
197 lines
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* LocalBlockBinarizer.cpp
* zxing
* Created by Ralf Kistner on 17/10/2009.
* Copyright 2008 ZXing authors All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <zxing/common/LocalBlockBinarizer.h>
namespace zxing {
const int GLOBAL = 0;
const int THRESHOLD = 1;
LocalBlockBinarizer::LocalBlockBinarizer(Ref<LuminanceSource> source) :
Binarizer(source) {
LocalBlockBinarizer::~LocalBlockBinarizer() {
Ref<BitArray> LocalBlockBinarizer::estimateBlackRow(int y, Ref<BitArray> row) {
//TODO: implement
return Ref<BitArray>();
// Calculates the final BitMatrix once for all requests. This could be called once from the
// constructor instead, but there are some advantages to doing it lazily, such as making
// profiling easier, and not doing heavy lifting when callers don't expect it.
Ref<BitMatrix> LocalBlockBinarizer::estimateBlackMatrix() {
Ref<LuminanceSource> source = getLuminanceSource();
unsigned char* luminances = source->getMatrix();
int width = source->getWidth();
int height = source->getHeight();
// Sharpening does not really help for 2d barcodes
// sharpenRow(luminances, width, height);
int subWidth = width >> 3;
int subHeight = height >> 3;
unsigned char* averages = new unsigned char[subWidth * subHeight];
unsigned char* types = new unsigned char[subWidth * subHeight];
calculateBlackPoints(luminances, averages, types, subWidth, subHeight, width);
Ref<BitMatrix> matrix(new BitMatrix(width, height));
calculateThresholdForBlock(luminances, subWidth, subHeight, width, averages, types, *matrix);
delete[] averages;
delete[] types;
delete[] luminances;
return matrix;
// For each 8x8 block in the image, calculate the average black point using a 5x5 grid
// of the blocks around it. Also handles the corner cases, but will ignore up to 7 pixels
// on the right edge and 7 pixels at the bottom of the image if the overall dimensions are not
// multiples of eight. In practice, leaving those pixels white does not seem to be a problem.
void LocalBlockBinarizer::calculateThresholdForBlock(const unsigned char* luminances, int subWidth, int subHeight,
int stride, const unsigned char* averages, const unsigned char* types, BitMatrix& matrix) {
// Calculate global average
int global = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < subHeight; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < subWidth; x++) {
global += averages[y * subWidth + x];
global /= subWidth * subHeight;
for (int y = 0; y < subHeight; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < subWidth; x++) {
int left = (x > 0) ? x : 1;
left = (left < subWidth - 1) ? left : subWidth - 2;
int top = (y > 0) ? y : 1;
top = (top < subHeight - 1) ? top : subHeight - 2;
int sum = 0;
int contrast = 0;
for (int z = -1; z <= 1; z++) {
// sum += averages[(top + z) * subWidth + left - 2];
sum += averages[(top + z) * subWidth + left - 1];
sum += averages[(top + z) * subWidth + left];
sum += averages[(top + z) * subWidth + left + 1];
// sum += averages[(top + z) * subWidth + left + 2];
// type += types[(top + z) * subWidth + left - 2];
contrast += types[(top + z) * subWidth + left - 1];
contrast += types[(top + z) * subWidth + left];
contrast += types[(top + z) * subWidth + left + 1];
// type += types[(top + z) * subWidth + left + 2];
int average = sum / 9;
if (contrast > 2)
threshold8x8Block(luminances, x << 3, y << 3, average, stride, matrix);
// else if(average < global) // Black
// matrix.setRegion(x << 3, y << 3, 8, 8);
// If white, we don't need to do anything - the block is already cleared.
// Applies a single threshold to an 8x8 block of pixels.
void LocalBlockBinarizer::threshold8x8Block(const unsigned char* luminances, int xoffset, int yoffset, int threshold,
int stride, BitMatrix& matrix) {
for (int y = 0; y < 8; y++) {
int offset = (yoffset + y) * stride + xoffset;
for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++) {
int pixel = luminances[offset + x];
if (pixel < threshold) {
matrix.set(xoffset + x, yoffset + y);
// Calculates a single black point for each 8x8 block of pixels and saves it away.
void LocalBlockBinarizer::calculateBlackPoints(const unsigned char* luminances, unsigned char* averages,
unsigned char* types, int subWidth, int subHeight, int stride) {
for (int y = 0; y < subHeight; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < subWidth; x++) {
int sum = 0;
int min = 255;
int max = 0;
for (int yy = 0; yy < 8; yy++) {
int offset = ((y << 3) + yy) * stride + (x << 3);
const unsigned char* lumo = luminances + offset;
for (int xx = 0; xx < 8; xx++) {
int pixel = lumo[xx];
sum += pixel;
if (pixel < min) {
min = pixel;
if (pixel > max) {
max = pixel;
// If the contrast is inadequate, we treat the block as white.
// An arbitrary value is chosen here. Higher values mean less noise, but may also reduce
// the ability to recognise some barcodes.
int average = sum >> 6;
int type;
if (max - min > 30)
type = GLOBAL;
// int average = (max - min > 24) ? (sum >> 6) : (min-1);
averages[y * subWidth + x] = average;
types[y * subWidth + x] = type;
// Applies a simple -1 4 -1 box filter with a weight of 2 to each row.
void LocalBlockBinarizer::sharpenRow(unsigned char* luminances, int width, int height) {
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
int offset = y * width;
int left = luminances[offset];
int center = luminances[offset + 1];
for (int x = 1; x < width - 1; x++) {
unsigned char right = luminances[offset + x + 1];
int pixel = ((center << 2) - left - right) >> 1;
// Must clamp values to 0..255 so they will fit in a byte.
if (pixel > 255) {
pixel = 255;
} else if (pixel < 0) {
pixel = 0;
luminances[offset + x] = (unsigned char)pixel;
left = center;
center = right;