**Note** [the latest version 0.1.13](https://github.com/Day8/re-frame-trace/releases/tag/0.1.13) ALSO requires the latest version of re-frame itself - `v0.10.3-alpha1`.
As it runs, `re-frame` generates detailed "trace data", but a lot of it will be low level and uninteresting, much of the time.
So, as a "dashboard", `re-frame-trace` shows useful, "rolled up" information "at a glance", while also allowing you to drill down and explore the detail as necessary. All the data you want should be available, but you shouldn't drown in it.
Each `re-frame` event and its consequent computation forms a logically discrete "epoch" which can be analysed and inspected independently of other epochs. As a result, the dashboard design is epoch-oriented.
Not only is the underlying trace "just data", but so is much of the observed re-frame proecess. Much of what `re-frame` does on your behalf is the move data from one domino to another. You write the dominos (functions) and `re-frame` will flow data through them.
If you are using leiningen, modify `project.clj` in the following ways. When puzzling over the various possible leiningen configurations, it's often helpful to look at a sample [project.clj](https://github.com/technomancy/leiningen/blob/stable/sample.project.clj).
re-frame is instrumented - all important activity generates trace data. `re-frame-trace` consumes this trace data and renders useful visualisations of the `re-frame` process. Currently, re-frame's tracing capabilities are in alpha and are subject to change at any time. We're testing the utility of the the trace by building an app on top.
By default, re-frame tracing is "compiled out", so it won't impose a performance cost in production. The trade-off here is that you need to explicitly enable it in development.
The [preloads](https://github.com/clojure/clojurescript/wiki/Compiler-Options#preloads) option (`:preloads [day8.re-frame.trace.preload]`) has to be set in order to automatically monkeypatch Reagent to add appropriate lifecycle hooks. Yes this is gross, and yes we will try and make a PR to reagent to add proper hooks, once we know exactly what we need. The preload namespace also injects a div containing the devtools panel into the DOM.