Expand top layer of data structures

This commit is contained in:
chris (daiyi) 2017-09-29 11:04:28 +02:00
parent a2ece4b9fc
commit 762077ac0b
1 changed files with 41 additions and 33 deletions

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@ -18,47 +18,55 @@
(declare jsonml->hiccup)
(defn data-structure [jsonml]
(let [expanded? (r/atom false)]
(fn [jsonml]
{:class (str/join " " ["re-frame-trace--object"
(when @expanded? "expanded")])}
[:span {:class "toggle"
:on-click #(swap! expanded? not)}
[:button (if @expanded? "▼" "▶")]]
(jsonml->hiccup (if @expanded?
(.-object (get jsonml 1))
(.-config (get jsonml 1)))
(.-object (get jsonml 1))
(.-config (get jsonml 1)))))])))
(defn data-structure
(data-structure jsonml 0))
([jsonml depth]
(let [expanded? (r/atom false)]
(fn [jsonml]
{:class (str/join " " ["re-frame-trace--object"
(when @expanded? "expanded")])}
[:span {:class "toggle"
:on-click #(swap! expanded? not)}
[:button (if @expanded? "▼" "▶")]]
(jsonml->hiccup (if @expanded?
(.-object (get jsonml 1))
(.-config (get jsonml 1)))
(.-object (get jsonml 1))
(.-config (get jsonml 1))))
(+ depth 1))]))))
(defn jsonml->hiccup [jsonml]
(if (number? jsonml)
(let [[head & args] jsonml
tagnames #{"div" "span" "ol" "li" "table" "tr" "td"}]
(contains? tagnames head) (let [[style & children] args]
[(keyword head) {:style (-> (js->clj style)
(get "style")
(map jsonml->hiccup children)))
(defn jsonml->hiccup
(jsonml->hiccup jsonml 0))
([jsonml depth]
(if (number? jsonml)
(let [[head & args] jsonml
tagnames #{"div" "span" "ol" "li" "table" "tr" "td"}]
(contains? tagnames head) (let [[style & children] args]
[(keyword head) {:style (-> (js->clj style)
(get "style")
(map jsonml->hiccup children)))
(= head "object") [data-structure jsonml]
(= jsonml ", ") " "
:else jsonml))))
(= head "object") [data-structure jsonml (+ depth 1)]
(= jsonml ", ") " "
:else jsonml)))))
(defn subtree [data title]
(let [expanded? (r/atom false)]
(let [expanded? (r/atom true)]
(fn [data]
{:class (str/join " " ["re-frame-trace--object"
(when @expanded? "expanded")])}
[:span {:class "toggle"
[:span {:style {:margin-left 1}
:class "toggle"
:on-click #(swap! expanded? not)}
[:button (if @expanded? "▼ " "▶ ")]]
(or title "data")