Sort subscriptions in a more pleasing manner

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Daniel Compton 2018-02-09 13:08:01 +13:00
parent 0c7aced207
commit 930ecc68f4
1 changed files with 32 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -411,17 +411,40 @@
(defn sub-sort-val
(defn sub-type-value
(case sub-type
:created 1
:re-run 2
:destroyed 3
:not-run 4))
:sub/create 5
:sub/run 4
:sub/dispose 3
:sub/not-run 2
(def subscription-comparator
(fn [x y]
(compare (sub-sort-val x) (sub-sort-val y))))
(defn accumulate-sub-value
"Calculate a sorting value for a series of subscription trace types."
;; A reader might reasonably ask, "Why are we going to all this work here?"
;; We calculate a custom value rather than just comparing two order vectors,
;; because the default compare logic for comparing vectors is to sort shorter
;; vectors above longer ones, whereas we want all CRR, CR, C orders to be
;; sorted adjacent to each other, in that order.
;; The first sub type in the order is worth (n * 10^3),
;; then the next one (if it exists), is worth (n * 10^2), and so-on.
(loop [exp 3
total 0
order order]
(if-let [sub-type (first order)]
(recur (dec exp) (+ total (* (sub-type-value sub-type) (js/Math.pow 10 exp))) (rest order))
(def accumulate-sub-value-memoized
(memoize accumulate-sub-value))
(defn sub-sort-val [order-x order-y]
;; Note x and y are reversed here so that the "highest" sub orders get sorted first.
(compare (accumulate-sub-value-memoized order-y)
(accumulate-sub-value-memoized order-x)))
(defn sub-op-type->type [t]
(case (:op-type t)
@ -455,7 +478,7 @@
(assoc sub :previous-value (:previous-value state))
(sort-by :path))
(sort-by :order sub-sort-val))
#_(utils/spy "subx" subx)