Added px and close-button to re-com (and fixed input-text bug re :box-sizing)

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Gregg8 2018-01-19 16:40:07 +11:00
parent c527e7e09c
commit 4ee67221ad
1 changed files with 38 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -4,6 +4,11 @@
(:require [reagent.ratom :as reagent :refer [RAtom Reaction RCursor Track Wrapper]]
[clojure.string :as string]))
(defn px
"takes a number (and optional :negative keyword to indicate a negative value) and returns that number as a string with 'px' at the end"
[val & negative]
(str (if negative (- val) val) "px"))
(defn deref-or-value-peek
"Takes a value or an atom
If it's a value, returns it
@ -337,6 +342,7 @@
:style (merge
(flex-child-style "none")
{:height height
:box-sizing "border-box" ;; TODO: Added to override the incorrect default of "content-box" somehow set up by :all unset
:padding-right "12px"} ;; override for when icon exists
:placeholder placeholder
@ -537,6 +543,38 @@
:on-click (handler-fn (callback-fn))}
;; Taken from day8.briefly.components.close-button
(defn close-button
(let [over? (reagent/atom false)]
(fn close-button-render
[& {:keys [on-click div-size font-size color hover-color tooltip top-offset left-offset style attr]
:or {div-size 16 font-size 16 color "#ccc" hover-color "#999"}}]
:class "rc-close-button"
:style {:display "inline-block"
:position "relative"
:width (px div-size)
:height (px div-size)}
:child [box
:style (merge
{:position "absolute"
:cursor "pointer"
:font-size (px font-size)
:color (if @over? hover-color color)
:top (px (- (/ (- font-size div-size) 2) top-offset) :negative)
:left (px (- (/ (- font-size div-size) 2) left-offset) :negative)}
:attr (merge
{:title tooltip
:on-click (handler-fn (on-click)
(.stopPropagation event))
:on-mouse-enter (handler-fn (reset! over? true))
:on-mouse-leave (handler-fn (reset! over? false))}
;:child [:i {:class "zmdi zmdi-hc-fw-rc zmdi zmdi-close"}]
:child [:span "×"]]])))
(defn css-join [& args]
"Creates a single string from all passed args, separated by spaces (all args are coerced to strings)
Very simple, but handy