Provide a diff message when a sub wasn't run

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Compton 2018-02-09 04:21:33 +13:00
parent e4ee6ce567
commit 8e6605f58d
1 changed files with 6 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -152,7 +152,8 @@
(def no-prev-value-msg [:p {:style {:font-style "italic"}} "No previous value exists to diff"])
(def unchanged-value-msg [:p {:style {:font-style "italic"}} "Subscription value is unchanged"])
(def not-run-msg [rc/label :style {:font-style "italic"} :label "Subscription not run, so no value produced."])
(def sub-not-run-msg [:p {:style {:font-style "italic"}} "Subscription not run, so no diff is available"])
(def not-run-yet-msg [rc/label :style {:font-style "italic"} :label "Subscription not run yet, so no value is available"])
(defn pod [{:keys [id layer path open? diff?] :as pod-info}]
(let [render-diff? (and open? diff?)
@ -182,7 +183,7 @@
["sub-path" path]]
(animated/v-box-options {:enter-animation "accordionVertical"
@ -190,6 +191,7 @@
:duration animation-duration})
(when render-diff?
(let [diffable? (and value? previous-value?)
not-run? (= (:order pod-info) [:sub/not-run])
previous-value (:previous-value pod-info)
value (:value pod-info)
unchanged-value? (get-in pod-info [:sub/traits :unchanged?] false)
@ -210,6 +212,7 @@
:style {:overflow-x "auto"
:overflow-y "hidden"}
:children [(cond
not-run? sub-not-run-msg
unchanged-value? unchanged-value-msg
diffable? [components/simple-render
@ -230,6 +233,7 @@
:style {:overflow-x "auto"
:overflow-y "hidden"}
:children [(cond
not-run? sub-not-run-msg
unchanged-value? unchanged-value-msg
diffable? [components/simple-render