WIP step for calculating subscription match state

State not being rolled over between processing, and still needs to be
integrated with the existing match information we store.
This commit is contained in:
Daniel Compton 2018-01-29 09:56:33 +13:00
parent 7efeb61208
commit 02974f3f32
3 changed files with 50 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -508,10 +508,53 @@
new-matches (remove (fn [match]
(let [event (get-in (metam/matched-event match) [:tags :event])]
(contains? events-to-ignore (first event)))) new-matches)
sub-state {}
;; Retrieve previous state
;; Save new states, removing unretained ones (maybe by mapping with match?)
;; Save final state
subscription-match-state (rest
(reductions (fn [state match]
(let [epoch-traces (into []
(utils/id-between-xf (:id (first match)) (:id (last match)))
(filter metam/subscription?))
reset-state (into {}
(map (fn [[k v]]
[k (dissoc v :order :created? :run? :disposed? :previous-value)]))
(->> epoch-traces
(reduce (fn [state trace]
(let [tags (get trace :tags)
reaction-id (:reaction tags)]
(case (:op-type trace)
:sub/create (assoc state reaction-id {:created? true
:subscription (:query-v tags)
:order [:sub/create]})
:sub/run (update state reaction-id (fn [sub-state]
(-> (if (contains? sub-state :value)
(assoc sub-state :previous-value (:value sub-state))
(assoc :run? true
:value (:value tags))
(update :order conj :sub/run))))
:sub/dispose (-> (assoc-in state [reaction-id :disposed?] true)
(update-in [reaction-id :order] conj :sub/dispose))
(do (js/console.warn "Unhandled sub trace" trace)
;_ (js/console.log new-matches subscription-match-state)
new-matches (map (fn [match sub-match] match) new-matches subscription-match-state)
all-matches (reduce conj previous-matches new-matches)
retained-matches (into [] (take-last number-of-epochs-to-retain all-matches))
app-db-id (get-in db [:app-db :reagent-id])
subscription-info (->> new-traces
subscription-info (->> filtered-traces
(filter metam/subscription-re-run?)
(reduce (fn [state trace]
;; Can we take any shortcuts by assuming that a sub with

View File

@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
:<- [:epochs/beginning-trace-id]
:<- [:epochs/ending-trace-id]
(fn [[traces beginning ending] _]
(into [] (filter #(<= beginning (:id %) ending)) traces)))
(into [] (utils/id-between-xf beginning ending) traces)))
(defn filter-ignored-views [[traces filtered-views] _]
(let [munged-ns (->> filtered-views

View File

@ -16,3 +16,8 @@
"Gets the index of the first item in vec that matches the predicate"
[pred v]
(first (find-all-indexes-in-vec pred v)))
(defn id-between-xf
"Returns a transducer that filters for :id between beginning and ending."
[beginning ending]
(filter #(<= beginning (:id %) ending)))