[![CircleCI](https://img.shields.io/circleci/project/github/status-im/pluto.svg)](https://circleci.com/gh/status-im/pluto/tree/master) ## Development Development requires [Deps and CLI](https://clojure.org/guides/getting_started) tooling installed. Run figwheel using `clojure -A:figwheel`. ### Tests Run Clojure tests using `clojure -A:test-clj` (or continuously via `clojure -A:test-clj -w src`) Run ClojureScript tests using `clojure -A:test-cljs` ## Documentation Documentation website is maintained using [docusaurus](https://docusaurus.io). The layout logic can be found in `website` while the content is kept in `docs`. To hack on the documentation, run `npm run start` in `website` folder. ## Continous Deployment To make possible deploying the new version of the page from the `master` branch a Jenkins job is configured at: https://jenkins.status.im/job/misc/job/pluto/ This job is ran according to the [`Jenkinsfile`](Jenkinsfile) configuration. In order for this to work there are two requirements: * The `status-im-auto` user which API token is used needs to have at least write access. * The repo has to have the https://jenkins.status.im/github-webhook/ webhook configured.