Calculate timing for :event/handler, improve fine precision timing

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Compton 2018-02-13 09:15:18 +13:00
parent 7681a90454
commit 91ab23d8bf
4 changed files with 33 additions and 11 deletions

View File

@ -549,9 +549,11 @@
(utils/id-between-xf (:id (first match)) (:id (last match))))
start-of-epoch (nth epoch-traces 0)
event-handler-trace (utils/spy (first (filter metam/event-handler? epoch-traces)))
finish-run (or (first (filter metam/finish-run? epoch-traces))
(utils/last-in-vec epoch-traces))]
{:re-frame/event-time (metam/elapsed-time start-of-epoch finish-run)}))
{:re-frame/event-time (metam/elapsed-time start-of-epoch finish-run)
:re-frame/event-handler-time (:duration event-handler-trace)}))
new-matches (map (fn [match sub-match t] {:match-info match

View File

@ -168,7 +168,9 @@
(= 2 (get sub :layer))))
(defn finish-run? [event]
(defn finish-run?
"Marks the end of event processing running."
(and (fsm-trigger? event)
(= (:operation event)
[:running :finish-run])))
@ -176,6 +178,9 @@
(defn event-run? [event]
(= :event (:op-type event)))
(defn event-handler? [trace]
(= :event/handler (:op-type trace)))
(defn start-of-epoch?
"Detects the start of a re-frame epoch

View File

@ -332,6 +332,14 @@
(fn [frame-traces]
(count (filter metam/request-animation-frame? frame-traces))))
(defn ^number +nil
"Returns the sum of nums. (+) returns nil (not 0 like in cljs.core)."
([] nil)
([x] x)
([x y] (cljs.core/+ x y))
([x y & more]
(reduce + (cljs.core/+ x y) more)))
:<- [:timing/animation-frame-traces]
@ -346,15 +354,13 @@
subs-time (transduce (comp
(filter metam/subscription?)
(map :duration))
+ af-traces)
+nil af-traces)
render-time (transduce (comp
(filter metam/render?)
(map :duration))
+ af-traces)
+nil af-traces)
;; TODO: where should rounding happen? In metam/elapsed-time?
;(js/console.log "start" start "end" end af-traces)
(js/console.log "tsubs" subs-time "subs" subs-time)
{:timing/animation-frame-total total-time
:timing/animation-frame-subs subs-time
:timing/animation-frame-render render-time
@ -365,10 +371,12 @@
:<- [:epochs/current-match-state]
(fn [match]
{:timing/event-total (get-in match [:timing :re-frame/event-time])
;;; TODO: calculate handler and effects timing separately
:timing/event-handler -1
:timing/event-effects -1}))
{:timing/event-total (get-in match [:timing :re-frame/event-time])
;;; TODO: calculate handler and effects timing separately
:timing/event-handler (get-in match [:timing :re-frame/event-handler-time])
:timing/event-effects nil})))

View File

@ -45,7 +45,14 @@
:gap "3px"
;; TODO: detect <1 ms timing here, to distinguish between none at all, and rounding to 0.
:children [[rc/label :class "bm-textbox-label" :label label]
[timing-tag (str (js/Math.round time) "ms")]]])
[timing-tag (cond
(nil? time) "-"
(= time 0) (str "0ms")
(< time 0.1) (str "<0.1ms")
(< time 1) (str (.toFixed time 1) "ms")
(some? time) (str (js/Math.round time) "ms")
(defn render []
(let [timing-data-available? @(rf/subscribe [:timing/data-available?])