Continue working

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Compton 2016-11-16 11:36:47 +13:00
parent 6b8b961d13
commit 9335c3963c
3 changed files with 146 additions and 130 deletions

View File

@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
(defn log-trace? [trace] (defn log-trace? [trace]
(let [render-type? (= (:type trace) :render)] (let [render-type? (= (:type trace) :render)]
(not (and render-type? (not (and render-type?
(str/includes? (or (get-in trace [:tags :component-path]) "") "day8.re_frame.trace.devtools"))))) (str/includes? (or (get-in trace [:tags :component-path]) "") "day8.re_frame.trace")))))
(defn init-tracing! [] (defn init-tracing! []
(re-frame.tracing/register-trace-cb ::cb (fn [new-traces] (re-frame.tracing/register-trace-cb ::cb (fn [new-traces]
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@
(doall (doall
(for [{:keys [type id operation tags duration] :as trace} showing-traces] (for [{:keys [type id operation tags duration] :as trace} showing-traces]
(let [row-style (merge padding {:border-top (case type :event "1px solid lightgrey" nil)}) (let [row-style (merge padding {:border-top (case type :event "1px solid lightgrey" nil)})
_ (js/console.log (devtools/header-api-call tags)) #_ #_ _ (js/console.log (devtools/header-api-call tags))
] ]
(list [:tr {:key id (list [:tr {:key id
:style {:color (case type :style {:color (case type

View File

@ -31,8 +31,7 @@
:when (every? some? [input-signal reaction])] :when (every? some? [input-signal reaction])]
{:source input-signal :target reaction :value link-val {:source input-signal :target reaction :value link-val
:id (str input-signal "|" reaction)}))) :id (str input-signal "|" reaction)})))
(into {} (map (fn [trace] [(:id trace) trace]))) (distinct-k :id)))
(defn select-sub-nodes [traces type disposed-ids r] (defn select-sub-nodes [traces type disposed-ids r]
(->> traces (->> traces
@ -45,24 +44,23 @@
:group 2 :group 2
:r r :r r
:data trace})) :data trace}))
(into {} (map (fn [trace] [(:id trace) trace]))) (distinct-k :id)))
(defn select-view-nodes [traces type unmounted-components r] (defn select-view-nodes [traces type unmounted-components r]
(->> traces (->> traces
(select-type type) (select-type type)
(remove #(contains? unmounted-components (:id %))) (remove #(contains? unmounted-components (get-reaction %)))
(map (fn [trace] (map (fn [trace]
{:id (get-reaction trace) {:id (get-reaction trace)
:title (str (get-reaction trace) " " (:operation trace)) :title (str (:operation trace))
:group 3 :group 3
:r r :r r
:data trace :data trace
:fx 250})) :fx 350}))
(remove #(nil? (:id %))) ;; remove reactions that are null (mostly from input fields???) (remove #(nil? (:id %))) ;; remove reactions that are null (mostly from input fields???)
(into {} (map (fn [trace] [(:id trace) trace]))) (distinct-k :id)))
)) ;; Use to constrain nodes
(defn trace->sub-graph [traces extra-nodes] (defn trace->sub-graph [traces extra-nodes]
(let [disposed-ids (->> (select-type :sub/dispose traces) (let [disposed-ids (->> (select-type :sub/dispose traces)
@ -71,10 +69,11 @@
unmounted-components (->> (select-type :componentWillUnmount traces) unmounted-components (->> (select-type :componentWillUnmount traces)
(map get-reaction) (map get-reaction)
set) set)
sub-nodes (select-sub-nodes traces :sub/create disposed-ids 10) sub-nodes (select-sub-nodes traces :sub/create disposed-ids 10)
view-nodes (select-view-nodes traces :render unmounted-components 5) view-nodes nil #_ (select-view-nodes traces :render unmounted-components 5)
sub-links (select-links traces :sub/run disposed-ids 1) sub-links (select-links traces :sub/run disposed-ids 1)
view-links (select-links traces :render unmounted-components 0.5) view-links nil #_ (select-links traces :render unmounted-components 0.5)
all-nodes (concat extra-nodes sub-nodes view-nodes) all-nodes (concat extra-nodes sub-nodes view-nodes)
node-ids (set (map :id all-nodes)) node-ids (set (map :id all-nodes))
nodes-links (->> (mapcat (fn [{:keys [source target]}] [source target]) view-links) set) nodes-links (->> (mapcat (fn [{:keys [source target]}] [source target]) view-links) set)

View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
(def width 400) (def width 400)
(def height 400) (def height 400)
(def prev-graph (atom nil))
(def mygraph (r/atom {:nodes [{:id 1 :group 1} (def mygraph (r/atom {:nodes [{:id 1 :group 1}
{:id 2 :group 1} {:id 2 :group 1}
{:id 3 :group 2}] {:id 3 :group 2}]
@ -23,6 +24,8 @@
:fx 15 :fx 15
:fy (/ height 2)}) :fy (/ height 2)})
(defn render-node? [d]
(= "render" (gob/getValueByKeys d "data" "type")))
(defn min-max (defn min-max
"Returns x if it is within min-val and max-val "Returns x if it is within min-val and max-val
@ -34,33 +37,10 @@
(assert (<= min-val max-val)) (assert (<= min-val max-val))
(cljs.core/max min-val (cljs.core/min x max-val))) (cljs.core/max min-val (cljs.core/min x max-val)))
(defn ticked [selector]
(fn []
;(println "ticked")
(let [link-sel (.. selector
(selectAll "g.links > line"))
circle-sel (.. selector
(selectAll "g.node > circle"))
label-sel (.. selector
(selectAll "g.node > text"))]
(.. link-sel
(attr "x1" (fn [d] (.. d -source -x)))
(attr "y1" (fn [d] (.. d -source -y)))
(attr "x2" (fn [d] (.. d -target -x)))
(attr "y2" (fn [d] (.. d -target -y))))
(.. circle-sel
(attr "cx" (fn [d] (set! (.-x d) (min-max (.. d -r) (.. d -x) (- width (.. d -r))))))
(attr "cy" (fn [d] (set! (.-y d) (min-max (.. d -r) (.. d -y) (- height (.. d -r)))))))
(.. label-sel
(attr "x" (fn [d] (+ 2 (.-x d) (.-r d))))
(attr "y" #(+ (.-y %)))))))
(defn render-subvis [traces-ratom] (defn render-subvis [traces-ratom]
(let [color-a (atom nil) (let [color-a (atom nil)
svg-a (atom nil) svg-a (atom nil)
simulation-a (atom nil) simulation-a (atom nil)]
run? (atom false)]
(fn [] (fn []
(println "Render subvis") (println "Render subvis")
[:div [:div
@ -70,109 +50,146 @@
{:render-component (fn [ratom] {:render-component (fn [ratom]
[:svg#d3cmp {:width width :height height}]) [:svg#d3cmp {:width width :height height}])
:d3-once (fn [ratom] :d3-once (fn [ratom]
(let [color (reset! color-a (.scaleOrdinal js/d3 (.-schemeCategory20 js/d3))) (let [svg (reset! svg-a (. js/d3 select "#d3cmp"))]
svg (reset! svg-a (. js/d3 select "#d3cmp")) (reset! color-a (.scaleOrdinal js/d3 (.-schemeCategory20 js/d3)))
simulation (reset! simulation-a (reset! simulation-a
(.. js/d3 (.. js/d3
(forceSimulation) (forceSimulation)
(force "link" (.. js/d3 (forceLink) (force "link" (.. js/d3 (forceLink)
(id #(.-id %)) (id #(.-id %))
(distance (constantly 100)))) (distance (constantly 100))))
(force "charge" (.. js/d3 (forceManyBody) (force "charge" (.. js/d3 (forceManyBody)
(strength (constantly -100)))) (strength (constantly -100))))
(force "center" (. js/d3 forceCenter (/ width 2) (/ height 2))))) (force "center" (. js/d3 forceCenter (/ width 2) (/ height 2)))))
(.. (. svg append "g")
link (.. (. svg append "g") (attr "class" "links"))
(attr "class" "links")) (.. (. svg append "g")
(attr "class" "nodes"))))
node (.. (. svg append "g")
(attr "class" "nodes"))]))
:d3-update (fn [ratom] :d3-update (fn [ratom]
(when-not false #_@run? (let [old-g @prev-graph ;; TODO: is this working?
#_(reset! run? true) graph (reset! prev-graph (graph/trace->sub-graph @ratom [app-db-node]))]
(let [graph (graph/trace->sub-graph @ratom [app-db-node]) (js/console.log ( old-g graph))
nodes (clj->js (:nodes graph)) (when (not= old-g graph)
links (clj->js (:links graph)) (println "Running")
svg @svg-a (let [simulation @simulation-a
color @color-a color @color-a
simulation @simulation-a svg @svg-a
dragstarted (fn [d] graph (graph/trace->sub-graph @ratom [app-db-node])
(when (zero? (.. js/d3 -event -active)) nodes (clj->js (:nodes graph))
(.. simulation links (clj->js (:links graph))
(alphaTarget 0.3) drag-started (fn [d]
(restart))) (when (zero? (.. js/d3 -event -active))
(.. simulation
(alphaTarget 0.3)
dragged (fn [d]
(set! (.-fx d) (.. js/d3 -event -x))
(set! (.-fy d) (.. js/d3 -event -y)))
drag-ended (fn [d]
(when (zero? (.. js/d3 -event -active))
(.. simulation
(alphaTarget 0.0)))
(set! (.-fx d) nil)
(set! (.-fy d) nil))
#_(set! (.-fx d) (.. js/d3 -event -x)) ; (.-x d) ;; Links
#_(set! (.-fy d) (.. js/d3 -event -y))) link (.. svg
(select "g.links")
(selectAll "line")
(data links #(.-id %)))
enter-link (.. link
(append "line")
(attr "stroke-width" (fn [d] (Math/sqrt (.-value d)))))
merged-link (.. enter-link (merge link))
_ (.. link
(remove "line"))
dragged (fn [d] ;; Nodes
(set! (.-fx d) (.. js/d3 -event -x)) node (.. svg
(set! (.-fy d) (.. js/d3 -event -y))) (select "g.nodes")
(selectAll ".node")
(data nodes #(.-id %)))
enter-node (.. node
(append "g")
(attr "class" "node")
(call (.. js/d3 (drag)
(on "start" drag-started)
(on "drag" dragged)
(on "end" drag-ended))))
circle (.. enter-node
(append "circle")
(attr "r" (fn [d] (.-r d)))
(attr "fill" (fn [d] (color (.-group d)))))
text (.. enter-node
(append "text")
(attr "dx" (fn [d] (if (render-node? d)
(attr "dy" "0.35em")
(attr "text-anchor" (fn [d]
(if (render-node? d)
(attr "opacity" 1)
(text (fn [d] (.-title d))))
dragended (fn [d] merged-node (.. enter-node (merge node))
(when (zero? (.. js/d3 -event -active))
(.. simulation
(alphaTarget 0.0)))
(set! (.-fx d) nil)
(set! (.-fy d) nil))
link (.. svg ticked (fn []
(select ".links") (.. merged-node
(selectAll "line") (attr "transform"
(data links (fn [d] (.-id d)))) (fn [d]
(let [r (.-r d)
x (min-max r (.-x d) (- width r))
y (min-max r (.-y d) (- height r))]
(set! (.-x d) x)
(set! (.-y d) y)
(str "translate(" x "," y ")")))))
new-link (.. link (.. merged-link
(enter) (attr "x1" (fn [d] (.. d -source -x)))
(append "line") (attr "y1" (fn [d] (.. d -source -y)))
(attr "stroke-width" (fn [d] (Math/sqrt (.-value d))))) (attr "x2" (fn [d] (.. d -target -x)))
(attr "y2" (fn [d] (.. d -target -y)))))
node (.. svg node-exit-t (.. node
(select ".nodes") (exit)
(selectAll "circle") (transition)
(data nodes)) (delay (fn [d i] (* i 30)))
(duration 500))
new-node (.. node
(append "g")
(attr "class" "node"))
circle (.. new-node _ (.. node-exit-t
(append "circle") (select "circle")
(attr "r" #(or (gob/get % "r" 10))) (attr "transform" "scale(0,0)")
(attr "fill" (fn [d] (color (.-group d)))) (attr "fill" "#000000"))
(call (.. (. js/d3 drag) _ (.. node-exit-t
(on "start" dragstarted) (select "text")
(on "drag" dragged) (attr "opacity" 0))
(on "end" dragended)))) _ (.. node-exit-t
(on "end" (fn [] (this-as this
(.. js/d3
(select this)
_ (.. node-exit-t
(call (fn []
(.. simulation
(nodes nodes)
(on "tick" ticked))
label (.. new-node (.. simulation
(append "text") (force "link")
(attr "dy" ".35em") (links links))
(text #(gob/get % "title" "")))
exit-node (.. node (.. simulation
(exit) (restart)
(remove "g")) (alpha 0.3)))))
exit-link (.. link ))))}
(remove "line"))
(println "Nodes count" (count nodes))
(println "Links count" (count links))
(.. simulation
(nodes nodes)
(on "tick" (ticked svg)))
(.. simulation
(force "link")
(links links))
(.. simulation
(alphaTarget 0.3)
traces-ratom] traces-ratom]
[:hr]]))) [:hr]])))