mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 15:10:32 +00:00
Only show traces for the current epoch
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,7 +8,8 @@
[day8.re-frame.trace.view.container :as container]
[day8.re-frame.trace.styles :as styles]
[clojure.set :as set]))
[clojure.set :as set]
[day8.re-frame.trace.metamorphic :as metam]))
(defonce traces (r/atom []))
(defonce total-traces (r/atom 0))
@ -26,18 +27,21 @@
(defn enable-tracing! []
(re-frame.trace/register-trace-cb ::cb (fn [new-traces]
(when-let [new-traces (filter log-trace? new-traces)]
(when-let [new-traces (->> (filter log-trace? new-traces)
(sort-by :id))]
(swap! total-traces + (count new-traces))
(swap! traces
(fn [existing]
(let [new (reduce conj existing new-traces)
size (count new)]
(if (< 4000 size)
(let [new2 (subvec new (- size 2000))]
(if (< @total-traces 20000) ;; Create a new vector to avoid structurally sharing all traces forever
(if (< 8000 size)
(let [new2 (subvec new (- size 4000))]
(if (< @total-traces 40000) ;; Create a new vector to avoid structurally sharing all traces forever
(do (reset! total-traces 0)
(into [] new2))))
(rf/dispatch [:traces/update-traces @traces])
(rf/dispatch [:epochs/update-epochs (metam/parse-traces @traces)])))))
(defn dissoc-in
"Dissociates an entry from a nested associative structure returning a new
@ -318,3 +322,29 @@
(fn [snapshot _]
(reset! re-frame.db/app-db (:current-snapshot snapshot))
[(rf/path [:epochs :matches])]
(fn [matches [_ rt]]
(:matches rt)))
[(rf/path [:epochs :current-epoch-index])]
(fn [index _]
((fnil dec 0) index)))
[(rf/path [:epochs :current-epoch-index])]
(fn [index _]
((fnil inc 0) index)))
[(rf/path [:traces :all-traces])]
(fn [_ [_ traces]]
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
(ns day8.re-frame.trace.metamorphic
(:require [metamorphic.api :as m]
[metamorphic.runtime :as rt]
[metamorphic.viz :as v]))
[metamorphic.viz :as v])))
;; Next, we define predicate functions that take exactly 4 arguments.
;; These predicates are obviously incredibly boring, but they help
@ -65,12 +66,17 @@
(= :running (get-in event [:tags :current-state]))
(= :idle (get-in event [:tags :new-state]))))
(defn request-animation-frame? [event history pattern-sequence pattern]
(= :raf (:op-type event)))
(defn trace-events [] (->> (slurp "test-resources/events2.edn")
(clojure.edn/read-string {:readers {'utc identity
'object (fn [x] "<object>")}})
(sort-by :id))
(defn request-animation-frame-end? [event history pattern-sequence pattern]
(= :raf-end (:op-type event)))
#?(:clj (defn trace-events [] (->> (slurp "test-resources/events2.edn")
(clojure.edn/read-string {:readers {'utc identity
'object (fn [x] "<object>")}})
(sort-by :id))))
(defn summarise-event [ev]
@ -79,17 +85,37 @@
(defn summarise-match [match]
(map summarise-event match))
(defn parse-events []
(defn parse-events []
#_ (let [runtime (-> (m/new-pattern-sequence "simple traces")
(m/begin "new-epoch-started" new-epoch-started?)
#_(m/followed-by "redispatched-event" redispatched-event? {:optional? true})
#_(m/followed-by "router-scheduled" router-scheduled? {:optional? true})
(m/followed-by "event-run" event-run?)
(m/followed-by "router-finished" router-finished?)
(m/followed-by "raf" request-animation-frame?)
(m/followed-by "raf-end" request-animation-frame-end?)
events (trace-events)
rt (reduce rt/evaluate-event runtime events)]
#_(println "Count"
(count (:matches rt))
(map count (:matches rt)))
(map summarise-match (:matches rt)))))
(defn parse-traces
"Returns a metamorphic runtime"
(let [runtime (-> (m/new-pattern-sequence "simple traces")
(m/begin "new-epoch-started" new-epoch-started?)
#_(m/followed-by "redispatched-event" redispatched-event? {:optional? true})
#_ (m/followed-by "router-scheduled" router-scheduled? {:optional? true})
(m/followed-by "event-run" event-run?)
(m/followed-by "router-finished" router-finished?)
(m/followed-by "raf" request-animation-frame?)
(m/followed-by "raf-end" request-animation-frame-end?)
events (trace-events)
rt (reduce rt/evaluate-event runtime events)]
rt (reduce rt/evaluate-event runtime traces)]
#_(println "Count"
(count (:matches rt))
(map count (:matches rt)))
(map summarise-match (:matches rt))))
(count (:matches rt))
(map count (:matches rt)))
#_(map summarise-match (:matches rt))
@ -59,6 +59,11 @@
(fn [db _]
(:traces db)))
(fn [db _]
@ -74,6 +79,29 @@
(fn [db _]
(get-in db [:traces :categories])))
:<- [:traces/trace-root]
(fn [traces _]
(:all-traces traces)))
:<- [:traces/trace-root]
(fn [traces _]
(count traces)))
:<- [:traces/all-traces]
:<- [:epochs/beginning-trace-id]
:<- [:epochs/ending-trace-id]
(fn [[traces beginning ending] _]
(filter #(<= beginning (:id %) ending) traces)
(fn [db _]
@ -91,3 +119,56 @@
:<- [:snapshot/snapshot-root]
(fn [snapshot _]
(contains? snapshot :current-snapshot)))
(fn [db _]
(:epochs db)))
:<- [:epochs/epoch-root]
(fn [epochs _]
(let [matches (:matches epochs)
current-index (:current-epoch-index epochs)
match (nth matches (+ (count matches) (or current-index 0)) (last matches))
event (get-in (second match) [:tags :event])]
:<- [:epochs/epoch-root]
(fn [epochs _]
(count (get epochs :matches))))
:<- [:epochs/epoch-root]
(fn [epochs _]
(:current-epoch-index epochs)))
:<- [:epochs/current-event-index]
:<- [:epochs/number-of-matches]
(fn [[current total]]
(str current " of " total)))
:<- [:epochs/epoch-root]
(fn [epochs]
;; TODO: make it use the real match
(let [match (last (:matches epochs))]
(:id (first match)))))
:<- [:epochs/epoch-root]
(fn [epochs]
;; TODO: make it use the real match
(let [match (last (:matches epochs))]
(:id (last match)))))
@ -66,19 +66,20 @@
[right-hand-buttons external-window?]])
(defn standard-header [external-window?]
:align :center
:size "auto"
:gap common/gs-12s
[[:span.arrow "◀"]
(let [current-event @(rf/subscribe [:epochs/current-event])]
:align :center
:size "auto"
:children [[:span.event-header "[:some-namespace/blah 34 \"Hello\""]]]
[:span.arrow "▶"]]]
[rc/gap-f :size common/gs-12s]
[rc/line :size "2px" :color common/sidebar-heading-divider-color]
[right-hand-buttons external-window?]]
:gap common/gs-12s
[[:span.arrow {:on-click #(rf/dispatch [:epochs/previous-epoch])} "◀"]
:size "auto"
:children [[:span.event-header (prn-str current-event)]]]
[:span.arrow {:on-click #(rf/dispatch [:epochs/next-epoch])} "▶"]]]
[rc/gap-f :size common/gs-12s]
[rc/line :size "2px" :color common/sidebar-heading-divider-color]
[right-hand-buttons external-window?]])
(defn devtools-inner [traces opts]
@ -125,7 +126,7 @@
:style {:margin-left common/gs-19s}
[(case @selected-tab
:overview [overview/render]
:overview [overview/render traces]
:app-db [app-db/render-state db/app-db]
:subs [subs/subs-panel]
:views [views/render]
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
(ns day8.re-frame.trace.view.overview
(:require [day8.re-frame.trace.utils.re-com :as rc]))
(:require [day8.re-frame.trace.utils.re-com :as rc]
[day8.re-frame.trace.metamorphic :as metam]))
(defn render []
(defn render [traces]
[[rc/label :label "Event"]
@ -23,10 +23,12 @@
:style {:padding-top common/gs-31s}
:gap common/gs-19s
[[rc/label :label "Retain last 10 epochs"]
[:button "Clear All Epochs"]]
[[:p "8 epochs currently retained, involving 10,425 traces."]]]
[(let [num-epochs @(rf/subscribe [:epochs/number-of-matches])
num-traces @(rf/subscribe [:traces/number-of-traces])]
[[rc/label :label "Retain last 10 epochs"]
[:button "Clear All Epochs"]]
[[:p num-epochs " epochs currently retained, involving " num-traces " traces."]]])
@ -64,7 +64,8 @@
(str/join ", ")
(pp/truncate-string :middle 40)))]]]
(.toFixed duration 1) " ms"]]
#_ #_(.toFixed duration 1) " ms"]]
(when show-row?
[:tr.trace--details {:key (str id "-details")
:tab-index 0}
@ -86,7 +87,10 @@
filter-type (r/atom :contains)
input-error (r/atom false)
categories (rf/subscribe [:traces/categories])
trace-detail-expansions (rf/subscribe [:traces/expansions])]
trace-detail-expansions (rf/subscribe [:traces/expansions])
beginning (rf/subscribe [:epochs/beginning-trace-id])
end (rf/subscribe [:epochs/ending-trace-id])
traces (rf/subscribe [:traces/current-event-traces])]
(fn []
(let [toggle-category-fn #(rf/dispatch [:traces/toggle-categories %])
visible-traces (cond->> @traces
@ -141,6 +145,7 @@
:on-click #(rf/dispatch [:traces/remove-filter (:id item)])}
(:filter-type item) ": " [:span.filter-item-string (:query item)]]])
[:pre @beginning " to " @end]
[components/autoscroll-list {:class "panel-content-scrollable" :scroll? true}
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