# re-frame-trace A trace panel for re-frame. **Status:** Alpha. [![Clojars Project](https://img.shields.io/clojars/v/day8.re-frame/trace.svg)](https://clojars.org/day8.re-frame/trace) **Note** [the latest version 0.1.13](https://github.com/Day8/re-frame-trace/releases/tag/0.1.13) ALSO requires the latest version of re-frame itself - `v0.10.3-alpha1`. ## Motivation re-frame provides a data driven architecture, but we need to be able to inspect it. re-frame-trace takes inspiration from [redux-devtools](https://github.com/gaearon/redux-devtools), and provides several ways to visualise the structure and state of your re-frame application. ## Installation If you are using leiningen, modify `project.clj` in the following ways. When puzzling over the various possible leiningen configurations, it's often helpful to look at a sample [project.clj](https://github.com/technomancy/leiningen/blob/stable/sample.project.clj). [![Clojars Project](https://img.shields.io/clojars/v/day8.re-frame/trace.svg)](https://clojars.org/day8.re-frame/trace) - Add re-frame-trace as a dev dependency by placing `[day8.re-frame/trace "VERSION"]` within `:profiles :dev :dependencies`. For example: ```cljs :profiles {:dev {:dependencies [[some-other-package "0.0.0"] [day8.re-frame/trace "0.0.0 (see version above)"]] }} ``` - Locate the `:compiler` map under `:dev` and add: - `:closure-defines {"re_frame.trace.trace_enabled_QMARK_" true}` - `:preloads [day8.re-frame.trace.preload]` For example: ```cljs {:builds [{:id "dev" :source-paths ["src" "dev"] :compiler {... :closure-defines {"re_frame.trace.trace_enabled_QMARK_" true} :preloads [day8.re-frame.trace.preload]}}]} ``` [cljs-devtools](https://github.com/binaryage/cljs-devtools) is not required to use re-frame-trace, but it is highly recommended. ## Usage - **Make sure you have followed all of the installation instructions above.** - Start up your application. - Once it is loaded, focus the document window and press `ctrl-h` to slide open the trace panel and enable tracing. - When the panel is closed, tracing is disabled. ## Troubleshooting * Try a `lein clean` * Make sure you have followed all the installation steps. ## How does it work? re-frame has instrumentation to collect traces throughout various important points in the lifecycle of a re-frame app. re-frame-trace is a consumer of these traces, and provides visualisations of the traces. These traces have a well-defined structure, and will eventually be standardised, allowing other developers to create their own tooling to work against the traces. Currently, re-frame's tracing and re-frame-trace are in alpha and are subject to change at any time. By default, re-frame tracing is compiled out, so it won't impose a performance cost in production. The trade-off here is that you need to explicitly enable it in development. The [preloads](https://github.com/clojure/clojurescript/wiki/Compiler-Options#preloads) option (`:preloads [day8.re-frame.trace.preload]`) has to be set in order to automatically monkeypatch Reagent to add appropriate lifecycle hooks. Yes this is gross, and yes we will try and make a PR to reagent to add proper hooks, once we know exactly what we need. The preload namespace also injects a div containing the devtools panel into the DOM. ## Developing/Contributing If you want to work on re-frame-trace, see [DEVELOPERS.md](DEVELOPERS.md). ## Citations [open](https://thenounproject.com/search/?q=popout&i=334227) by Bluetip Design from the Noun Project