function.
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This technique can be seen in the [TodoMVC Example](
`dispatch` queues an event for later processing, but `dispatch-sync` acts
like a function call and handles an event immediately. That's useful for initial data
load we are considering, particularly for simple apps. Using `dispatch-sync` guarantees
that initial state will be in place before any views are mounted, so we know they'll
subscribe to sensible values. We don't need a guard like `top-panel` (introduced above).
But don't get into the habit of using `dispatch-sync` everywhere. It is the right
tool in this context and, sometimes, when writing tests, but
`dispatch` is the staple you should use everywhere else.
## Loading Initial Data From Services
Above, in our example `main`, we imagined using `(re-frame/dispatch [:load-from-service-1])` to request data
from a backend services. How would we write the handler for this event?
The next Tutorial will show you how.
Previous: [Namespaced Keywords](;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Up: [Index](;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Next: [Talking To Servers](
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