Handle path-str changes from the user

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Compton 2018-01-16 15:54:27 +13:00
parent 21d66ab37f
commit ec242d53f5
2 changed files with 38 additions and 15 deletions

View File

@ -281,24 +281,46 @@
(fn [paths _]
(assoc paths (js/Date.now) {:diff? false :open? true :path []})))
(assoc paths (js/Date.now) {:diff? false :open? true :path nil :path-str "[]" :valid-path? true})))
(defn read-string-maybe [s]
(try (cljs.tools.reader.edn/read-string s)
(catch :default e
;; The core idea with :app-db/update-path and :app-db/update-path-blur
;; is that we need to separate the users text input (`path-str`) with the
;; parsing of that string (`path`). We let the user type any string that
;; they like, and check it for validity on each change. If it is valid
;; then we update `path` and mark the pod as valid. If it isn't valid then
;; we don't update `path` and mark the pod as invalid.
;; On blur of the input, we reset path-str to the last valid path, if
;; the pod isn't currently valid.
(fn [paths [_ path-id path-str]]
(let [cleaned-path path-str
trimmed-path (str/trim path-str)
cleaned-path (if (str/starts-with? trimmed-path "[")
(str "[" cleaned-path))
cleaned-path (if (str/ends-with? trimmed-path "]")
(str "]" cleaned-path))]
(assoc-in paths [path-id :path] (cljs.tools.reader.edn/read-string cleaned-path)))
(catch :default e
(let [path (read-string-maybe path-str)
paths (assoc-in paths [path-id :path-str] path-str)]
(if (or (and (some? path)
(sequential? path))
(str/blank? path-str))
(-> paths
(assoc-in [path-id :path] path)
(assoc-in [path-id :valid-path?] true))
(assoc-in paths [path-id :valid-path?] false)))))
(fn [paths [_ path-id]]
(let [{:keys [valid-path? path]} (get paths path-id)]
(if valid-path?
(-> (assoc-in paths [path-id :path-str] (pr-str path))
(assoc-in [path-id :valid-path?] true))))))

View File

@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
:children ["end epoch state"]]
:on-click #(rf/dispatch [:snapshot/load-snapshot @app-db-after])]]]]]))
(defn pod-header [{:keys [id path open? diff?]}]
(defn pod-header [{:keys [id path path-str open? diff?]}]
:class (str "app-db-path--header " (when-not open? "app-db-path--header__closed"))
:align :center
@ -176,11 +176,12 @@
:class "app-db-path--path-header"
:size "auto"
:children [[rc/input-text
:attr {:on-blur (fn [e] (rf/dispatch [:app-db/update-path-blur id]))}
:style {:height "25px"
:padding (css-join "0px" common/gs-7s)
:width "-webkit-fill-available"} ;; This took a bit of finding!
:width "100%"
:model (pr-str path)
:model path-str
:on-change #(rf/dispatch [:app-db/update-path id %]) ;;(fn [input-string] (rf/dispatch [:app-db/search-string input-string]))
:on-submit #() ;; #(rf/dispatch [:app-db/add-path %])
:change-on-blur? false