Provide system message when no event is being shown

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Daniel Compton 2018-02-12 07:31:02 +13:00
parent 4e5eb6208b
commit d89616374c
1 changed files with 8 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -87,7 +87,10 @@
(defn standard-header [external-window?]
(let [current-event @(rf/subscribe [:epochs/current-event])
older-epochs-available? @(rf/subscribe [:epochs/older-epochs-available?])
newer-epochs-available? @(rf/subscribe [:epochs/newer-epochs-available?])]
newer-epochs-available? @(rf/subscribe [:epochs/newer-epochs-available?])
event-str (if (some? current-event)
(subs (prn-str current-event) 0 400)
"No event")]
:align :center
:size "auto"
@ -100,8 +103,9 @@
:style {:max-height "42px" ;42 is exactly 2 lines which is perhaps neater than common/gs-50s (which would allow 3 lines to be seen)
:overflow-x "hidden"
:overflow-y "auto"
:background-color "white"}
:children [[:span.event-header (subs (prn-str current-event) 0 400)]]]
:background-color "white"
:font-style (if (some? current-event) "normal" "italic")}
:children [[:span.event-header event-str]]]
[:span.arrow (if newer-epochs-available?
{:on-click #(rf/dispatch [:epochs/next-epoch])}
{:class "arrow__disabled"})