Refactor subscription-state parsing

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Compton 2018-02-01 16:20:21 +13:00
parent 1ef6faa28a
commit 39c61c6d12
5 changed files with 77 additions and 67 deletions

View File

@ -519,7 +519,7 @@
;; - subscription-match-state collects all the data that we know about the state of specific instances of subscriptions
;; like its reagent id, when it was created, run, disposed, what values it returned, e.t.c.
subscription-info (metam/subscription-info (get-in db [:epochs :subscription-info] {}) filtered-traces (get-in db [:app-db :reagent-id]))
sub-state (get-in db [:epochs :sub-state] {})
sub-state (get-in db [:epochs :sub-state] metam/initial-sub-state)
subscription-match-state (metam/subscription-match-state sub-state filtered-traces new-matches)
subscription-matches (rest subscription-match-state)
new-sub-state (last subscription-match-state)

View File

@ -206,6 +206,10 @@
:previous-event nil
:partitions []})
(def initial-sub-state
{:last-matched-id 0
:reaction-state {}})
(defn parse-traces [parse-state traces]
(fn [state event]
@ -289,7 +293,7 @@
(filter (fn [me] (when-not (:disposed? (val me)) me)))
(map (fn [[k v]]
[k (dissoc v :order :created? :run? :disposed? :previous-value)])))
(:reaction-state state))]
(->> epoch-traces
(reduce (fn [state trace]
(let [tags (get trace :tags)
@ -309,6 +313,7 @@
(update-in [reaction-id :order] (fnil conj []) :sub/dispose))
(do #?(:cljs (js/console.warn "Unhandled sub trace, this is a bug, report to re-frame-trace please" trace))
(assoc state :reaction-state))))

View File

@ -412,7 +412,8 @@
:<- [:subs/subscription-info]
:<- [:subs/current-epoch-sub-state]
(fn [[traces app-db-id sub-info sub-state]]
(let [raw (map (fn [trace]
(let [rx-state (:reaction-state sub-state)
raw (map (fn [trace]
(let [pod-type (sub-op-type->type trace)
path-data (get-in trace [:tags :query-v])
reagent-id (get-in trace [:tags :reaction])
@ -427,8 +428,8 @@
sub (if (contains? (:tags trace) :value)
(assoc sub :value (get-in trace [:tags :value]))
sub (if (contains? (get sub-state reagent-id) :previous-value)
(assoc sub :previous-value (get-in sub-state [reagent-id :previous-value]))
sub (if (contains? (get rx-state reagent-id) :previous-value)
(assoc sub :previous-value (get-in rx-state [reagent-id :previous-value]))

View File

@ -160,7 +160,8 @@
:leave-animation "accordionVertical"
:duration animation-duration})
(when open?
(let [main-value (cond value? (:value pod-info)
(let [main-value (:value pod-info)
#_(cond value? (:value pod-info)
previous-value? (:previous-value pod-info)
:else nil)]
@ -237,7 +238,7 @@
(let [all-subs @(rf/subscribe [:subs/visible-subs])
sub-expansions @(rf/subscribe [:subs/sub-expansions])
all-subs (if @(rf/subscribe [:settings/debug?])
(cons {:id "debug" :value @(rf/subscribe [:subs/current-epoch-sub-state])} all-subs)
(cons {:path [:subs/current-epoch-sub-state] :id "debug" :value @(rf/subscribe [:subs/current-epoch-sub-state])} all-subs)
:size "1"

View File

@ -68,7 +68,8 @@
(is (= (m/ending-id m6) 181))
(is (= (:operation (m/matched-event m6))
(def sub-state '{"rx48" {:subscription [:todos], :value ({:id 3, :title "def", :done false})}, "rx47" {:subscription [:sorted-todos], :value {3 {:id 3, :title "def", :done false}}, :previous-value {3 {:id 3, :title "def", :done false}}, :run? true, :order [:sub/run]}, "rx52" {:subscription [:visible-todos], :value ({:id 3, :title "def", :done false})}, "rx51" {:subscription [:showing], :value :all, :previous-value :all, :run? true, :order [:sub/run]}, "rx53" {:subscription [:all-complete?], :value false}, "rx56" {:subscription [:footer-counts], :value [1 0]}, "rx57" {:subscription [:completed-count], :value 0}})
(def sub-state '{:reaction-state {"rx48" {:subscription [:todos], :value ({:id 3, :title "def", :done false})}, "rx47" {:subscription [:sorted-todos], :value {3 {:id 3, :title "def", :done false}}, :previous-value {3 {:id 3, :title "def", :done false}}, :run? true, :order [:sub/run]}, "rx52" {:subscription [:visible-todos], :value ({:id 3, :title "def", :done false})}, "rx51" {:subscription [:showing], :value :all, :previous-value :all, :run? true, :order [:sub/run]}, "rx53" {:subscription [:all-complete?], :value false}, "rx56" {:subscription [:footer-counts], :value [1 0]}, "rx57" {:subscription [:completed-count], :value 0}}
:last-matched-id 0})
(def filtered-traces '({:id 91, :operation :initialise-db, :op-type :event, :tags {:event [:initialise-db], :app-db-before {:todos {3 {:id 3, :title "def", :done false}}, :showing :all}, :app-db-after {:todos {3 {:id 3, :title "def", :done false}}, :showing :all}}, :child-of nil, :start 647756.055, :duration 0.8649999999906868, :end 647756.93} {:id 92, :operation :sorted-todos, :op-type :sub/run, :tags {:query-v [:sorted-todos], :reaction "rx47", :input-signals ("ra24"), :value {3 {:id 3, :title "def", :done false}}}, :child-of nil, :start 647757.0300000001, :duration 0.08999999996740371, :end 647757.1250000001} {:id 93, :operation :showing, :op-type :sub/run, :tags {:query-v [:showing], :reaction "rx51", :input-signals ("ra24"), :value :all}, :child-of nil, :start 647757.16, :duration 0.05500000005122274, :end 647757.2150000001} {:id 94, :operation "todomvc.views.todo_app", :op-type :render, :tags {:component-path "todomvc.views.todo_app", :reaction "rx49", :input-signals ("rx48")}, :child-of nil, :start 647757.6200000001, :duration 0.2999999999301508, :end 647757.925} {:id 95, :operation :todos, :op-type :sub/create, :tags {:query-v [:todos], :cached? true, :reaction "rx48"}, :child-of 94, :start 647757.655, :duration 0.07499999995343387, :end 647757.735} {:id 96, :operation "todomvc.views.task_entry", :op-type :render, :tags {:component-path "todomvc.views.todo_app > > > todomvc.views.task_entry", :reaction nil, :input-signals nil}, :child-of nil, :start 647758.14, :duration 0.1150000001071021, :end 647758.26} {:id 97, :operation "todomvc.views.todo_input", :op-type :render, :tags {:component-path "todomvc.views.todo_app > > > todomvc.views.task_entry > > todomvc.views.todo_input", :reaction "rx50", :input-signals ("ra59")}, :child-of nil, :start 647758.4750000001, :duration 0.24999999988358468, :end 647758.725} {:id 98, :operation "ReagentInput", :op-type :render, :tags {:component-path "todomvc.views.todo_app > > > todomvc.views.task_entry > > todomvc.views.todo_input > ReagentInput", :reaction nil, :input-signals nil}, :child-of nil, :start 647758.87, :duration 0.11000000010244548, :end 647758.9850000001} {:id 99, :operation "todomvc.views.task_list", :op-type :render, :tags {:component-path "todomvc.views.todo_app > > > todomvc.views.task_list", :reaction "rx54", :input-signals ("rx52" "rx53")}, :child-of nil, :start 647759.36, :duration 0.4050000000279397, :end 647759.77} {:id 100, :operation :visible-todos, :op-type :sub/create, :tags {:query-v [:visible-todos], :cached? true, :reaction "rx52"}, :child-of 99, :start 647759.39, :duration 0.06499999994412065, :end 647759.4600000001} {:id 101, :operation :all-complete?, :op-type :sub/create, :tags {:query-v [:all-complete?], :cached? true, :reaction "rx53"}, :child-of 99, :start 647759.4800000001, :duration 0.044999999925494194, :end 647759.525} {:id 102, :operation "ReagentInput", :op-type :render, :tags {:component-path "todomvc.views.todo_app > > > todomvc.views.task_list > > ReagentInput", :reaction nil, :input-signals nil}, :child-of nil, :start 647759.95, :duration 0.06500000006053597, :end 647760.015} {:id 103, :operation "todomvc.views.todo_item", :op-type :render, :tags {:component-path "todomvc.views.todo_app > > > todomvc.views.task_list > > > todomvc.views.todo_item", :reaction "rx55", :input-signals ("ra60" "ra60")}, :child-of nil, :start 647760.255, :duration 0.2500000001164153, :end 647760.51} {:id 104, :operation "ReagentInput", :op-type :render, :tags {:component-path "todomvc.views.todo_app > > > todomvc.views.task_list > > > todomvc.views.todo_item > > > ReagentInput", :reaction nil, :input-signals nil}, :child-of nil, :start 647760.8550000001, :duration 0.08999999996740371, :end 647760.9450000001} {:id 105, :operation "todomvc.views.footer_controls", :op-type :render, :tags {:component-path "todomvc.views.todo_app > > > todomvc.views.footer_controls", :reaction "rx58", :input-signals ("rx56" "rx51")}, :child-of nil, :start 647761.39, :duration 0.8050000000512227, :end 647762.2} {:id 106, :operation :footer-counts, :op-type :sub/create, :tags {:query-v [:footer-counts], :cached? true, :reaction "rx56"}, :child-of 105, :start 647761.43, :duration 0.2850000000325963, :end 647761.7200000001} {:id 107, :operation :showing, :op-type :sub/create, :tags {:query-v [:showing], :cached? true, :reaction "rx51"}, :child-of 105, :start 647761.7550000001, :duration 0.05999999993946403, :end 647761.8150000001} {:id 108, :operation nil, :op-type :raf, :tags nil, :child-of nil, :start 647771.8600000001, :duration 0.09999999997671694, :end 647771.9600000001} {:id 109, :operation nil, :op-type :raf-end, :tags nil, :child-of 108, :start 647771.885, :duration 0.005000000121071935, :end 647771.8950000001} {:id 110, :operation nil, :op-type :reagent/quiescent, :tags nil, :child-of 108, :start 647771.9400000001, :duration 0.005000000004656613, :end 647771.9500000001}))
@ -76,62 +77,64 @@
(deftest subscription-match-state-test
(let [sub-state2 (m/subscription-match-state sub-state filtered-traces new-matches)]
(is (= '({"rx47" {:order [:sub/run]
:previous-value {3 {:done false
:id 3
:title "def"}}
:run? true
:subscription [:sorted-todos]
:value {3 {:done false
:id 3
:title "def"}}}
"rx48" {:subscription [:todos]
:value ({:done false
:id 3
:title "def"})}
"rx51" {:order [:sub/run]
:previous-value :all
:run? true
:subscription [:showing]
:value :all}
"rx52" {:subscription [:visible-todos]
:value ({:done false
:id 3
:title "def"})}
"rx53" {:subscription [:all-complete?]
:value false}
"rx56" {:subscription [:footer-counts]
:value [1
"rx57" {:subscription [:completed-count]
:value 0}}
{"rx47" {:order [:sub/run]
:previous-value {3 {:done false
:id 3
:title "def"}}
:run? true
:subscription [:sorted-todos]
:value {3 {:done false
:id 3
:title "def"}}}
"rx48" {:subscription [:todos]
:value ({:done false
:id 3
:title "def"})}
"rx51" {:order [:sub/run]
:previous-value :all
:run? true
:subscription [:showing]
:value :all}
"rx52" {:subscription [:visible-todos]
:value ({:done false
:id 3
:title "def"})}
"rx53" {:subscription [:all-complete?]
:value false}
"rx56" {:subscription [:footer-counts]
:value [1
"rx57" {:subscription [:completed-count]
:value 0}})
(is (= '({:last-matched-id 0
:reaction-state {"rx47" {:order [:sub/run]
:previous-value {3 {:done false
:id 3
:title "def"}}
:run? true
:subscription [:sorted-todos]
:value {3 {:done false
:id 3
:title "def"}}}
"rx48" {:subscription [:todos]
:value ({:done false
:id 3
:title "def"})}
"rx51" {:order [:sub/run]
:previous-value :all
:run? true
:subscription [:showing]
:value :all}
"rx52" {:subscription [:visible-todos]
:value ({:done false
:id 3
:title "def"})}
"rx53" {:subscription [:all-complete?]
:value false}
"rx56" {:subscription [:footer-counts]
:value [1
"rx57" {:subscription [:completed-count]
:value 0}}}
{:last-matched-id 0
:reaction-state {"rx47" {:order [:sub/run]
:previous-value {3 {:done false
:id 3
:title "def"}}
:run? true
:subscription [:sorted-todos]
:value {3 {:done false
:id 3
:title "def"}}}
"rx48" {:subscription [:todos]
:value ({:done false
:id 3
:title "def"})}
"rx51" {:order [:sub/run]
:previous-value :all
:run? true
:subscription [:showing]
:value :all}
"rx52" {:subscription [:visible-todos]
:value ({:done false
:id 3
:title "def"})}
"rx53" {:subscription [:all-complete?]
:value false}
"rx56" {:subscription [:footer-counts]
:value [1
"rx57" {:subscription [:completed-count]
:value 0}}})