Hide :sub/create traces for cached subscriptions

Fixes #93
This commit is contained in:
Daniel Compton 2017-12-19 21:05:38 +13:00
parent 12b211657a
commit 08c19d13b3

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@ -94,6 +94,10 @@
(set/union % category-keys))))
visible-traces (cond->> @traces
;; Remove cached subscriptions. Could add this back in as a setting later
;; but it's pretty low signal/noise 99% of the time.
true (remove (fn [trace] (and (= :sub/create (:op-type trace))
(get-in trace [:tags :cached?]))))
(seq @categories) (filter (fn [trace] (when (contains? @categories (:op-type trace)) trace)))
(seq @filter-items) (filter (apply every-pred (map query->fn @filter-items))))
save-query (fn [_]