Collect layer 2/3 information when subs run
We can then use it for determining subscription layer level when subs are created or destroyed.
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This change
* External windows not loading
* All app-db and subscription path expansions are now independent of each other [#134](
* Layer 2/3 calculations are more accurate now. We now use the last seen layer level when a subscription runs, to inform it's layer level if it was created or destroyed.
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
This document briefly explains why `re-frame-trace` gives you an option to
ignore unchanged layer 2 subscriptions.
@ -41,3 +40,20 @@ value "last time".
On the other hand, if a `layer 2` subscription runs and its value is
different to last time, that's potentially fascinating and you'll want to
be told all about it. :-)
### Why do I sometimes see "Layer ?" when viewing a subscription?
To determine whether a subscription is a layer 2 or layer 3, re-frame-trace
looks at the input signals to a subscription. If one of the input signals is
app-db then the subscription is a layer 2 sub, otherwise it is a layer 3. If
a subscription hasn't run yet, then we can't know if it is a layer 2 or 3.
In almost all cases, a subscription will be created (by `(subscribe [:my-sub])`)
and run (by dereferencing the subscription) within the same epoch, providing
the layer level. If you see "Layer ?" this means that a subscription was created
but not used. This may indicate a bug in your application, although there are
cases where this is ok.
In most cases, after a few more epochs, that subscription will have run, and we
know it's layer level, and can use it for any subscriptions shown on any future
(and past) epochs.
@ -510,9 +510,25 @@
(contains? events-to-ignore (first event)))) new-matches)
all-matches (reduce conj previous-matches new-matches)
retained-matches (into [] (take-last number-of-epochs-to-retain all-matches))
app-db-id (get-in db [:app-db :reagent-id])
subscription-info (->> new-traces
(filter metam/subscription-re-run?)
(reduce (fn [state trace]
;; TODO: can we take any shortcuts by assuming that a sub with
;; multiple input signals is a layer 3? I don't *think* so because
;; one of those input signals could be a naughty subscription to app-db
;; directly.
;; If any of the input signals are app-db, it is a layer 2 sub, else 3
(assoc-in state
[(:operation trace) :layer]
(if (some #(= app-db-id %) (get-in trace [:tags :input-signals]))
(get-in db [:epochs :subscription-info] {})))
first-id-to-retain (:id (ffirst retained-matches))
retained-traces (into [] (comp (drop-while #(< (:id %) first-id-to-retain))
(remove (fn [trace] (or (when drop-reagent (metam/low-level-reagent-trace? trace))
(remove (fn [trace]
(or (when drop-reagent (metam/low-level-reagent-trace? trace))
(when drop-re-frame (metam/low-level-re-frame-trace? trace)))))) all-traces)]
(-> db
(assoc-in [:traces :all-traces] retained-traces)
@ -521,7 +537,8 @@
:matches retained-matches
:matches-by-id (into {} (map (juxt first-match-id identity)) retained-matches)
:match-ids (mapv first-match-id retained-matches)
:parse-state parse-state)))))
:parse-state parse-state
:subscription-info subscription-info)))))
;; Else
@ -351,6 +351,12 @@
(fn [traces]
(filter metam/subscription? traces)))
:<- [:epochs/epoch-root]
(fn [epoch]
(:subscription-info epoch)))
(defn sub-sort-val
(case (:type sub)
@ -375,7 +381,8 @@
:<- [:subs/all-sub-traces]
:<- [:app-db/reagent-id]
(fn [[traces app-db-id]]
:<- [:subs/subscription-info]
(fn [[traces app-db-id sub-info]]
(let [raw (map (fn [trace] (let [pod-type (sub-op-type->type trace)
path-data (get-in trace [:tags :query-v])
;; TODO: detect layer 2/3 for sub/create and sub/destroy
@ -385,7 +392,7 @@
{:id (str pod-type (get-in trace [:tags :reaction]))
:type pod-type
:layer layer
:layer (get-in sub-info [(:operation trace) :layer])
:path-data path-data
:path (pr-str path-data)
:value (get-in trace [:tags :value])
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
:model path
:disabled? true]]]
[rc/gap-f :size common/gs-12s]
[rc/label :label (str "Layer " layer)]
[rc/label :label (str "Layer " (if (some? layer) layer "?"))]
;; TODO: capture previous sub run value and allow diffing it.
#_[rc/gap-f :size common/gs-12s]
Reference in New Issue