Limit captured traces to max 4,000 to prevent performance slowdowns

Fixes #91
This commit is contained in:
Daniel Compton 2017-10-26 16:59:38 +13:00
parent f1bfdc2476
commit a1af35b316

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@ -94,14 +94,14 @@
(reagent.impl.batching/do-after-render (fn [] (trace/with-trace {:op-type :raf-end})))
(def total-traces (interop/ratom 0))
(def traces (interop/ratom []))
(defn log-trace? [trace]
(let [rendering? (= (:op-type trace) :render)]
(if-not rendering?
(not (str/includes? (or (get-in trace [:tags :component-path]) "") "day8.re_frame.trace")))
(not (str/includes? (get-in trace [:tags :component-path] "") "day8.re_frame.trace")))
#_(if-let [comp-p (get-in trace [:tags :component-path])]
@ -112,8 +112,17 @@
(defn enable-tracing! []
(re-frame.trace/register-trace-cb ::cb (fn [new-traces]
(let [new-traces (filter log-trace? new-traces)]
(swap! traces #(reduce conj % new-traces))))))
(when-let [new-traces (filter log-trace? new-traces)]
(swap! total-traces + (count new-traces))
(swap! traces (fn [existing]
(let [new (reduce conj existing new-traces)
size (count new)]
(if (< 4000 size)
(let [new2 (subvec new (- size 2000))]
(if (< @total-traces 20000) ;; Create a new vector to avoid structurally sharing all traces forever
(do (reset! total-traces 0)
(into [] new2))))
(defn init-tracing!
"Sets up any initial state that needs to be there for tracing. Does not enable tracing."