mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 16:08:14 +00:00
Introducing for blocks
Signed-off-by: Julien Eluard <julien.eluard@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -38,7 +38,9 @@
(defn render [h el]
(reagent/render (h {:name "Test Extension"}) el))
(reagent/render (h {:name "Test Extension"
:users [{:nm "Jane"}
{:nm "Sue"}]}) el))
(defn errors-list [v]
(fn []
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
[alert {:value "Eh! ${you}"}])
(let [{name :name} properties
(let [{name :name users :users} properties
{cond? :cond?} [random-boolean]]
[button {:on-click [my-alert {:arg name}]}
@ -20,4 +20,8 @@
[text {:style {:color "green"}}
[text {:style {:color "red"}}
[view "Nested for block"]
(for [{nm :nm} users]
(for [{nm2 :nm} users]
[view nm " and " nm2]))])}
@ -13,30 +13,27 @@
"Parse a block element. Return hiccup data."
(fn [ctx ext [type]] type))
(defn resolve-binding-value [v]
(vector? v) @(re-frame/subscribe v) ;; TODO better abstract query
(not (list? v)) v))
(defn resolve-binding-key [k v]
(if (symbol? k)
;; TODO handle errors
(:data (destructuring/destructure k v))))
(defn substitute-query-values [m v]
(if (vector? v)
(walk/prewalk #(or (get m %) %) v)
(walk/prewalk #(or (get m %) %) v))
(defn assoc-binding
[m k v]
(let [resolved-value (resolve-binding-value
(substitute-query-values m v))
o (resolve-binding-key k resolved-value)]
(if (symbol? o)
(assoc m o resolved-value)
(merge m o))))
(defn resolve-rhs [env v]
(= v 'properties) (get env :pluto.reader/properties)
(symbol? v) (get env v)
(vector? v) (some-> (re-frame/subscribe (substitute-query-values env v)) deref)
:else v))
(defn destructure-into [env k v]
(if (map? k)
(into env (:data (destructuring/destructure k v)))
(assoc env k v)))
(defn resolve-binding [env k v]
(let [v' (resolve-rhs env v)]
(destructure-into env k v')))
(defn resolve-bindings-into [env bindings]
(reduce #(apply resolve-binding %1 %2) (or env {}) (partition 2 bindings)))
(defn replace-atom [values o]
(cond (contains? values o) (get values o)
@ -56,23 +53,24 @@
(coll? res) (into (empty res) (map f2 res))
:else res))))
(declare let-block bindings->env)
(declare let-block for-block)
(defn let-block [{:keys [prev-env ctx ext bindings env]} children]
;; env here is always a destructured set of properties
(let [env' (merge env prev-env)
{:keys [data errors]} (bindings->env env' ctx ext bindings)
;; this can be moved to into bindings->env now
values (reduce-kv assoc-binding env' data)]
(walkup-upto-leaf #(replace-atom values %)
#(and (vector? %) (= let-block (first %)))
(fn [[_ props children]]
[let-block (assoc props :prev-env values) children])
(defn let-block [{:keys [prev-env bindings]} children]
(let [new-env (resolve-bindings-into prev-env bindings)]
(walkup-upto-leaf #(replace-atom new-env %)
#(and (vector? %) (#{for-block let-block} (first %)))
(fn [[x props children]]
[x (assoc props :prev-env new-env) children])
(defn properties? [o]
(= 'properties o))
(defn for-block [{:keys [wrapper-component prev-env bindings]} children]
(let [[k v] bindings
for-values (resolve-rhs prev-env v)]
(when (sequential? for-values)
(into [wrapper-component {}]
(for [val for-values]
(let-block {:prev-env prev-env :bindings [k val]}
(defn static-value? [v]
(or (utils/primitive? v) (map? v)))
@ -84,47 +82,19 @@
(and (or (symbol? k) (map? k))
(or (symbol? v) (static-value? v) (query? v))))
(defn- resolve-symbol [m s]
(if (and (symbol? s) (not= 'properties s))
(resolve-symbol m (get m s))
(defn resolve-env
"Resolve key/value pairs, specifically:
* 'properties are kept as is
* symbol values are replaced by their respective values if already present in the let scope
* queries (defined as vectors) are replaced by atoms
Returns a map of:
* :data the resolved values
* :errors the errors"
[ctx ext {:keys [data] :as m} k v]
;; TODO Do not duplicate checks
(if (valid-bindings? k v)
(properties? v) (assoc-in m [:data 'properties] k)
(static-value? v)
(if (map? k)
(if-let [o (destructuring/destructure k v)]
(errors/merge-results m o)
{:errors [(errors/error ::errors/invalid-destructuring-format [k v])]})
(assoc-in m [:data k] v))
(query? v)
(let [{:keys [data errors]} (types/resolve ctx ext :query v)]
(errors/merge-errors (assoc-in m [:data k] data) errors)))
{:errors [(errors/error ::errors/invalid-bindings [k v])]}))
(defn- valid-bindings-form? [bindings]
(even? (count bindings)))
;; errors are a problem here we shouldn't be returning data errors anymore
(defn bindings->env [prev-env ctx ext bindings]
(reduce (fn [accum [k v]]
(resolve-env ctx ext accum k
(resolve-symbol (:data accum) v)))
{:data prev-env}
(partition 2 bindings))))
(defn resolve-and-validate-queries [ctx ext bindings]
(reduce (fn [accum [k v]]
(if (vector? v)
(let [{:keys [data errors]} (types/resolve ctx ext :query v)]
(if (not-empty errors)
(update accum :errors concat errors)
(update accum :data concat [k data])))
(update accum :data concat [k v])))
{:data []}
(partition 2 bindings)))
;; we also need a set of available symbols bound at this point
(defn validate-bindings [bindings]
@ -139,31 +109,39 @@
(map first)
(filter (some-fn sequential? map?))
(mapcat destructuring/validate-destructure-bindings)))))
[(errors/error ::errors/invalid-bindings-format bindings)]))
;; shouldn't need to do this really should inject props
;; into the initial map from the top
(defn prop-env-from-bindings [bindings]
(some->> bindings
(partition 2)
(filter #(= (second %) 'properties))
(apply hash-map)))
(defmethod parse 'let [ctx ext [_ bindings & body]]
(if-let [errors (validate-bindings bindings)]
{:errors errors}
;; TODO fail if some symbol are not defined in the env
(if (= 1 (count body))
(let [prop-env (prop-env-from-bindings bindings)]
{:data [let-block (cond-> {:ctx ctx
:ext ext
:bindings bindings}
prop-env (assoc :env prop-env))
(last body)]})
{:errors [(errors/error ::errors/invalid-let-body {:value body})]})))
;; TODO fail if some symbol are not defined in the env
(if (not= 1 (count body))
{:errors [(errors/error ::errors/invalid-let-body {:value body})]}
(let [binding-errors (validate-bindings bindings)]
(if (not-empty binding-errors)
{:errors binding-errors}
(let [{:keys [errors data]} (resolve-and-validate-queries ctx ext bindings)]
(if (not-empty errors)
{:errors errors}
{:data [let-block {:bindings data} (last body)]}))))))
(defmethod parse 'for [ctx ext [_ binding & body]]
(not= 1 (count body))
{:errors [(errors/error ::errors/invalid-for-body body)]}
(or (not= 2 (count binding))
(not ((some-fn symbol? map?) (first binding))))
{:errors [(errors/error ::errors/invalid-for-binding binding)]}
(let [wrapper-component (get-in ctx [:capacities :components 'view :value])
{:keys [errors data] :as result} (resolve-and-validate-queries ctx ext binding)
errors (cond-> errors
(nil? wrapper-component)
(conj errors (errors/error ::errors/unknown-component 'wrapper-component)))]
(if (not-empty errors)
{:errors errors}
(let [binding' data]
{:data [for-block {:bindings data
:wrapper-component wrapper-component}
(last body)]})))))
(defn when-block [{:keys [test]} body]
(when test body))
@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
@ -132,24 +132,15 @@
(parse-hiccup-element ctx ext o)))
(defn- inject-properties [m properties]
(if-let [ps (get-in m [:env 'properties])]
(let [{:keys [data errors]} (destructuring/destructure ps properties)]
(-> m
(update :env dissoc 'properties)
(update :env merge data))}
{:data m}))
(defn- hiccup-with-properties [h properties]
(if (vector? h)
(let [[tag & properties-children] h
[props children] (resolve-properties-children properties-children)
{:keys [data]} (when properties
(inject-properties props properties))]
(apply conj (if data [tag data] [tag])
;; really only need to add this to the first let block but no harm really
props (if (and properties (= tag blocks/let-block))
(assoc-in props [:prev-env :pluto.reader/properties] properties)
(apply conj (if props [tag props] [tag])
(map #(hiccup-with-properties % properties) children)))
@ -3,25 +3,19 @@
[pluto.reader :as reader]
[pluto.reader.errors :as errors]
[pluto.reader.blocks :as blocks]
[re-frame.core :as re-frame]))
(deftest bindings->env
(is (= {:data '{a 1}} (blocks/bindings->env {} {} {} '[a 1])))
(is (= (blocks/validate-bindings '[a 1 2])
[(errors/error ::errors/invalid-bindings-format '[a 1 2])]))
(is (= (blocks/validate-bindings [1 2])
[(errors/error ::errors/invalid-bindings [1 2])]))
(is (= {:data '{x 1}} (blocks/bindings->env {} {} {} '[{x :x} {:x 1}]))))
[re-frame.core :as re-frame])
#?(:cljs (:require-macros
[pluto.reader.block-test :refer [with-fetch-data]])))
(deftest let-block
(testing "parse"
(is (= {:data [blocks/let-block '{:ctx {}, :ext {}, :bindings [s "Hello"]} 's]}
(is (= {:data [blocks/let-block '{:bindings [s "Hello"]} 's]}
(blocks/parse {} {} '(let [s "Hello"] s))))
(is (empty?
(:errors (blocks/parse {:capacities {:queries {'aa {:value :a}}}} {} '(let [{a :a} [aa]] a)))))
(is (= {:data [blocks/let-block
'{:ctx {}, :ext {}, :bindings [{a :a} {:a {:b 1}} {b :b} a]}
'{:bindings [{a :a} {:a {:b 1}} {b :b} a]}
(blocks/parse {} {} '(let [{a :a} {:a {:b 1}} {b :b} a] b))))
(is (empty?
@ -29,7 +23,8 @@
{:queries {'aa {:value :a :arguments {:x :string}}}}}
'(let [x 1 {a :a} [aa {:x x}]] a)))))
(is (= {:data [blocks/let-block '{:ctx {}, :ext {}, :bindings [s "Hello"]}
(is (= {:data [blocks/let-block '{:bindings [s "Hello"]}
['test {} 's]]}
(blocks/parse {} {} (list 'let ['s "Hello"] ['test {} 's]))))
(is (= (blocks/validate-bindings '[s "Hello" 1])
@ -41,7 +36,7 @@
(is (= {:errors [(errors/error ::errors/invalid-bindings-format ['s "Hello" 1])]}
(blocks/parse {} {} (list 'let ['s "Hello" 1] ['test {} 's]))))
(is (= {:data [blocks/let-block '{:ctx {}, :ext {}, :bindings [{a :a} {:a 1}]}
(is (= {:data [blocks/let-block '{:bindings [{a :a} {:a 1}]}
'[test {} a]]}
(blocks/parse {} {} '(let [{a :a} {:a 1}] [test {} a]))))
@ -67,6 +62,50 @@
(is (= (first-error-type (blocks/parse {} {} '(when asdf)))
(declare let-test-capacities)
(deftest resolve-bindings
(is (= '{a "asdf"
b "asdf"}
(blocks/resolve-binding '{a "asdf"} 'b 'a)))
(is (= '{a {:asdf "foo"}, asdf "foo"}
(blocks/resolve-binding '{a {:asdf "foo"}} '{asdf :asdf} 'a)))
(is (= '{:pluto.reader/properties {:asdf "foo"}, asdf "foo"}
'{:pluto.reader/properties {:asdf "foo"}} '{asdf :asdf} 'properties)))
(is (= "asdfg"
(blocks/resolve-rhs {} '[::identity-query {:x "asdfg"}])))
(is (= "asdfg"
(blocks/resolve-rhs '{a "asdfg"} '[::identity-query {:x a}])))
(is (= '{a "asdf", b "asdf", c "asdf" :hey 1}
(blocks/resolve-bindings-into {:hey 1} '[a "asdf" b a c b])))
(deftest resolve-and-validate-queries
(is (= {:data
'[a [:pluto.reader.block-test/identity-query {:x "asdf"}]
g "asdf"
b [:pluto.reader.block-test/identity-map {:x "asdf"}]]}
{:capacities let-test-capacities} {}
'[a [identity-query {:x "asdf"}]
g "asdf"
b [identity-map {:x "asdf"}]])))
(is (not-empty (:errors (blocks/resolve-and-validate-queries
{:capacities let-test-capacities} {}
'[a [identity-querye {:x "asdf"}]]))))
(is (empty? (:errors (blocks/resolve-and-validate-queries
{:capacities let-test-capacities} {}
'[a [identity-query {:x a}]]))))
;; The following is all set up so that we can fake "render" the blocks
;; in the resulting view tree
@ -80,9 +119,26 @@
(re-frame/reg-sub ::identity-query
(fn [db [_ {:keys [x]}]] x))
(re-frame/reg-sub ::bool-query
(fn [db [_ {:keys [x]}]] (= x "true")))
(re-frame/reg-sub ::array-query
(fn [db [_ {:keys [x y]}]] (cond-> []
x (conj x)
y (conj y))))
(re-frame/reg-sub ::identity-map
(fn [db [_ {:keys [x]}]] {:asdf x}))
(def fetch-data (atom {}))
(re-frame/reg-sub ::fetch-data
(fn [db [_ {:keys [id]}]] (get @fetch-data id)))
#?(:clj (defmacro with-fetch-data [data & body]
`(do (swap! fetch-data merge ~data)
(def let-test-capacities
{:components {'view {:properties {}
:value view-component}
@ -91,7 +147,10 @@
'text {:properties {}
:value text-component}}
:queries '{identity-query {:value ::identity-query :arguments {:x :string}}
identity-map {:value ::identity-map :arguments {:x :string}}}
identity-map {:value ::identity-map :arguments {:x :string}}
bool-query {:value ::bool-query :arguments {:x :string}}
fetch-data {:value ::fetch-data :arguments {:id :string}}
array-query {:value ::array-query :arguments {:x :string :y :string}}}
:events {'alert
{:value :alert}}
:hooks {:main
@ -109,23 +168,36 @@
(-> (reader/parse {:capacities let-test-capacities} extention)
(defn simple-render-tree-blocks [[x & xs]]
(defn valid-input [val]
(or (seq? val)
(nil? val)
(map? val)
(vector? val)
(symbol? val)
(string? val)
(number? val)))
; vector-tag | list-of-vector-tags => list-of-vector-tags
(defn simple-render-tree-blocks [current]
{:pre [(valid-input current)]
:post [(or (seq? %) (nil? %))]}
(and (fn? x) (#{pluto.reader.blocks/if-block
pluto.reader.blocks/let-block} x))
(let [new-tree (apply x xs)]
(if (sequential? new-tree)
(simple-render-tree-blocks new-tree)
(map #(if (sequential? %)
(simple-render-tree-blocks %)
(seq? current)
(mapcat simple-render-tree-blocks current)
(vector? current)
(let [[x & xs] current]
(and (fn? x) (#{pluto.reader.blocks/if-block
} x))
(let [new-tree (apply x xs)]
(simple-render-tree-blocks new-tree))
(list (apply vector x (mapcat simple-render-tree-blocks xs)))))
(nil? current) current
:else (list current)))
(defn blocks-render [block-syn]
(let [{:keys [execed errors] :as res}
@ -147,116 +219,176 @@
(deftest if-when-block-rendering
;; need to set up a query to have a false value?
(is (= [view-component "true"]
(is (= [[view-component "true"]]
(blocks-render '(let [a "asdf"]
(if a
[view "true"]
[view "false"])))))
(is (= [view-component "false"]
(blocks-render '(let [a [identity-query {:x false}]]
(if a
[view "true"]
[view "false"])))))
(is (= [view-component "true"]
(is (= [[view-component "false"]]
(blocks-render '(let [a [bool-query {:x "false"}]]
(if a
[view "true"]
[view "false"])))))
(is (= [[view-component "true"]]
(blocks-render '(let [a [bool-query {:x "true"}]]
(if a
[view "true"]
[view "false"])))))
(is (= [[view-component "true"]]
(blocks-render '(let [a "asdf"]
(when a [view "true"])))))
(is (= [view-component nil]
(blocks-render '(let [a [identity-query {:x false}]]
(is (= [[view-component]]
(blocks-render '(let [a [bool-query {:x "false"}]]
[view (when a [view "true"])]))))
(deftest basic-let-block-replacement []
(is (= [view-component "hello"]
(is (= [[view-component "hello"]]
(blocks-render '(let [a "hello"]
[view a]))))
(is (= [view-component "hello" "jenny"
[text-component "jenny" "hello"]
[text-component "hello" "darlene"]]
(is (= [[view-component "hello" "jenny"
[text-component "jenny" "hello"]
[text-component "hello" "darlene"]]]
(blocks-render '(let [a "hello"
b "jenny"
c "darlene"]
[view a b
[text b a]
[text a c]]))))
(is (= [view-component "john"]
(is (= [[view-component "john"]]
(blocks-render '(let [a "john"
b a]
[view b]))))
(is (= [view-component "john"]
(is (= [[view-component "john"]]
(blocks-render '(let [a "john"
b a]
[view b]))))
(is (= [view-component "john"]
(is (= [[view-component "john"]]
(blocks-render '(let [a "john"]
(let [b a]
[view b])))))
(is (= [view-component "john"]
(is (= [[view-component "john"]]
(blocks-render '(let [a "john"
dd a]
(let [b a
c b]
[view b]))))))
[view b])))))
(deftest let-blocks-with-properties
(is (= [view-component "test-name-prop"]
(is (= [[view-component "test-name-prop"]]
(blocks-render '(let [{name :name} properties]
[view name]))))
(is (= [view-component "test-name-prop"]
(is (= [[view-component "test-name-prop"]]
(blocks-render '(let [{name :name} properties
b name]
[view b]))))
(is (= [view-component "jolly"]
(is (= [[view-component "jolly"]]
(blocks-render '(let [{name :name} properties
b name]
(let [name "jolly"]
[view name])))))
;; doesn't work and should work
;; this is caused by the way that properties are bound
;; seperately
#_(is (= [view-component "test-name-prop"]
(blocks-render '(let [name "jolly"
{name :name} properties]
[view name]))
(is (= [[view-component "test-name-prop"]]
(blocks-render '(let [name "jolly"
{name :name} properties]
[view name]))))
(deftest let-blocks-with-queries
(is (= [view-component "a temp"]
(is (= [[view-component "a temp"]]
(blocks-render '(let [temp [identity-query {:x "a temp"}]]
[view temp]))))
(is (= [view-component "a temp" "a temp"]
(is (= [[view-component "a temp" "a temp"]]
(blocks-render '(let [a "a temp"
temp [identity-query {:x a}]]
[view a temp]))))
(is (= [view-component "a temp" "charmed"]
(is (= [[view-component "a temp" "charmed"]]
(blocks-render '(let [a "a temp"
{asdf :asdf} [identity-map {:x "charmed"}]]
[view a asdf]))))
;; this should work as well but ...
#_(is (= [view-component "a temp" "a temp"]
(blocks-render '(let [a "a temp"
temp [identity-query {:x a}]
(is (= [[view-component "a temp" "a temp"]]
(blocks-render '(let [a "a temp"
temp [identity-query {:x a}]
ouch temp]
[view temp ouch]))
[view temp ouch]))))
(is (= [view-component "a temp" "a temp"]
(is (= [[view-component "a temp" "a temp"]]
(blocks-render '(let [a "a temp"
temp [identity-query {:x a}]]
(let [ouch temp]
[view temp ouch])))))
[view temp ouch])))))
(is (= [[view-component "hello"]]
(with-fetch-data {"data-id" {:foo "hello"}}
(blocks-render '(let [{foo :foo} [fetch-data {:id "data-id"}]]
[view foo])))))
(deftest for-block-parse
(is (= {:data
{:bindings '(a [:pluto.reader.block-test/identity-query {:x a}])
:wrapper-component view-component}
(blocks/parse {:capacities let-test-capacities} {}
'[for [a [identity-query {:x a}]] asdf]))
(deftest for-blocks
(is (= [[view-component {} [view-component "foo"] [view-component "bar"]]]
(blocks-render '(for [a [array-query {:x "foo" :y "bar"}]]
[view a]))))
(is (= [[view-component {} [view-component "foo"] [view-component "bar"]]]
(blocks-render '(let [b "bar"]
(for [a [array-query {:x "foo" :y b}]]
[view a])))))
(is (= [[view-component {} [view-component "foo"] [view-component "bar"]]]
(blocks-render '(let [b "bar"
c [array-query {:x "foo" :y b}]]
(for [a c]
[view a])))))
(is (= [[view-component {} [view-component "foo"] [view-component "bar"]]]
(blocks-render '(for [a [array-query {:x "foo" :y "bar"}]]
(let [b a]
[view b])))))
(with-fetch-data {"for-blocks-data" [{:name "Jane"} {:name "John"} {:name "Sue"}]}
(is (= [[view-component {}
[view-component "Jane"]
[view-component "John"]
[view-component "Sue"]]]
'(for [{name :name} [fetch-data {:id "for-blocks-data"}]]
[view name]))))
(is (= [[view-component {}
[view-component "Jane"]
[view-component "John"]
[view-component "Sue"]]]
(blocks-render '(for [{name :name} [fetch-data {:id "for-blocks-data"}]]
(let [b name]
[view b])))))
@ -62,12 +62,8 @@
(deftest parse-blocks
(is (= [blocks/let-block
'{:bindings [s "Hello"],
:ctx {:capacities {:components {text :text, view :view},
:hooks {:main {:properties {:view :view}}}}},
:ext {meta {:description "", :documentation "", :name ""},
hooks/main.a {:view [views/main]},
views/main (let [s "Hello"] [text {} s])}}
'{:bindings [s "Hello"]
:prev-env {:pluto.reader/properties {}}}
'[text {} s]]
(view (reader/parse default-capacities
(extension {'views/main (list 'let ['s "Hello"] ['text {} 's])
Reference in New Issue
Block a user