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Bounty Based Collaboration

For developers

Get rewarded for contributing code

Find, contribute and get rewarded in crypto for completing bounties.

For organizations

Find talented developers fast

Post bounties, build your team and move your project forward today.

Connecting developers & organizations from everywhere

For developers

Work on projects that truly interest you

Choose the bounties that excite you, match your skill set or fit your schedule. Work from anywhere, no strings attached.

Get the community to fund your ideas

Like many talented developers on GitHub, you’ve got great ideas that can benefit the community. With Status Open Bounty, you can easily pitch / request funding as anyone from anywhere can add money to a bounty purse.

For organizations

Avoid time-consuming hiring

Find talent based on code quality, not on the subjective interview process and candidate feedback.

Find specialized talent worldwide

To solve new challenges, you often need hard-to-find skillsets. If you can’t easily find local talent, Status Open Bounty makes it easy to leverage the best talent in the world.

You choose your currency

For developers

Earn rewards in the cryptocurrency of your choice

Don’t want $USD? With Status Open Bounty, once your work is done, you can quickly receive bounties and funding in the currency of your choice, including ETH and ERC20 tokens—without exchange rate fees, 3rd party payment fees or bank setup headaches.

For organizations

Pay developers in any cryptocurrency you want

Don’t want to pay in $USD? Status Open Bounty supports ETH and most ERC20 Tokens, so you can pay developers in the currency that makes sense for your organization.

Open Source Collaboration Tool

Status Open Bounty is a bounty-based collaboration tool that plugs right into GitHub.

Have questions?

At Status Open Bounty we have a passionate community of developers and organizations that are connecting everyday.

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