305 lines
10 KiB
305 lines
10 KiB
const TapWallet = require('Embark/contracts/TapWallet');
let owner,
contracts: {
TapWallet: {
args: ["0x000000", "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", 0]
}, (err, _accounts) => {
owner = _accounts[0];
keycard = _accounts[1]
merchant = _accounts[2];
thief = _accounts[3];
const getErrorReason = (err) => {
const errors = [];
for (hash in err.results) {
return errors[0];
contract('TapWallet', () => {
const setKeycard = async () => {
const setKeycard = TapWallet.methods.setKeycard(keycard);
await setKeycard.send({
from: owner
it ('recover', async () => {
const message = "hello world";
const sig = await web3.eth.sign(message, owner);
const prefixedHash = await web3.eth.accounts.hashMessage(message);
const contractResult = await TapWallet.methods.recover(prefixedHash, sig).call();
assert.equal(contractResult, owner, "contractResult == owner");
it('add balance', async () => {
const contractBalanceBefore = await web3.eth.getBalance(TapWallet.address);
assert.equal(contractBalanceBefore, 0);
const value = 100;
const nonce = await web3.eth.getTransactionCount(owner);
const tx = {
from: owner,
to: TapWallet.address,
nonce: nonce,
value: value,
const res = await web3.eth.sendTransaction(tx);
const contractBalanceAfter = await web3.eth.getBalance(TapWallet.address);
assert.equal(contractBalanceAfter, value);
it('requestPayment without setting a keycard address', async () => {
const message = await web3.utils.soliditySha3(0, "0x00", 0);
const requestPayment = TapWallet.methods.requestPayment("0x00", "0x00", 0, merchant, 0);
try {
const estimatedGas = await requestPayment.estimateGas();
await requestPayment.send({
from: owner,
gas: estimatedGas
assert.fail("requestPayment should have failed");
} catch (err) {
assert.equal(getErrorReason(err), "keycard address not set");
it('setKeycard needs to be called by the owner', async () => {
const setKeycard = TapWallet.methods.setKeycard(keycard);
try {
await setKeycard.send({
from: merchant
assert.fail("setKeycard should have failed");
} catch (err) {
assert.equal(getErrorReason(err), "owner required");
it('setKeycard called by the owner', async () => {
const keycardBefore = await TapWallet.methods.keycard().call();
assert.equal(keycardBefore, "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "keycard should be empty");
await setKeycard();
const currentKeycard = await TapWallet.methods.keycard().call();
assert.equal(currentKeycard, keycard, "current keycard address is wrong");
it('requestPayment with bad signature', async () => {
const nonce = await TapWallet.methods.nonce().call();
const to = merchant;
const value = 10;
const message = await web3.utils.soliditySha3(nonce, to, value);
// message is signed by the merchant
const sig = await web3.eth.sign(message, merchant);
const hashToSign = await web3.eth.accounts.hashMessage(message);
const requestPayment = TapWallet.methods.requestPayment(hashToSign, sig, nonce, to, value);
try {
const estimatedGas = await requestPayment.estimateGas();
await requestPayment.send({
from: merchant,
gas: estimatedGas
assert.fail("requestPayment should have failed");
} catch (err) {
assert.equal(getErrorReason(err), "signer is not the keycard");
const pendingWithdrawal = await TapWallet.methods.pendingWithdrawals(merchant).call();
assert.equal(pendingWithdrawal, 0);
it('requestPayment with bad nonce', async () => {
let nonce = await TapWallet.methods.nonce().call();
// increment nonce making it invalid
const to = merchant;
const value = 10;
const message = await web3.utils.soliditySha3(nonce, to, value);
const sig = await web3.eth.sign(message, keycard);
const hashToSign = await web3.eth.accounts.hashMessage(message);
const requestPayment = TapWallet.methods.requestPayment(hashToSign, sig, nonce, to, value);
try {
const estimatedGas = await requestPayment.estimateGas();
await requestPayment.send({
from: merchant,
gas: estimatedGas
assert.fail("requestPayment should have failed");
} catch (err) {
assert.equal(getErrorReason(err), "invalid nonce");
const pendingWithdrawal = await TapWallet.methods.pendingWithdrawals(merchant).call();
assert.equal(pendingWithdrawal, 0);
it('requestPayment with params different from signed params', async () => {
const nonce = await TapWallet.methods.nonce().call();
const to = merchant;
const value = 10;
const message = await web3.utils.soliditySha3(nonce, to, value);
const sig = await web3.eth.sign(message, keycard);
const badMessage = await web3.utils.soliditySha3(nonce, to, value + 100);
const hashFromBadParams = await web3.eth.accounts.hashMessage(badMessage);
const requestPayment = TapWallet.methods.requestPayment(hashFromBadParams, sig, nonce, to, value);
try {
const estimatedGas = await requestPayment.estimateGas();
const receipt = await requestPayment.send({
from: merchant,
gas: estimatedGas
assert.fail("requestPayment should have failed");
} catch (err) {
assert.equal(getErrorReason(err), "signed params are different");
const pendingWithdrawal = await TapWallet.methods.pendingWithdrawals(merchant).call();
assert.equal(pendingWithdrawal, 0);
it('setSettings needs to be called by the owner', async () => {
const setSettings = TapWallet.methods.setSettings(1);
try {
const receipt = await setSettings.send({
from: merchant
assert.fail("setSettings should have failed");
} catch (err) {
assert.equal(getErrorReason(err), "owner required");
it('setSettings called by the owner', async () => {
const settingsBefore = await TapWallet.methods.settings().call();
assert.equal(settingsBefore, 0);
const setSettings = TapWallet.methods.setSettings(100);
await setSettings.send({
from: owner
const currentSettings = await TapWallet.methods.settings().call();
assert.equal(currentSettings, 100);
it('requestPayment with value greater than maxTxValue', async () => {
const nonce = await TapWallet.methods.nonce().call();
const to = merchant;
const value = 1000;
const message = await web3.utils.soliditySha3(nonce, to, value);
const sig = await web3.eth.sign(message, keycard);
const hashToSign = await web3.eth.accounts.hashMessage(message);
const requestPayment = TapWallet.methods.requestPayment(hashToSign, sig, nonce, to, value);
try {
const estimatedGas = await requestPayment.estimateGas();
const receipt = await requestPayment.send({
from: merchant,
gas: estimatedGas
assert.fail("requestPayment should have failed");
} catch (err) {
assert.equal(getErrorReason(err), "amount not allowed");
it('requestPayment', async () => {
const nonce = await TapWallet.methods.nonce().call();
const to = merchant;
const value = 10;
const message = await web3.utils.soliditySha3(nonce, to, value);
const sig = await web3.eth.sign(message, keycard);
const hashToSign = await web3.eth.accounts.hashMessage(message);
const requestPayment = TapWallet.methods.requestPayment(hashToSign, sig, nonce, to, value);
const estimatedGas = await requestPayment.estimateGas();
const receipt = await requestPayment.send({
from: merchant,
gas: estimatedGas
const event = receipt.events.NewPaymentRequest;
assert.equal(event.returnValues.nonce, nonce);
assert.equal(event.returnValues.to, merchant);
assert.equal(event.returnValues.value, value);
const pendingWithdrawal = await TapWallet.methods.pendingWithdrawals(merchant).call();
assert.equal(pendingWithdrawal, value);
it('withdraw from address without pendingWithdrawal', async () => {
const withdrawalValue = 1;
const pendingWithdrawalBefore = await TapWallet.methods.pendingWithdrawals(thief).call();
assert.equal(pendingWithdrawalBefore, 0);
const withdraw = TapWallet.methods.withdraw();
try {
const receipt = await withdraw.send({ from: thief });
assert.fail("withdraw should have failed");
} catch (err) {
assert.equal(getErrorReason(err), "no pending withdrawal");
it('withdraw', async () => {
const withdrawalValue = 10;
const merchantBalanceBefore = await web3.eth.getBalance(merchant);
const pendingWithdrawalBefore = await TapWallet.methods.pendingWithdrawals(merchant).call();
assert.equal(pendingWithdrawalBefore, withdrawalValue);
const withdraw = TapWallet.methods.withdraw();
const receipt = await withdraw.send({ from: merchant });
const event = receipt.events.NewWithdrawal;
assert.equal(event.returnValues.to, merchant);
assert.equal(event.returnValues.value, withdrawalValue);
const gasPrice = await web3.eth.getGasPrice();
const fullTxPrice = (new web3.utils.BN(gasPrice)).mul(new web3.utils.BN(receipt.gasUsed));
const pendingWithdrawalAfter = await TapWallet.methods.pendingWithdrawals(merchant).call();
assert.equal(pendingWithdrawalAfter, 0);
const expectedMerchantBalance = (new web3.utils.BN(merchantBalanceBefore)).sub(fullTxPrice).add(new web3.utils.BN(withdrawalValue));
const merchantBalanceAfter = await web3.eth.getBalance(merchant);
assert.deepStrictEqual(new web3.utils.BN(merchantBalanceAfter), expectedMerchantBalance);
it('withdraw error on 0 pendingWithdrawal', async () => {
const pendingWithdrawal = await TapWallet.methods.pendingWithdrawals(merchant).call();
assert.equal(pendingWithdrawal, 0);
try {
await TapWallet.methods.withdraw().send({ from: merchant });
assert.fail("withdraw should have failed");
} catch(err) {
assert.equal(getErrorReason(err), "no pending withdrawal");