Teemu Patja e6e62d3adc
Indicate signing bounties not possible without web3
* show a warning div informing that signing off bounties is not
  possible without a connected wallet (Fixes #28)
2017-03-08 22:35:55 +02:00

77 lines
2.6 KiB

(ns commiteth.bounties
(:require [re-frame.core :as rf]
[commiteth.common :refer [moment-timestamp]]))
(defn pr-url [{owner :owner
pr-number :pr_number
repo :repo_name}]
(str "" owner "/" repo "/pull/" pr-number))
(defn claim-card [bounty claim]
(let [{pr-state :pr_state
user-name :user_name
avatar-url :user_avatar_url
issue-id :issue_id
issue-title :issue_title} claim
merged? (= 1 (:pr_state claim))
paid? (not-empty (:payout_hash claim))
confirming? (:confirming? bounty)
updated (:updated bounty)]
(println "paid?" paid? "merged?" merged? (and merged? ((comp not) paid?)))
[:img {:src avatar-url}]]]
[:div.header user-name]
[:div.description "Submitted a claim for " [:a {:href (pr-url claim)}
[:div.description (if paid?
(str "(" (if merged? "merged" "open") ")"))]
[:div.time (moment-timestamp updated)]
(merge (if (and merged? (not paid?))
{:disabled true})
{:on-click #(rf/dispatch [:confirm-payout claim])}
(when confirming?
{:class "busy loading" :disabled true}))
(if paid?
"Signed off"
(defn claim-list [bounties]
;; TODO: exclude bounties with no claims
(if (empty? bounties)
[:div.ui.text "No items"]
(into [:div.activity-item-container]
(for [bounty bounties
claim (:claims bounty)]
;; TODO: for paid bounties, only show the winning claim
[claim-card bounty claim]))))
(defn bounties-page []
(let [owner-bounties (rf/subscribe [:owner-bounties])]
(fn []
(let [web3 (.-web3 js/window)
bounties (vals @owner-bounties)
unpaid? #(empty? (:payout_hash %))
paid? #(not-empty (:payout_hash %))
unpaid-bounties (filter unpaid? bounties)
paid-bounties (filter paid? bounties)]
(when (nil? web3)
"To sign off claims, please view Commiteth in Status, Mist or Metamask"])
[:h3 "New claims"]
[claim-list unpaid-bounties]
[:h3 "Old claims"]
[claim-list paid-bounties]]))))