Don't interfere with app's cljs-devtools prefs

Also properly set :initial-hierarchy-depth-budget
This commit is contained in:
Antonin Hildebrand 2017-10-30 19:28:05 +01:00
parent 77068d3b5d
commit cf81870e13

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@ -1,16 +1,12 @@
(:require-macros [ :refer [with-cljs-devtools-prefs]])
(:require [reagent.core :as r]
[clojure.string :as str]
[devtools.formatters.core :as cljs-devtools]
[ :as localstorage]
[ :as components]))
(devtools.prefs/set-pref! :header-style "")
;; Hide the index spans on the left hand of collections. Shows how many elements in a collection.
(devtools.prefs/set-pref! :none-style "display: none")
(devtools.prefs/set-pref! :index-tag [:span :none-style])
(defn string->css [css-string]
"This function converts jsonml css-strings to valid css maps for hiccup.
Example: 'margin-left:0px;min-height:14px;' converts to
@ -21,10 +17,28 @@
(reduce (fn [acc [property value]]
(assoc acc (keyword property) value)) {})))
(def config {:initial-hierarchy-depth-budget false})
(declare jsonml->hiccup)
(def default-cljs-devtools-prefs @devtools.prefs/default-config)
(def customized-cljs-devtools-prefs
{:header-style ""
:none-style "display: none"
:index-tag [:span :none-style] ;;; Hide the index spans on the left hand of collections. Shows how many elements in a collection.
:initial-hierarchy-depth-budget false})
(def effective-cljs-devtools-prefs (merge default-cljs-devtools-prefs customized-cljs-devtools-prefs))
(defn make-devtools-api-call [api-fn & args]
(with-cljs-devtools-prefs effective-cljs-devtools-prefs
(apply api-fn args)))
(defn cljs-devtools-header [& args]
(apply make-devtools-api-call devtools.formatters.core/header-api-call args))
(defn cljs-devtools-body [& args]
(apply make-devtools-api-call devtools.formatters.core/body-api-call args))
(defn data-structure [jsonml]
(let [expanded? (r/atom false)]
(fn [jsonml]
@ -35,10 +49,10 @@
:on-click #(swap! expanded? not)}
[:button.expansion-button (if @expanded? "▼" "▶")]]
(jsonml->hiccup (if @expanded?
(.-object (get jsonml 1))
(.-config (get jsonml 1)))
(.-object (get jsonml 1))
(.-config (get jsonml 1)))))])))
@ -81,7 +95,7 @@
(and @expanded?
(or (string? data)
(number? data))) [:div {:style {:margin "10px 0"}} data]
@expanded? (jsonml->hiccup (cljs-devtools/header-api-call data config)))]])))
@expanded? (jsonml->hiccup (cljs-devtools-header data)))]])))
(defn render-state [data]
(let [subtree-input (r/atom "")