[Common] ;app URL url = https://openbounty.status.im:444/ ;URL to GH openbounty app sob_test_app = http://github.com/apps/status-open-bounty-app-test gh_login = https://github.com/login [Paths] ;AbsolutePath to 'end-to-end' folder tests_absolute = /usr/dir/open-bounty/test/end-to-end/ [ORG] ;GitHub credentials for organization owner gh_login = login gh_password = password ;GitHub organization path gh_org_profile = https://github.com/organizations/organization/ ;GitHub repo path gh_repo = https://github.com/org_name/repo_name/ ;GitHub repo name gh_repo_name = repo_name ;MetaMask password for organization mm_password = password [DEV] ;GitHub credentials for developer gh_login = login gh_password = password gh_username = username gh_forked_repo = https://github.com/username/reponame/