Enable communities to distribute funds to push their cause forward. https://openbounty.status.im/
Go to file
Churikova Tetiana caaa349509 new git version test 2018-04-30 12:34:47 +03:00
.circleci .circleci/config.yml identation 2018-03-28 16:50:15 +02:00
.github Adopt status-react issue template 2017-03-06 20:36:21 +02:00
contracts update contract building docs + add decision record 2018-03-26 19:09:38 +03:00
doc DR-0004: link to BEM 2018-04-26 19:34:46 +03:00
env Change default value for offline signing to true in config 2018-03-12 10:04:59 +02:00
macchiato-app fixes #169 remove http endpoints 2017-11-16 21:16:25 +03:00
resources add repo_owner and avatar to owner bounties query 2018-04-26 19:34:46 +03:00
src make sure claim count only counts open PRs 2018-04-26 19:34:46 +03:00
static_langing_page Ensure Google Analytics using correct ID 2018-01-24 23:54:45 -05:00
test new git version test 2018-04-30 12:34:47 +03:00
.dockerignore jenkinsfile v1 (#229) 2018-02-06 12:18:31 +02:00
.gitignore include generated contract interfaces in git 2018-03-26 19:09:38 +03:00
CONTRIBUTING.md Add wiki docs to the repo 2018-02-14 17:28:44 +01:00
Dockerfile Add less to Dockerfile 2018-04-12 08:11:12 +03:00
Jenkinsfile Update Jenkinsfile 2018-04-30 12:34:47 +03:00
LICENSE.md Update LICENSE.md 2017-03-09 15:32:03 +01:00
README.md Update README.md 2018-04-26 11:55:34 -07:00
build-landing-page.sh Improved welcome page 2017-11-01 23:12:59 -05:00
html2png.sh Install wkhtmltoimage for PNG generation 2018-03-12 10:04:59 +02:00
project.clj dont clean java source paths 2018-03-26 19:09:38 +03:00


Status Open Bounty

Riot Chat Badge

Allows you to set bounties for GitHub issues, paid out in Ether or any ERC-20 token.

More information: https://wiki.status.im/Status_Open_Bounty

Live production version: https://openbounty.status.im The master branch is automatically deployed here.

Live testnet (Ropsten) version: https://openbounty.status.im:444 The develop branch is automatically deployed here.

Table of contents


You will need Leiningen 2.0 or above installed. Also, make sure that you have wkhtmltoimage available in your PATH. On macOS, it can be installed via brew cask install wkhtmltopdf.


Install PostgreSQL, and set it up properly:

psql postgres -c "CREATE USER commiteth WITH PASSWORD 'commiteth';"
psql postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE commiteth;"

Application config

Create /config-dev.edn, and populate it correctly, according to env/dev/resources/config.edn. The config fields are described below:

Key Description
dev Currently specifies whether Swagger UI endpoints should be added to routes
port HTTP port for the Ring web app
dev-login Local development only. Set it to the GitHub name of your dev user in order to log in to the system and to bypass OAuth. Following this, set server-address according to your localhost address.
nrepl-port nREPL port for development
jdbc-database-url PostgreSQL database URL; for instance, the URL to the local db would be jdbc:postgresql://localhost/commiteth?user=commiteth&password=commiteth
server-address The URL and port of the local server that can be resolved from public internet. It will be used as a redirect URI during GitHub OAuth authorization process.
eth-account Ethereum account ID for the bot
eth-password Ethereum account password for the bot
eth-rpc-url RPC URL to the Ethereum node, e.g. Geth. Either local or remote
eth-wallet-file Location of the wallet file. If Geth is run with the parameters specified below, it will reside under $HOME/.ropsten/keystore.
offline-signing Specifies whether to sign transactions locally before sending. Default is true. Set to false when connecting to the local Geth node that unlocks accounts.
tokenreg-base-format Should be set to :status
github-client-id Related to OAuth. Copied from the GitHub account: Settings -> Developer settings -> OAuth Apps
github-client-secret Related to OAuth. Copied from theGitHub account: Settings -> Developer settings -> OAuth Apps
github-user GitHub username for a bot account. It is used for posting bounty comments.
github-password GitHub password for a bot account.
webhook-secret Secret string to be used when creating a GitHub App
user-whitelist Set of GitHub user/org IDs to be whitelisted. E.g. #{"status-im" "your_org"}
testnet-token-data Token data map; useful if there are Geth connectivity problems

GitHub integration

Open Bounty uses both OAuth App and GitHub App integration.

OAuth App

Follow the steps here. Specify the value of :server-address as "Homepage URL", and :server-address + /callback as "Authorization callback URL". Be sure to copy the Client ID and Client Secret values in the config file.

GitHub App

Follow the steps here. Be sure to specify :server-address + /webhook-app as "Webhook URL", and :webhook-secret as "Webhook Secret".


All information related to development of OpenBounty smart contracts can be found in contracts/.


Ethereum node

There are two options for connecting to an Ethereum node: either run a local node with an unlocked account, or connect to a remote Geth node or Infura. We will be connecting to Ropsten, which is an Ethereum network used for testing.


To launch a local geth node with the bot account unlocked, issue the following command:

geth --fast --testnet --cache=1024 --datadir=$HOME/.ropsten --verbosity 4 --port 50100 --ipcpath ~/.ropsten/geth.ipc --rpc --rpcaddr --rpcport 8545 --rpcapi db,eth,net,web3,personal --rpccorsdomain "https://wallet.ethereum.org" --unlock "0xYOUR_ADDR" --password <(echo "YOUR_PASSPHRASE")


Register at Infura. You will receive an email with the provider's URLs. Paste a URL for the Ropsten network into config.edn under the :eth-rpc-url key, and set :offline-signing to true.

CSS auto-compilation

Launch the following command in a separate shell:

lein less auto

Solidity compilation

Invoke build-contracts Leiningen task to compile Solidity files into Java classes:

lein build-contracts

Clojure app without REPL

Launch the following commands, each in its own shell:

lein run
lein figwheel

Clojure app with REPL

You'll have to start a REPL on the backend and frontend.

lein repl

Now you can start a CLJS REPL:

(use 'figwheel-sidecar.repl-api)

(Alternatively, if you use emacs and CIDER, you can run cider-jack-in. Details here)

Next, start the application from the clojure REPL:


Uberjar build

To create a standalone uberjar:

lein uberjar

This creates target/uberjar/commiteth.jar. You can run it with the following command from within the project's root:

java -Dconf=<path_to_config.edn> -jar target/uberjar/commiteth.jar



Please refer to doc/testing.md.

Clojure tests

lein test

ClojureScript tests

lein with-profile test doo phantom test

Reagent component devcards

lein with-profile test figwheel devcards

Open http://localhost:3449/cards.html


We use CircleCI to run unit tests. For this to work, set the following env vars:

These env vars override the configuration parameters that are usually set using the config.edn file.

  • ETH_ACCOUNT - as in config.edn
  • ETH_PASSWORD - as in config.edn
  • ETH_RPC_URL - as in config.edn
  • ETH_WALLET_FILE - as in config.edn
  • ETH_WALLET_JSON - contents of this will be written to ETH_WALLET_FILE

💡 Ideally, we'd create those parameters in a script. PR welcome.

Update landing page

Landing page is static and different CSS and JS due to time constraints.

  • Build CSS with Gulp (see static_landing_page/README.md
  • Make changes and ./build-landing-page.sh

This copies the necessary artifacts over to the resources dir.

More info

Detailed information on code structure, troubleshooting, and more can be found here.


Licensed under the Affero General Public License v3.0