2017-11-10 21:48:38 +00:00

210 lines
6.2 KiB

(ns commiteth.cards
(:require [reagent.core :as r]
[commiteth.svg :as svg]
[cljs.test :refer-macros [is testing]]
[devcards.core :refer-macros [defcard-rg
(def app-state (r/atom {:repo-state :disabled
:active-tab :activity
:user {:login "foobar"
:profile-image "https://randomuser.me/api/portraits/men/4.jpg"}}))
(defn fake-toggle-action [app-state]
(let [repo-state (:repo-state @app-state)]
(when-not (= repo-state :busy)
(swap! app-state assoc :repo-state :busy)
(let [to-state (if (= repo-state :enabled)
(.setTimeout js/window
#(swap! app-state assoc :repo-state to-state)
(defn repo-toggle-button [button-state on-click]
(case button-state
:enabled [:div.ui.two.column.container
[:a.ui.item.remove-link {:on-click on-click} "Remove"]]
:disabled [:div.ui.button.small {:on-click on-click} "Add"]
:busy [:div.ui.button.small.disabled.loading "Busy..."]))
(defn repo-dynamic [state-ratom]
[:div.repo-label "here-be-dragons"]
[:div.repo-description "Here is a description for the repository."]
(:repo-state @app-state)
#(fake-toggle-action app-state)]]]])
(defcard-rg repo-card-dynamic
[repo-dynamic app-state]
(defn dropdown-component [state-ratom]
(let [menu (if (:dropdown-open? @state-ratom)
{:on-click #(swap! state-ratom update-in [:dropdown-open?] not)}
(:name @state-ratom)
(into menu
(for [item (:items @state-ratom)]
^{:key item} [:div.item item]))]))
(defn dropdown-component2 [dropdown-open? caption items]
(let [menu (if @dropdown-open?
{:on-click #(swap! dropdown-open? not)}
(into menu
(for [item items]
^{:key item} [:div.item item]))]))
(defn user-component [state-ratom]
(if-let [user (get-in @state-ratom [:user])]
(let [login (:login user)]
[:img.ui.mini.circular.image {:src (:profile-image user)}]]
[dropdown-component2 (r/atom false) login ["Update address" "Sign out"]]
;; {:href (str "https://github.com/" login)}
;; login
;; [:i.dropdown.icon]
;; [:a.ui.button.tiny {:href "/logout"} "Sign out"]
[:a.ui.button.tiny {:href "#";;js/authorizeUrl
} "Sign in"]))
(defn activate-tab! [tab]
(swap! app-state assoc :active-tab tab))
(defn tabs [app-state]
(let [active-tab (:active-tab app-state)]
(for [[tab caption] [[:activity "Activity"]
;; NOTE(oskarth) Disabling this as repo management happens through GH app
#_[:manage "Repositories"]
[:bounties "Bounties"]]]
(let [props {:class (str "ui item"
(when (= active-tab tab) " active"))
:on-click #(activate-tab! tab)}]
^{:key tab} [:div props caption]))]))
(defn page-header-dynamic [state-ratom]
[:img {:src "/img/logo.svg"}]]
^{:key 1} [:div.column]
^{:key 2} [:div.column]
[user-component state-ratom]]]
(when-not (:user @state-ratom)
[:h2.ui.header "Commit ETH"]
[:h3.ui.subheader "Earn ETH by committing to open source projects"]
[tabs @state-ratom]])
(defcard-rg page-header
[page-header-dynamic app-state]
#_(defcard-rg login-button
[login-button {:login "foobar"}])
(defn top-hunters-dynamic [state-ratom]
[:div "TODO"])
#_{:activity-item {:type :bounty-created
:issue-id 1
:foo 42}}
(defcard-rg feeditem-bounty-created
"An activity feed item with a bounty-created event"
[:img.ui.tiny.circular.image {:src "https://randomuser.me/api/portraits/men/4.jpg"}]]
[:h3 "Random User"]]
"ETH 15 bounty for " [:a {:href "#"} "Fix crash"]]]
[:div.ui.label.tiny "ETH 15"]
[:div.time "2h ago"]]]]]]])
(defcard-rg feeditem-claim-submitted
"An activity feed item with a claim event"
[:img.ui.tiny.circular.image {:src "https://randomuser.me/api/portraits/men/5.jpg"}]]
[:h3 "Pseudo-random User"]]
"Submitted a claim for " [:a {:href "#"} "Fix crash"]]]
[:div.time "2h ago"]]]]]]])
(defcard-rg user-menu
"Top right user menu component"
(fn [state _]
[:img.ui.mini.circular.image {:src "https://randomuser.me/api/portraits/men/4.jpg"}]]
[dropdown-component state]])
(r/atom {:dropdown-open? false
:name "Random User"
:items ["foo" "bar"]})
{:inspect-data true})
(defcard-rg svg-test
(fn []
#_(deftest tests-can-also-be-done-here
(is (= 0 0)))