Update window width state when window resizes

Fixes #26
This commit is contained in:
Daniel Compton 2017-10-20 15:08:23 +13:00
parent 05656af0b9
commit 2858a0ff6c
1 changed files with 35 additions and 30 deletions

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@ -318,34 +318,37 @@
(defn devtools []
;; Add clear button
;; Filter out different trace types
(let [position (r/atom :right)
panel-width% (r/atom (localstorage/get "panel-width-ratio" 0.35))
showing? (r/atom (localstorage/get "show-panel" false))
dragging? (r/atom false)
pin-to-bottom? (r/atom true)
selected-tab (r/atom :traces)
window-width (r/atom js/window.innerWidth)
handle-keys (fn [e]
(let [combo-key? (or (.-ctrlKey e) (.-metaKey e) (.-altKey e))
tag-name (.-tagName (.-target e))
key (.-key e)
entering-input? (contains? #{"INPUT" "SELECT" "TEXTAREA"} tag-name)]
(when (and (not entering-input?) combo-key?)
(and (= key "h") (.-ctrlKey e))
(do (swap! showing? not)
(toggle-traces showing?)
(.preventDefault e))))))
handle-mousemove (fn [e]
(when @dragging?
(let [x (.-clientX e)
y (.-clientY e)
new-window-width js/window.innerWidth]
(.preventDefault e)
;; Set a minimum width of 5% to prevent people from accidentally dragging it too small.
(reset! panel-width% (max (/ (- new-window-width x) new-window-width) 0.05))
(reset! window-width new-window-width))))
handle-mouse-up (fn [e] (reset! dragging? false))]
(let [position (r/atom :right)
panel-width% (r/atom (localstorage/get "panel-width-ratio" 0.35))
showing? (r/atom (localstorage/get "show-panel" false))
dragging? (r/atom false)
pin-to-bottom? (r/atom true)
selected-tab (r/atom :traces)
window-width (r/atom js/window.innerWidth)
handle-window-resize (fn [e]
;; N.B. I don't think this should be a perf bottleneck.
(reset! window-width js/window.innerWidth))
handle-keys (fn [e]
(let [combo-key? (or (.-ctrlKey e) (.-metaKey e) (.-altKey e))
tag-name (.-tagName (.-target e))
key (.-key e)
entering-input? (contains? #{"INPUT" "SELECT" "TEXTAREA"} tag-name)]
(when (and (not entering-input?) combo-key?)
(and (= key "h") (.-ctrlKey e))
(do (swap! showing? not)
(toggle-traces showing?)
(.preventDefault e))))))
handle-mousemove (fn [e]
(when @dragging?
(let [x (.-clientX e)
y (.-clientY e)
new-window-width js/window.innerWidth]
(.preventDefault e)
;; Set a minimum width of 5% to prevent people from accidentally dragging it too small.
(reset! panel-width% (max (/ (- new-window-width x) new-window-width) 0.05))
(reset! window-width new-window-width))))
handle-mouse-up (fn [e] (reset! dragging? false))]
(add-watch panel-width%
(fn [_ _ _ new-state]
@ -359,11 +362,13 @@
(toggle-traces showing?)
(js/window.addEventListener "keydown" handle-keys)
(js/window.addEventListener "mousemove" handle-mousemove)
(js/window.addEventListener "mouseup" handle-mouse-up))
(js/window.addEventListener "mouseup" handle-mouse-up)
(js/window.addEventListener "resize" handle-window-resize))
:component-will-unmount (fn []
(js/window.removeEventListener "keydown" handle-keys)
(js/window.removeEventListener "mousemove" handle-mousemove)
(js/window.removeEventListener "mouseup" handle-mouse-up))
(js/window.removeEventListener "mouseup" handle-mouse-up)
(js/window.removeEventListener "resize" handle-window-resize))
:display-name "devtools outer"
:reagent-render (fn []
(let [draggable-area 10