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synced 2025-02-05 19:03:24 +00:00
Settings panel UI framework now implemented
This commit is contained in:
@ -76,6 +76,10 @@
[:.app-db-panel (common/panel-style border-radius)]
{:width "129px"
:padding "0px"}]
{:width "129px"
:padding "0px"}]
@ -1,63 +1,163 @@
(ns day8.re-frame.trace.view.settings
(:require [mranderson047.re-frame.v0v10v2.re-frame.core :as rf]
[day8.re-frame.trace.utils.re-com :as rc]
[day8.re-frame.trace.utils.re-com :as rc :refer [css-join]]
[mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.core :as r]
[day8.re-frame.trace.common-styles :as common]))
(def comp-section-width "400px")
(def instruction--section-width "190px")
(def horizontal-gap common/gs-7s)
(def vertical-gap common/gs-12s)
(def settings-styles
{:background-color common/white-background-color}]
(defn closeable-text-box
[& {:keys [model width on-close on-change]}]
:children [[rc/input-text
:width width
:style {:width width ;; TODO: Not needed in standard re-com but caused by :all unset
:height "25px"
:padding (css-join "0px" common/gs-5s)}
:model model
:change-on-blur? false
:on-change on-change]
:div-size 25
:font-size 25
:top-offset -4
:left-offset 10
:on-click on-close]]])
(defn explanation-text [children]
:width "150px"
:gap common/gs-19s
:width instruction--section-width
:gap common/gs-19s
:children children])
(defn settings-box
"settings and explanation are both children of re-com boxes"
[settings explanation]
[settings explanation min-height]
:justify :between
:children [[rc/v-box
:children settings]
[explanation-text explanation]]])
:gap common/gs-19s
:min-height min-height
:align :center
:children [[rc/v-box
:width comp-section-width
:gap vertical-gap
;:align-self :center
:children settings]
[explanation-text explanation]]])
(def txt (r/atom "1"))
(defn render []
:style {:padding-top common/gs-31s}
:gap common/gs-19s
[(let [num-epochs @(rf/subscribe [:epochs/number-of-matches])
num-traces @(rf/subscribe [:traces/number-of-traces])]
[[rc/label :label "Retain last 10 epochs"]
[:button "Clear All Epochs"]]
[[:p num-epochs " epochs currently retained, involving " num-traces " traces."]]])
:style {:margin-left common/gs-12s ;; A bit of a hack, 19px already provided by parent, add 12 to get to 31 as requires by spec
:margin-right common/gs-19s}
:children [(let [num-epochs @(rf/subscribe [:epochs/number-of-matches])
num-traces @(rf/subscribe [:traces/number-of-traces])]
:align :center
:gap horizontal-gap
:children [[rc/label :label "Retain last"]
:width common/gs-31s
:style {:width common/gs-31s ;; TODO: Not needed in standard re-com but caused by :all unset
:height "25px"
:padding (css-join "0px" common/gs-5s)}
:model txt
:change-on-blur? false
:on-change #(reset! txt %)]
[rc/label :label "epochs"]
[rc/gap-f :size common/gs-31s]
:class "bm-muted-button app-db-panel-button"
:label [rc/v-box
:align :center
:children ["clear all epochs"]]
:on-click #(println "Clicked CLEAR")]]]]
[[:p num-epochs " epochs currently retained, involving " num-traces " traces."]]
:align :center
:gap horizontal-gap
:children [[rc/label :label "Ignore epochs for:"]
:class "bm-muted-button app-db-panel-button"
:style {:width common/gs-81s}
:label [rc/v-box
:align :center
:children ["+ event-id"]]
:on-click #(println "Add EVENT ID")]]]
:align :center
:gap horizontal-gap
:children [[closeable-text-box
:model txt
:width "212px"
:on-close #(println "Clicked event-id")
:on-change #(reset! txt %)]]]]
[[:p "All trace associated with these events will be ignored."]
[:p "Useful if you want to ignore a periodic background polling event."]]
[[rc/label :label "Ignore epochs for:"]
[:button "+ event-id"]]
[[:p "All trace associated with these events will be ignored."]
[:p "Useful if you want to ignore a periodic background polling event."]]]
:align :center
:gap horizontal-gap
:children [[rc/label :label "Filter out trace for views in:"]
:class "bm-muted-button app-db-panel-button"
:style {:width "100px"}
:label [rc/v-box
:align :center
:children ["+ namespace"]]
:on-click #(println "Clicked NAMESPACE")]]]
:align :center
:gap horizontal-gap
:children [[closeable-text-box
:model txt
:width "343px"
:on-close #(println "Clicked namespace")
:on-change #(reset! txt %)]]]]
[[:p "Sometimes you want to focus on just your own views, and the trace associated with library views is just noise."]
[:p "Nominate one or more namespaces."]]
[[rc/label :label "Remove low level trace"]
:model false
:label "reagent internals"
:on-change #(rf/dispatch [:settings/low-level-trace :reagent %])]
:model false
:label "re-frame internals"
:on-change #(rf/dispatch [:settings/low-level-trace :re-frame %])]]
[[:p "Most of the time, low level trace is noisy and you want it filtered out."]]
[[rc/label :label "Filter out trace for views in "]
[:button "+ namespace"]]
[[:p "Sometimes you want to focus on just your own views, and the trace associated with library views is just noise."]
[:p "Nominate one or more namespaces"]]]
[[rc/label :label "Remove low level trace"]
[rc/checkbox :model false :on-change #(rf/dispatch [:settings/low-level-trace :reagent %]) :label "reagent internals"]
[rc/checkbox :model false :on-change #(rf/dispatch [:settings/low-level-trace :re-frame %]) :label "re-frame internals"]]
[[:p "Most of the time, low level trace is noisy and you want it filtered out."]]]
[[:button "Factory Reset"]]
[[:p "Reset all settings (will refresh browser)."]]]
:class "bm-muted-button app-db-panel-button"
:style {:width "100px"}
:label [rc/v-box
:align :center
:children ["Factory Reset"]]
:on-click #()]]
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