Add initial diffing to app-db panel

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Compton 2018-01-15 10:16:48 +13:00
parent 33f476da43
commit 0f6349682c
5 changed files with 147 additions and 106 deletions

View File

@ -131,8 +131,6 @@
(trace/with-trace {:op-type :raf}
(trace/with-trace {:op-type :raf-end})
(js/console.log "Do after render" reagent.impl.batching/render-queue)
(js/console.log "Component queue" (.-componentQueue reagent.impl.batching/render-queue) "after render" (.-afterRender reagent.impl.batching/render-queue))
(when (false? (.-scheduled? reagent.impl.batching/render-queue))
(trace/with-trace {:op-type :reagent/quiescent}))

View File

@ -199,7 +199,6 @@
:partitions []}
matches (:partitions partitions)]
#?(:cljs (js/console.log "Partitions:" partitions))
{:matches matches}))
(defn matched-event [match]

View File

@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
{:white-space "nowrap"}]
["tspan, textPath"
{:white-space "inherit"}]
;; No :focus
;; No :focus rule
{:transform-origin "0px 0px 0px"}]
["html|* > svg"

View File

@ -41,6 +41,18 @@
(fn [db _]
(get db :app-db)))
:<- [:epochs/current-event-trace]
(fn [trace _]
(get-in trace [:tags :app-db-after])))
:<- [:epochs/current-event-trace]
(fn [trace _]
(get-in trace [:tags :app-db-before])))
:<- [:app-db/root]
@ -150,10 +162,16 @@
:<- [:epochs/current-match]
(fn [match _]
(get-in (metam/matched-event match) [:tags :event])))
(metam/matched-event match)))
:<- [:epochs/current-event-trace]
(fn [trace _]
(get-in trace [:tags :event])))
@ -223,7 +241,6 @@
(fn [traces]
(let [start-of-epoch (nth traces 0)
finish-run (first (filter metam/finish-run? traces))]
(js/console.log "Start" start-of-epoch "fin" finish-run)
(metam/elapsed-time start-of-epoch finish-run))))

View File

@ -5,7 +5,8 @@
[ :as rf]
[mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.core :as r]
[ :as rc :refer [css-join]]
[ :as common])
[ :as common]
(:require-macros [ :as macros]))
(def delete (macros/slurp-macro "day8/re_frame/trace/images/delete.svg"))
@ -24,10 +25,10 @@
(def *pods (r/atom [{:id (gensym) :path "[\"x\" \"y\"]" :open? true :diff? true}
{:id (gensym) :path "[:abc 123]" :open? true :diff? false}
{:id (gensym) :path "[:a :b :c]" :open? false :diff? true}
{:id (gensym) :path "[\"hello\"]" :open? false :diff? false}]))
(def *pods (r/atom [{:id (gensym) :path "[\"x\" \"y\"]" :open? true :diff? true}
{:id (gensym) :path "[:abc 123]" :open? true :diff? false}
{:id (gensym) :path "[:a :b :c]" :open? false :diff? true}
{:id (gensym) :path "[\"hello\"]" :open? false :diff? false}]))
(defn add-pod []
(let [id (gensym)]
@ -52,39 +53,39 @@
(defn panel-header []
:justify :between
:align :center
:margin (css-join common/gs-19s "0px")
:justify :between
:align :center
:margin (css-join common/gs-19s "0px")
:children [[rc/button
:class "bm-muted-button"
:style {:width "129px"
:padding "0px"}
:label [rc/v-box
:align :center
:children ["+ path inspector"]]
:class "bm-muted-button"
:style {:width "129px"
:padding "0px"}
:label [rc/v-box
:align :center
:children ["+ path inspector"]]
:on-click #(add-pod)]
:align :center
:gap common/gs-7s
:height "48px"
:height "48px"
:padding (css-join "0px" common/gs-12s)
:style {:background-color "#fafbfc"
:border "1px solid #e3e9ed"
:border-radius "3px"}
:border "1px solid #e3e9ed"
:border-radius "3px"}
:children [[rc/label :label "reset app-db to:"]
:class "bm-muted-button"
:style {:width "129px"
:padding "0px"}
:label [rc/v-box
:align :center
:children ["initial epoch state"]]
:class "bm-muted-button"
:style {:width "129px"
:padding "0px"}
:label [rc/v-box
:align :center
:children ["initial epoch state"]]
:on-click #(println "Clicked [initial state]")]
:width common/gs-81s
:align :center
:children [[rc/label
:style {:font-size "9px"}
:style {:font-size "9px"}
:label "EVENT"]
[:img {:src (str "data:image/svg+xml;utf8," arrow-right)}]
@ -92,12 +93,12 @@
:margin-top "-1px"}
:label "PROCESSING"]]]
:class "bm-muted-button"
:style {:width "129px"
:padding "0px"}
:label [rc/v-box
:align :center
:children ["end epoch state"]]
:class "bm-muted-button"
:style {:width "129px"
:padding "0px"}
:label [rc/v-box
:align :center
:children ["end epoch state"]]
:on-click #(println "Clicked [end state]")]]]]])
(defn pod-header [{:keys [id path open? diff?]}]
@ -111,28 +112,28 @@
:align :center
:height common/gs-31s
:children [[rc/box
:width "36px"
:width "36px"
:height common/gs-31s
:class "noselect"
:style {:cursor "pointer"}
:attr {:title (str (if open? "Close" "Open") " the pod bay doors, HAL")
:on-click (rc/handler-fn (update-pod-field id :open? (not open?)))}
:class "noselect"
:style {:cursor "pointer"}
:attr {:title (str (if open? "Close" "Open") " the pod bay doors, HAL")
:on-click (rc/handler-fn (update-pod-field id :open? (not open?)))}
:child [rc/box
:margin "auto"
:child [:span.arrow (if open? "▼" "▶")]]]
:child [:span.arrow (if open? "▼" "▶")]]]
:size "auto"
:class "app-db-path--path-header"
:children [[rc/input-text
:style {:height "25px"
:padding (css-join "0px" common/gs-7s)
:width "-webkit-fill-available"} ;; This took a bit of finding!
:width "100%"
:model path
:on-change #(update-pod-field id :path %) ;;(fn [input-string] (rf/dispatch [:app-db/search-string input-string]))
:on-submit #() ;; #(rf/dispatch [:app-db/add-path %])
:style {:height "25px"
:padding (css-join "0px" common/gs-7s)
:width "-webkit-fill-available"} ;; This took a bit of finding!
:width "100%"
:model path
:on-change #(update-pod-field id :path %) ;;(fn [input-string] (rf/dispatch [:app-db/search-string input-string]))
:on-submit #() ;; #(rf/dispatch [:app-db/add-path %])
:change-on-blur? false
:placeholder "Showing all of app-db. Try entering a path like [:todos 1]"]]]
:placeholder "Showing all of app-db. Try entering a path like [:todos 1]"]]]
[rc/gap-f :size common/gs-12s]
:class "bm-muted-button noselect"
@ -141,8 +142,8 @@
:padding "0px"
:border-radius "3px"
:cursor "pointer"}
:attr {:title "Show diff"
:on-click (rc/handler-fn (update-pod-field id :diff? (not diff?)))}
:attr {:title "Show diff"
:on-click (rc/handler-fn (update-pod-field id :diff? (not diff?)))}
:child [:img
{:src (str "data:image/svg+xml;utf8," copy)
:style {:width "19px"
@ -155,8 +156,8 @@
:padding "0px"
:border-radius "3px"
:cursor "pointer"}
:attr {:title "Remove this pod"
:on-click (rc/handler-fn (delete-pod id))}
:attr {:title "Remove this pod"
:on-click (rc/handler-fn (delete-pod id))}
:child [:img
{:src (str "data:image/svg+xml;utf8," trash)
:style {:width "13px"
@ -164,55 +165,81 @@
[rc/gap-f :size common/gs-12s]]])
(defn pod [{:keys [id path open? diff?] :as pod-info}]
:class "app-db-path"
:style {:border-bottom-left-radius "3px"
:border-bottom-right-radius "3px"}
:children [[pod-header pod-info]
(when open?
:height "90px"
:min-width "100px"
:style {:background-color cljs-dev-tools-background
:padding common/gs-7s
:margin (css-join pad-padding pad-padding "0px" pad-padding)}
:children ["---main-section---"]])
(when (and open? diff?)
:height common/gs-19s
:justify :end
:style {:margin (css-join "0px" pad-padding)}
:children [[rc/hyperlink
;:class "app-db-path--label"
:label "ONLY BEFORE"
:on-click #(println "Clicked [ONLY BEFORE]")]]])
(when (and open? diff?)
:height "60px"
:min-width "100px"
:style {:background-color cljs-dev-tools-background
:padding common/gs-7s
:margin (css-join "0px" pad-padding)}
:children ["---before-diff---"]])
(when (and open? diff?)
:height common/gs-19s
:justify :end
:style {:margin (css-join "0px" pad-padding)}
:children [[rc/hyperlink
;:class "app-db-path--label"
:label "ONLY AFTER"
:on-click #(println "Clicked [ONLY AFTER]")]]])
(when (and open? diff?)
:height "60px"
:min-width "100px"
:style {:background-color cljs-dev-tools-background
:padding common/gs-7s
:margin (css-join "0px" pad-padding)}
:children ["---after-diff---"]])
(when open?
[rc/gap-f :size pad-padding])]])
(let [render-diff? (and open? diff?)
app-db-after (rf/subscribe [:app-db/current-epoch-app-db-after])
app-db-before (rf/subscribe [:app-db/current-epoch-app-db-before])
[diff-before diff-after _] (when render-diff?
( @app-db-before @app-db-after))]
:class "app-db-path"
:style {:border-bottom-left-radius "3px"
:border-bottom-right-radius "3px"}
:children [[pod-header pod-info]
(when open?
:height "90px"
:min-width "100px"
:style {:background-color cljs-dev-tools-background
:padding common/gs-7s
:margin (css-join pad-padding pad-padding "0px" pad-padding)}
:children [
#_{:todos [1 2 3]}
#_(get-in @app-db path)
:align :center
:children [[:button.subtree-button
(str path)]]
{:src (str "data:image/svg+xml;utf8," delete)
:style {:cursor "pointer"
:height "10px"}
:on-click #(rf/dispatch [:app-db/remove-path path])}]]]
(when render-diff?
:height common/gs-19s
:justify :end
:style {:margin (css-join "0px" pad-padding)}
:children [[rc/hyperlink
;:class "app-db-path--label"
:label "ONLY BEFORE"
:on-click #(println "Clicked [ONLY BEFORE]")]]])
(when render-diff?
:height "60px"
:min-width "100px"
:style {:background-color cljs-dev-tools-background
:padding common/gs-7s
:margin (css-join "0px" pad-padding)}
:children [[components/simple-render
(when render-diff?
:height common/gs-19s
:justify :end
:style {:margin (css-join "0px" pad-padding)}
:children [[rc/hyperlink
;:class "app-db-path--label"
:label "ONLY AFTER"
:on-click #(println "Clicked [ONLY AFTER]")]]])
(when render-diff?
:height "60px"
:min-width "100px"
:style {:background-color cljs-dev-tools-background
:padding common/gs-7s
:margin (css-join "0px" pad-padding)}
:children [[components/simple-render
(when open?
[rc/gap-f :size pad-padding])]]))
(defn no-pods []
@ -228,7 +255,7 @@
(defn pod-section []
:gap pod-gap
:gap pod-gap
:children (if (empty? @*pods)
(doall (for [p @*pods]
@ -303,7 +330,7 @@
(defn render [app-db]
:style {:margin-right common/gs-19s}
:style {:margin-right common/gs-19s}
:children [[panel-header]
[rc/gap-f :size pod-gap]