Merge pull request #447 from status-im/fix/update-comment-only-if-hash-changes-385
Update comment only if hash changes 385
This commit is contained in:
@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ SELECT
i.tokens AS tokens,
i.value_usd AS value_usd,
u.login AS winner_login,
u.address AS payout_address
u.address AS winner_address
FROM issues i, pull_requests p, users u, repositories r
p.issue_id = i.issue_id
@ -405,23 +405,6 @@ SET payout_receipt = :payout_receipt::jsonb,
updated = timezone('utc'::text, now())
WHERE issue_id = :issue_id;
-- :name update-token-balances :! :n
-- :doc updates issue with given token balances
UPDATE issues
SET tokens = :token_balances::jsonb,
updated = timezone('utc'::text, now())
WHERE contract_address = :contract_address;
-- :name update-usd-value :! :n
-- :doc updates issue with given USD value
UPDATE issues
SET value_usd = :usd_value,
value_usd_updated = timezone('utc'::text, now())
WHERE contract_address = :contract_address;
-- :name update-issue-open :! :n
-- :doc updates issue's open status
UPDATE issues
@ -455,12 +438,23 @@ SELECT
i.issue_number AS issue_number,
i.is_open AS is_open,
i.winner_login AS winner_login,
i.transaction_hash AS transaction_hash,
i.contract_address AS contract_address,
i.confirm_hash AS confirm_hash,
i.execute_hash AS execute_hash,
i.payout_hash AS payout_hash,
i.watch_hash AS watch_hash,
i.payout_receipt AS payout_receipt,
i.commit_sha AS commit_sha,
u.address AS owner_address,
u.login AS owner_login,
i.contract_address AS contract_address,
i.confirm_hash AS confirm_hash,
i.title AS title,
i.comment_id AS comment_id,
i.balance_eth AS balance_eth,
i.tokens AS tokens,
i.value_usd AS value_usd,
i.repo_id AS repo_id,
r.owner AS owner,
r.repo AS repo
@ -601,10 +595,12 @@ AND r.repo_id = i.repo_id
AND r.owner = :owner
AND r.repo = :repo;
-- :name update-eth-balance :! :n
-- :name update-balances :! :n
-- :doc updates balance of a wallet attached to a given issue
UPDATE issues
SET balance_eth = :balance_eth,
tokens = :token_balances::jsonb,
value_usd = :usd_value,
updated = timezone('utc'::text, now())
WHERE contract_address = :contract_address;
@ -658,8 +654,8 @@ SELECT
user_name as display_name,
user_avatar_url as avatar_url,
@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
(ns commiteth.bounties
(:require [commiteth.db.issues :as issues]
[commiteth.db.bounties :as db-bounties]
[commiteth.db.users :as users]
[commiteth.db.repositories :as repos]
[commiteth.db.comment-images :as comment-images]
[commiteth.eth.core :as eth]
[commiteth.eth.tracker :as tracker]
[commiteth.github.core :as github]
[commiteth.util.util :refer [to-map]]
[commiteth.eth.multisig-wallet :as multisig]
[commiteth.model.bounty :as bnt]
[commiteth.util.png-rendering :as png-rendering]
[commiteth.model.bounty :as bnt]
[ :as log]))
@ -22,7 +22,58 @@
(let [labels (:labels issue)]
(some #(= label-name (:name %)) labels)))
(defn deploy-contract [owner-address issue-id]
(def last-states (atom {}))
(defn transition [{:keys [issue-id tx-info] :as bounty} state]
(let [bounty-not= (fn [current db]
(some #(not= (%1 current) (%1 db))
(disj (set (keys current)) :tx-info)))
bounty-from-db (issues/get-issue-by-id issue-id)
bounty (and (or
(and (= state :pending-contributor-address)
(not= state (get @last-states issue-id)))
(bounty-not= bounty bounty-from-db))
(merge bounty-from-db bounty))]
(when bounty
(case state
(tracker/track-tx! tx-info)
(tracker/untrack-tx! {:issue-id (:issue-id bounty)
:tx-hash (:transaction-hash bounty)
:result (:contract-address bounty)
:type :deploy})
(github/update-bounty-comment-image bounty))
(tracker/track-tx! tx-info)
(tracker/untrack-tx! tx-info)
(db-bounties/update-payout-receipt issue-id (:payout-receipt bounty))
(tracker/track-tx! tx-info)
(tracker/untrack-tx! tx-info)
(github/update-bounty-comment-image bounty)
(issues/update-balances (:contract-address bounty)
(:balance-eth bounty)
(:tokens bounty)
(:value-usd bounty)))
(github/update-comment bounty state)))
(swap! last-states assoc issue-id state))
(defn deploy-contract [owner-address issue-id]
(if (empty? owner-address)
(log/errorf "issue %s: Unable to deploy bounty contract because repo owner has no Ethereum addres" issue-id)
@ -31,23 +82,36 @@
:internal-tx-id [:deploy issue-id]})]
(log/infof "issue %s: Contract deployed, transaction-hash: %s" issue-id (:tx-hash tx-info))
(github/post-deploying-comment issue-id
(:tx-hash tx-info))
(tracker/track-tx! tx-info))
(transition {:issue-id issue-id
:transaction-hash (:tx-hash tx-info)
:tx-info tx-info} :deploying))
(log/errorf "issue %s Failed to deploy contract to %s" issue-id owner-address))
(catch Exception ex (log/errorf ex "issue %s: deploy-contract exception" issue-id)))))
(defn execute-payout [issue-id contract-address payout-address]
(if (empty? payout-address)
(log/warn "issue %s: Cannot sign pending bounty - winner has no payout address" issue-id)
(transition {:issue-id issue-id} :pending-contributor-address))
(let [tx-info (multisig/send-all {:contract contract-address
:payout-address payout-address
:internal-tx-id [:execute issue-id]})]
(log/infof "issue %s: Payout self-signed, called sign-all(%s) tx: %s" issue-id contract-address payout-address (:tx-hash tx-info))
(transition {:execute-hash (:tx-hash tx-info)
:issue-id issue-id
:tx-info tx-info} :pending-sob-confirmation)
(defn add-bounty-for-issue [repo repo-id issue]
(let [{issue-id :id
issue-number :number
issue-title :title} issue
created-issue (issues/create repo-id issue-id issue-number issue-title)
{owner-address :address
owner :owner} (users/get-repo-owner repo-id)]
{:keys [address owner]} (users/get-repo-owner repo-id)]
(log/debug "issue %s: Adding bounty for issue %s/%s - owner address: %s"
issue-id repo issue-number owner-address)
issue-id repo issue-number address)
(if (= 1 created-issue)
(deploy-contract owner-address issue-id)
(deploy-contract address issue-id)
(log/debug "issue %s: Issue already exists in DB, ignoring"))))
(defn maybe-add-bounty-for-issue [repo repo-id issue]
@ -63,9 +127,8 @@
;; We have a max-limit to ensure people can't add more issues and
;; drain bot account until we have economic design in place
(defn add-bounties-for-existing-issues [full-name]
(let [{repo-id :repo_id
owner :owner
repo :repo} (repos/get-repo full-name)
(let [{:keys [repo-id
owner repo] } (repos/get-repo full-name)
issues (github/get-issues owner repo)
bounty-issues (filter has-bounty-label? issues)
max-bounties (take max-issues-limit bounty-issues)]
@ -75,30 +138,13 @@
(map (partial maybe-add-bounty-for-issue repo repo-id) max-bounties))))
(defn update-bounty-comment-image [issue-id owner repo issue-number contract-address eth-balance eth-balance-str tokens]
(let [hash (github/github-comment-hash owner repo issue-number eth-balance)
issue-url (str owner "/" repo "/issues/" (str issue-number))
png-data (png-rendering/gen-comment-image
(log/debug "update-bounty-comment-image" issue-id owner repo issue-number)
(log/debug contract-address eth-balance-str)
(log/debug "hash" hash)
(if png-data
(comment-images/save-image! issue-id hash png-data)
(log/error "Failed ot generate PNG"))))
(defn update-bounty-issue-titles
"Update stored titles for bounty issues if changed on Github side"
(log/debug "update-bounty-issue-titles")
(for [{:keys [title issue_number repo owner]}
(for [{:keys [title issue-number repo owner]}
(let [gh-issue (github/get-issue owner repo issue_number)]
(let [gh-issue (github/get-issue owner repo issue-number)]
(if-not (= title (:title gh-issue))
(issues/update-issue-title (:id gh-issue) (:title gh-issue))))))
@ -118,29 +164,31 @@
- :pending-contributor-address
- :pending-maintainer-confirmation"
(assert-keys bounty [:winner_login :payout_address :confirm_hash :payout_hash
:claims :tokens :contract_address])
(assert-keys bounty [:winner-login :payout-address :confirm-hash :payout-hash
:claims :tokens :contract-address])
;; Some bounties have been paid out manually, the payout hash
;; was set properly but winner_login was not
;; was set properly but winner-login was not
(let [open-claims (fn open-claims [bounty]
(filter bnt/open? (:claims bounty)))]
(if-let [merged-or-paid? (or (:winner_login bounty)
(:payout_receipt bounty))]
(if-let [merged-or-paid? (or (:winner-login bounty)
(:payout-receipt bounty))]
(:payout_receipt bounty) :paid
(nil? (:payout_address bounty)) :pending-contributor-address
;; `confirm_hash` is set by us as soon as a PR is merged and the
(:payout-receipt bounty) :paid
(nil? (:payout-address bounty)) :pending-contributor-address
;; `confirm-hash` is set by us as soon as a PR is merged and the
;; contributor address is known. Usually end users should not need
;; to be aware of this step.
(nil? (:confirm_hash bounty)) :pending-sob-confirmation
;; `payout_hash` is set when the bounty issuer signs the payout
(nil? (:payout_hash bounty)) :pending-maintainer-confirmation
(nil? (:confirm-hash bounty)) :pending-sob-confirmation
;; `payout-hash` is set when the bounty issuer signs the payout
(nil? (:payout-hash bounty)) :pending-maintainer-confirmation
:else :merged)
(cond ; not yet merged
(< 1 (count (open-claims bounty))) :multiple-claims
(= 1 (count (open-claims bounty))) :claimed
(seq (:tokens bounty)) :funded
(:contract_address bounty) :opened))))
(:contract-address bounty) :opened))))
(def user 97496)
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
(ns commiteth.db.bounties
(:require [commiteth.db.core :refer [*db*] :as db]
[commiteth.util.util :refer [to-db-map]]
[ :as log]
[ :as jdbc]
[clojure.set :refer [rename-keys]]))
@ -58,7 +60,7 @@
(defn update-payout-hash
[issue-id payout-hash]
(jdbc/with-db-connection [con-db *db*]
(db/update-payout-hash con-db {:issue_id issue-id :payout_hash payout-hash})))
(db/update-payout-hash con-db (to-db-map issue-id payout-hash))))
(defn reset-payout-hash
@ -66,29 +68,29 @@
(db/reset-payout-hash con-db {:issue_id issue-id})))
(def payout-receipt-keys
(defn update-payout-receipt
[issue-id payout-receipt]
(jdbc/with-db-connection [con-db *db*]
(db/update-payout-receipt con-db {:issue_id issue-id
:payout_receipt payout-receipt})))
(db/update-payout-receipt con-db (to-db-map issue-id payout-receipt))))
(defn get-bounty
[owner repo issue-number]
(jdbc/with-db-connection [con-db *db*]
(db/get-bounty con-db {:owner owner :repo repo :issue_number issue-number})))
(log/info "get-bounty params:" (to-db-map owner repo issue-number))
(db/get-bounty con-db (to-db-map owner repo issue-number))))
(defn open-bounty-contracts
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
[mount.core :refer [defstate]]
[migratus.core :as migratus]
[mpg.core :as mpg]
[clojure.string :as str])
(:import org.postgresql.util.PGobject
@ -92,3 +93,30 @@
(defn update! [& args]
(apply jdbc/update! *db* args))
(defn convert-keys-to-lisp-case [res]
(->> res
(map #(vector (keyword (str/replace (name (first %1)) "_" "-"))
(second %1)))
(into {})))
(defn result-one-sql->lisp
[this result options]
(convert-keys-to-lisp-case (first result)))
(defn result-many-sql->lisp
[this result options]
(map convert-keys-to-lisp-case result))
(defmethod hugsql.core/hugsql-result-fn :1 [sym]
(defmethod hugsql.core/hugsql-result-fn :one [sym]
(defmethod hugsql.core/hugsql-result-fn :* [sym]
(defmethod hugsql.core/hugsql-result-fn :many [sym]
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
(ns commiteth.db.issues
(:require [commiteth.db.core :refer [*db*] :as db]
[ :as jdbc]
[commiteth.util.util :refer [to-db-map]]
[clojure.set :refer [rename-keys]]
[ :as log]))
@ -71,23 +72,13 @@
(jdbc/with-db-connection [con-db *db*]
(db/list-pending-deployments con-db)))
(defn update-eth-balance
[contract-address balance-eth]
(defn update-balances
[contract-address balance-eth token-balances usd-value]
(jdbc/with-db-connection [con-db *db*]
(db/update-eth-balance con-db {:contract_address contract-address
:balance_eth balance-eth})))
(defn update-token-balances
[contract-address balances]
(jdbc/with-db-connection [con-db *db*]
(db/update-token-balances con-db {:contract_address contract-address
:token_balances balances})))
(defn update-usd-value
[contract-address usd-value]
(jdbc/with-db-connection [con-db *db*]
(db/update-usd-value con-db {:contract_address contract-address
:usd_value usd-value})))
(db/update-balances con-db (to-db-map contract-address
(defn update-open-status
[issue-id is-open]
@ -85,10 +85,10 @@
response @(post (eth-rpc-url) options)
result (safe-read-str (:body response))]
(when internal-tx-id
(log/infof "%s: eth-rpc %s" tx-id-str method))
(log/debugf "%s: eth-rpc %s" tx-id-str method))
(log/debugf "%s: eth-rpc req(%s) body: %s" tx-id-str request-id body)
(if tx-id-str
(log/infof "%s: eth-rpc req(%s) result: %s" tx-id-str request-id result)
(log/debugf "%s: eth-rpc req(%s) result: %s" tx-id-str request-id result)
(log/debugf "no-tx-id: eth-rpc req(%s) result: %s" request-id result))
;; Ignore any responses that have mismatching request ID
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@
(hex->big-integer gas)
(:data params)
(biginteger nonce))
tx-hash (try
{:method "eth_sendRawTransaction"
@ -62,9 +62,44 @@
(:tx-hash @current-tx) (:type @current-tx))
(reset! current-tx nil)))
(defrecord ParallelTxTracker [current-txs]
(try-reserve-nonce [this]
(let [nonce (get-nonce)
monitored-nonces (set (keys @current-txs))
first-available-nonce (some #(if (monitored-nonces %1) nil %1) (iterate inc nonce))]
(swap! current-txs assoc first-available-nonce nil)
(drop-nonce [this nonce]
(swap! current-txs dissoc nonce))
(track-tx [this tx-info]
(swap! current-txs update (:nonce tx-info) merge tx-info))
(untrack-tx [this tx-info]
(when (contains? (set (keys @current-txs)) (:nonce tx-info))
(swap! current-txs dissoc (:nonce tx-info))))
(prune-txs [this unmined-txs]
(swap! current-txs
(fn [txs]
(let [unmined-tx-hashes (set (map :tx-hash unmined-txs))
time-threshold (t/minus (t/now) (t/minutes 10))
(->> txs
(filter #(or (unmined-tx-hashes (:tx-hash %1))
(and (:timestamp %1)
(t/before? (:timestamp %1) time-threshold))))
(map :nonce))]
(apply dissoc txs nonces-to-remove)))))
(def tx-tracker (SequentialTxTracker. (atom nil)))
(def tx-tracker (ParallelTxTracker. (atom nil)))
(defn try-reserve-nonce! []
(try-reserve-nonce tx-tracker))
@ -15,6 +15,10 @@
[commiteth.db.issues :as db-issues]
[ :as log]
[cheshire.core :as json]
[commiteth.util.png-rendering :as png-rendering]
[commiteth.db.issues :as db-issues]
[commiteth.db.bounties :as db-bounties]
[commiteth.db.comment-images :as comment-images]
[clojure.string :as str])
(:import [java.util UUID]))
@ -230,7 +234,7 @@
(str "Contract address: [" addr "](" url-base "/address/" addr ")\n")))
(defn generate-open-comment
[owner repo issue-number contract-address eth-balance eth-balance-str tokens]
[owner repo issue-number contract-address eth-balance tokens]
(let [image-url (md-image "QR Code" (get-qr-url owner repo issue-number eth-balance))
site-url (md-url (server-address) (server-address))]
(format (str "Current balance: %s ETH\n"
@ -243,14 +247,14 @@
(if (on-testnet?)
"To fund it, send test ETH or test ERC20/ERC223 tokens to the contract address."
"To fund it, send ETH or ERC20/ERC223 tokens to the contract address."))
eth-balance-str image-url site-url)))
(.toPlainString (bigdec eth-balance)) image-url site-url)))
(defn learn-more-text []
(let [site-url (md-url (server-address) (server-address))]
(format "Visit %s to learn more.\n" site-url)))
(defn generate-merged-comment
[contract-address eth-balance-str tokens winner-login winner-address-missing?]
[contract-address eth-balance tokens winner-login winner-address-missing?]
(format (str "Balance: %s ETH\n"
(token-balances-text tokens)
(contract-addr-text contract-address)
@ -260,17 +264,17 @@
"Pending maintainer confirmation") "\n")
"Winner: %s\n"
eth-balance-str winner-login))
(.toPlainString (bigdec eth-balance)) winner-login))
(defn generate-paid-comment
[contract-address eth-balance-str tokens payee-login]
[contract-address eth-balance tokens payee-login]
(format (str "Balance: %s ETH\n"
(token-balances-text tokens)
(contract-addr-text contract-address)
"Paid to: %s\n"
eth-balance-str payee-login))
(.toPlainString (bigdec eth-balance)) payee-login))
(defn make-patch-request [end-point positional query]
(let [{:keys [auth oauth-token]
@ -290,6 +294,22 @@
(assoc req :body (json/generate-string (or raw-query proper-query)))))
(defn update-bounty-comment-image [{:keys [issue-id owner repo issue-number contract-address balance-eth tokens]}]
(let [hash (github-comment-hash owner repo issue-number balance-eth)
issue-url (str owner "/" repo "/issues/" (str issue-number))
png-data (png-rendering/gen-comment-image
(.toPlainString (bigdec balance-eth))
(log/debug "update-bounty-comment-image" issue-id owner repo issue-number)
(log/debug contract-address balance-eth)
(log/debug "hash" hash)
(if png-data
(comment-images/save-image! issue-id hash png-data)
(log/error "Failed ot generate PNG"))))
(defn post-deploying-comment
[issue-id tx-id]
(let [{owner :owner
@ -310,52 +330,51 @@
(defn update-comment
"Update comment for an open bounty issue"
[owner repo comment-id issue-number contract-address eth-balance eth-balance-str tokens]
(let [comment (generate-open-comment owner
(log/debug (str "Updating " owner "/" repo "/" issue-number
" comment #" comment-id " with contents: " comment))
(let [req (make-patch-request "repos/%s/%s/issues/comments/%s"
[owner repo comment-id]
(assoc (self-auth-params) :body comment))]
(tentacles/safe-parse (http/request req)))))
(defn update-merged-issue-comment
"Update comment for a bounty issue with winning claim (waiting to be
signed off by maintainer/user ETH address missing)"
[owner repo comment-id contract-address eth-balance-str tokens winner-login winner-address-missing?]
(let [comment (generate-merged-comment contract-address
[{:keys [issue-id owner repo comment-id issue-number contract-address
balance-eth tokens
winner-login transaction-hash] :as issue}
(let [comment (case state
(generate-deploying-comment owner repo issue-number transaction-hash)
(:opened :update-balances)
(generate-open-comment owner
(generate-merged-comment contract-address
(or winner-login owner-login)
(generate-merged-comment contract-address
(or winner-login owner-login)
(generate-paid-comment contract-address
(log/debug (str "Updating merged bounty issue (" owner "/" repo ")"
" comment#" comment-id " with contents: " comment))
(let [req (make-patch-request "repos/%s/%s/issues/comments/%s"
[owner repo comment-id]
(assoc (self-auth-params) :body comment))]
(tentacles/safe-parse (http/request req)))))
(defn update-paid-issue-comment
"Update comment for a paid out bounty issue"
[owner repo comment-id contract-address eth-balance-str tokens payee-login]
(let [comment (generate-paid-comment contract-address
(log/debug (str "Updating paid bounty (" owner "/" repo ")"
" comment#" comment-id " with contents: " comment))
(let [req (make-patch-request "repos/%s/%s/issues/comments/%s"
[owner repo comment-id]
(assoc (self-auth-params) :body comment))]
(tentacles/safe-parse (http/request req)))))
(or winner-login owner-login))
(log/info (str "Updating " owner "/" repo "/" issue-number
" comment #" comment-id " with contents: " comment))
(if (= state :deploying)
(let [resp (issues/create-comment owner repo issue-number comment (self-auth-params))
comment-id (:id resp)]
(db-issues/update-comment-id issue-id comment-id))
(when comment
(let [req (make-patch-request "repos/%s/%s/issues/comments/%s"
[owner repo comment-id]
(assoc (self-auth-params) :body comment))]
(tentacles/safe-parse (http/request req)))))))
(defn get-issue
[owner repo issue-number]
@ -12,21 +12,18 @@
(context "/qr" []
(GET "/:owner/:repo/bounty/:issue{[0-9]{1,9}}/:hash/qr.png" [owner repo issue hash]
(log/debug "qr PNG GET" owner repo issue hash)
(if-let [{address :contract_address
repo :repo
issue-id :issue_id
balance-eth :balance_eth}
(if-let [{:keys [contract-address repo issue-id balance-eth]}
(bounties/get-bounty owner
(Integer/parseInt issue))]
(log/debug "address:" address)
(log/debug "address:" contract-address)
(log/debug owner repo issue balance-eth)
(log/debug hash (github/github-comment-hash owner repo issue balance-eth))
(if address
(if-let [{png-data :png_data}
(if contract-address
(if-let [{:keys [png-data]}
issue-id hash)]
issue-id hash)]
(do (log/debug "PNG found")
{:status 200
:content-type "image/png"
@ -27,10 +27,10 @@
(let [user (github/get-user token)
{email :email
user-id :id} user]
(log/debug "get-or-create-user" user)
(users/get-user user-id)
user-id :id} user
db-user (users/get-user user-id)]
(if (:id db-user)
(create-user token user))))
(defroutes redirect-routes
@ -19,7 +19,8 @@
[ :as log]
[commiteth.config :refer [env]]
[commiteth.util.util :refer [usd-decimal->str
[crypto.random :as random]
[clojure.set :refer [rename-keys]]
[clojure.string :as str]
@ -67,27 +68,14 @@
(def bounty-renames
;; TODO this needs to go away ASAP we need to be super consistent
;; about keys unless we will just step on each others toes constantly
{:user_name :display-name
:user_avatar_url :avatar-url
:issue_title :issue-title
:pr_title :pr-title
:pr_number :pr-number
:pr_id :pr-id
:type :item-type
:repo_name :repo-name
:repo_owner :repo-owner
:owner_login :owner-login
:issue_number :issue-number
:issue_id :issue-id
:value_usd :value-usd
:claim_count :claim-count
:balance_eth :balance-eth
:user_has_address :user-has-address})
{:user-name :display-name
:user-avatar-url :avatar-url
:type :item-type})
(defn ^:private enrich-owner-bounties [owner-bounty]
(let [claims (map
#(update % :value_usd usd-decimal->str)
(bounties-db/bounty-claims (:issue_id owner-bounty)))
#(update % :value-usd usd-decimal->str)
(bounties-db/bounty-claims (:issue-id owner-bounty)))
with-claims (assoc owner-bounty :claims claims)]
(-> with-claims
(rename-keys bounty-renames)
@ -103,9 +91,7 @@
(into {}))))
(defn top-hunters []
(let [renames {:user_name :display-name
:avatar_url :avatar-url
:total_usd :total-usd}]
(let [renames {:user-name :display-name}]
(map #(-> %
(rename-keys renames)
(update :total-usd usd-decimal->str))
@ -163,11 +149,8 @@
(defn execute-revocation [issue-id contract-address payout-address]
(log/info (str "executing revocation for " issue-id "at" contract-address))
(let [tx-info (multisig/send-all {:contract contract-address
:payout-address payout-address
:internal-tx-id [:execute issue-id]})]
(tracker/track-tx! tx-info)
{:execute-hash (:tx-hash tx-info)})
(let [tx-info (bounties/execute-payout issue-id contract-address payout-address)]
(:tx-hash tx-info))
(catch Throwable ex
(log/errorf ex "error revoking funds for %s" issue-id))))
@ -212,11 +195,11 @@
:auth-rules authenticated?
:current-user user
:body [body {:address s/Str
:is_hidden_in_hunters s/Bool}]
:is-hidden-in-hunters s/Bool}]
:summary "Updates user's fields."
(let [user-id (:id user)
{:keys [address]} body]
{:keys [address is-hidden-in-hunters]} body]
(when-not (eth/valid-address? address)
(log/debugf "POST /user: Wrong address %s" address)
@ -225,7 +208,8 @@
(when-not (db/user-exists? {:id user-id})
(not-found! "No such a user."))
(db/update! :users body ["id = ?" user-id]))
(db/update! :users (to-db-map address is-hidden-in-hunters)
["id = ?" user-id]))
@ -261,9 +245,9 @@
(POST "/revoke" {{issue-id :issue-id} :params}
:auth-rules authenticated?
:current-user user
(let [{contract-address :contract_address owner-address :owner_address} (issues/get-issue-by-id issue-id)]
(let [{:keys [contract-address owner-address]} (issues/get-issue-by-id issue-id)]
(do (log/infof "calling revoke-initiate for %s with %s %s" issue-id contract-address owner-address)
(if-let [{:keys [execute-hash]} (execute-revocation issue-id contract-address owner-address)]
(if-let [execute-hash (execute-revocation issue-id contract-address owner-address)]
(ok {:issue-id issue-id
:execute-hash execute-hash
:contract-address contract-address})
@ -125,8 +125,8 @@
:pr_number pr-number
:title pr-title
:user_id user-id
:issue_number (:issue_number issue)
:issue_id (:issue_id issue)
:issue_number (:issue-number issue)
:issue_id (:issue-id issue)
:state event-type}]
;; TODO: in the opened case if the submitting user has no
;; Ethereum address stored, we could post a comment to the
@ -134,17 +134,17 @@
;; merged
open-or-edit? (do
(log/infof "issue %s: PR with reference to bounty issue opened" (:issue_number issue))
(log/infof "issue %s: PR with reference to bounty issue opened" (:issue-number issue))
(pull-requests/save (merge pr-data {:state :opened
:commit_sha head-sha})))
close? (if merged?
(do (log/infof "issue %s: PR with reference to bounty issue merged" (:issue_number issue))
(do (log/infof "issue %s: PR with reference to bounty issue merged" (:issue-number issue))
(merge pr-data {:state :merged
:commit_sha head-sha}))
(issues/update-commit-sha (:issue_id issue) head-sha)
(db-bounties/update-winner-login (:issue_id issue) login))
(do (log/infof "issue %s: PR with reference to bounty issue closed with no merge" (:issue_number issue))
(issues/update-commit-sha (:issue-id issue) head-sha)
(db-bounties/update-winner-login (:issue-id issue) login))
(do (log/infof "issue %s: PR with reference to bounty issue closed with no merge" (:issue-number issue))
(merge pr-data {:state :closed
:commit_sha head-sha})))))))
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@
(doseq [issue issues]
(if-not (:commit_sha issue) ; no PR has been merged yet referencing this issue
(log/info "Referenced bounty issue found" owner repo (:issue_number issue))
(log/info "Referenced bounty issue found" owner repo (:issue-number issue))
(handle-claim issue
login name
@ -2,9 +2,10 @@
(:require [commiteth.eth.core :as eth]
[commiteth.eth.multisig-wallet :as multisig]
[commiteth.eth.token-data :as token-data]
[commiteth.eth.tracker :as tracker]
[commiteth.github.core :as github]
[commiteth.db.issues :as issues]
[commiteth.eth.tracker :as tracker]
[commiteth.util.util :refer [to-map]]
[taoensso.tufte :as tufte :refer (defnp p profiled profile)]
[commiteth.db.bounties :as db-bounties]
[commiteth.bounties :as bounties]
@ -12,6 +13,7 @@
[commiteth.util.util :as util]
[ :as log]
[mount.core :as mount]
[clojure.string :as str]
[clj-time.core :as t]
[clj-time.coerce :as time-coerce]
[clj-time.periodic :refer [periodic-seq]]
@ -30,12 +32,10 @@
(profile {} (update-watch-hash))
(profile {} (update-payout-receipt))
(profile {} (update-contract-internal-balances))
(profile {} (update-open-issue-usd-values))
(profile {} (update-balances))
(profile {}
(doseq [i (range 5)]
@ -46,43 +46,16 @@
(log/info "In update-issue-contract-address")
(p :update-issue-contract-address
(doseq [{issue-id :issue_id
transaction-hash :transaction_hash} (issues/list-pending-deployments)]
(doseq [{:keys [issue-id transaction-hash] :as issue} (issues/list-pending-deployments)]
(log/infof "issue %s: pending deployment: %s" issue-id transaction-hash)
(when-let [receipt (eth/get-transaction-receipt transaction-hash)]
(log/infof "issue %s: update-issue-contract-address: tx receipt: %s" issue-id receipt)
(if-let [contract-address (multisig/find-created-multisig-address receipt)]
(let [_ (tracker/untrack-tx! {:issue-id issue-id
:tx-hash transaction-hash
:result contract-address
:type :deploy})
{owner :owner
repo :repo
comment-id :comment_id
issue-number :issue_number} (issues/get-issue-by-id issue-id)
balance-eth-str (eth/get-balance-eth contract-address 6)
balance-eth (read-string balance-eth-str)]
(log/infof "issue %s: Updating comment image" issue-id)
(bounties/update-bounty-comment-image issue-id
(log/infof "issue %s: Updating comment" issue-id)
(github/update-comment owner
(bounties/transition (assoc issue :contract-address contract-address)
(log/errorf "issue %s: Failed to find contract address in tx logs" issue-id)))
(catch Throwable ex
(catch Throwable ex
(log/errorf ex "issue %s: update-issue-contract-address exception:" issue-id)))))
(log/info "Exit update-issue-contract-address"))
@ -93,8 +66,8 @@
label is addded to an issue. This function deploys such contracts."
(p :deploy-pending-contracts
(doseq [{issue-id :issue_id
owner-address :owner_address} (db-bounties/pending-contracts)]
(doseq [{:keys [issue-id owner-address]}
(log/infof "issue %s: Trying to re-deploy failed bounty contract deployment" issue-id)
(bounties/deploy-contract owner-address issue-id)
@ -106,72 +79,48 @@
(log/info "In self-sign-bounty")
(p :self-sign-bounty
(doseq [{contract-address :contract_address
issue-id :issue_id
payout-address :payout_address
repo :repo
owner :owner
comment-id :comment_id
issue-number :issue_number
balance-eth :balance_eth
tokens :tokens
winner-login :winner_login} (db-bounties/pending-bounties)]
(doseq [{:keys [contract-address winner-address issue-id] :as issue}
;; TODO(martin) delete this shortly after org-dashboard deploy
;; as we're now setting `winner_login` when handling a new claims
;; coming in via webhooks (see `commiteth.routes.webhooks/handle-claim`)
(db-bounties/update-winner-login issue-id winner-login)
(let [value (eth/get-balance-hex contract-address)]
(if (empty? payout-address)
(log/warn "issue %s: Cannot sign pending bounty - winner (%s) has no payout address" issue-id winner-login)
(github/update-merged-issue-comment owner
(util/eth-decimal->str balance-eth)
(let [tx-info (multisig/send-all {:contract contract-address
:payout-address payout-address
:internal-tx-id [:execute issue-id]})]
(log/infof "issue %s: Payout self-signed, called sign-all(%s) tx: %s" issue-id contract-address payout-address (:tx-hash tx-info))
(tracker/track-tx! tx-info)
(github/update-merged-issue-comment owner
(util/eth-decimal->str balance-eth)
(catch Throwable ex
(log/errorf ex "issue %s: self-sign-bounty exception" issue-id)))))
;(db-bounties/update-winner-login issue-id winner-login)
(bounties/execute-payout issue-id contract-address winner-address)
(catch Throwable ex
(log/error ex "issue %s: self-sign-bounty exception" issue-id)))))
(log/info "Exit self-sign-bounty"))
(defn update-confirm-hash
"Gets transaction receipt for each pending payout and updates DB confirm_hash with tranaction ID of commiteth bot account's confirmation."
[issue-id execute-hash]
(log/infof "issue %s: pending payout: %s" issue-id execute-hash)
(when-let [receipt (eth/get-transaction-receipt execute-hash)]
(log/infof "issue %s: execution receipt for issue " issue-id receipt)
(when-let [confirm-hash (multisig/find-confirmation-tx-id receipt)]
(log/infof "issue %s: confirm hash:%s" issue-id confirm-hash)
(tracker/untrack-tx! {:issue-id issue-id
:tx-hash execute-hash
:result confirm-hash
:type :execute})))
(catch Throwable ex
(log/errorf ex "issue %s: update-confirm-hash exception:" issue-id))))
(log/info "In update-confirm-hash")
(p :update-confirm-hash
(log/infof "issue %s: pending payout: %s" issue-id execute-hash)
(when-let [receipt (eth/get-transaction-receipt execute-hash)]
(log/infof "issue %s: execution receipt for issue " issue-id receipt)
(when-let [confirm-hash (multisig/find-confirmation-tx-id receipt)]
(log/infof "issue %s: confirm hash: %s" issue-id confirm-hash)
(bounties/transition {:issue-id issue-id
:confirm-hash confirm-hash
:tx-info {:issue-id issue-id
:tx-hash execute-hash
:result confirm-hash
:type :execute}}
(catch Throwable ex
(log/errorf ex "issue %s: update-confirm-hash exception:" issue-id)))
(log/info "Exit update-confirm-hash")))
(defn update-confirm-hashes
"Gets transaction receipt for each pending payout and updates DB confirm_hash with tranaction ID of commiteth bot account's confirmation."
(log/info "In update-confirm-hashes")
(p :update-confirm-hash
(doseq [{issue-id :issue_id
execute-hash :execute_hash} (db-bounties/pending-payouts)]
(doseq [{:keys [issue-id execute-hash]} (db-bounties/pending-payouts)]
(update-confirm-hash issue-id execute-hash)))
(log/info "Exit update-confirm-hashes"))
@ -180,17 +129,19 @@
"Sets watch-hash to NULL for bounties where watch tx has been mined. Used to avoid unneeded watch transactions in update-bounty-token-balances"
(p :update-watch-hash
(doseq [{issue-id :issue_id
watch-hash :watch_hash} (db-bounties/pending-watch-calls)]
(doseq [{:keys [issue-id watch-hash]} (db-bounties/pending-watch-calls)]
(log/infof "issue %s: pending watch call %s" issue-id watch-hash)
(when-let [receipt (eth/get-transaction-receipt watch-hash)]
(tracker/untrack-tx! {:issue-id issue-id
:tx-hash watch-hash
:result nil
:type :watch}))
(bounties/transition {:issue-id issue-id
{:issue-id issue-id
:tx-hash watch-hash
:result nil
:type :watch}} :watch-reset))
(catch Throwable ex
(log/errorf ex "issue %s: update-watch-hash exception:" issue-id))))))
(log/errorf ex "issue %s: update-watch-hash exception:" issue-id))
(defn older-than-3h?
@ -201,50 +152,34 @@
(println "hour diff:" diff)
(> diff 3)))
(defn update-payout-receipt [bounty]
(defn update-payout-receipt
"Gets transaction receipt for each confirmed payout and updates payout_hash"
[{:keys [payout-hash contract-address confirm-hash issue-id updated] :as bounty}]
{:pre [(util/contains-all-keys bounty db-bounties/payout-receipt-keys)]}
(let [{issue-id :issue_id
payout-hash :payout_hash
contract-address :contract_address
repo :repo
owner :owner
comment-id :comment_id
issue-number :issue_number
balance-eth :balance_eth
tokens :tokens
confirm-hash :confirm_hash
payee-login :payee_login
updated :updated} bounty]
(log/infof "issue %s: confirmed payout: %s" issue-id payout-hash)
(if-let [receipt (eth/get-transaction-receipt payout-hash)]
(let [contract-tokens (multisig/token-balances contract-address)
contract-eth-balance (eth/get-balance-wei contract-address)]
(if (or
(some #(> (second %) 0.0) contract-tokens)
(> contract-eth-balance 0))
(log/infof "issue %s: Contract (%s) still has funds" issue-id contract-address)
(when (multisig/is-confirmed? contract-address confirm-hash)
(log/infof "issue %s: Detected bounty with funds and confirmed payout, calling executeTransaction" issue-id)
(let [execute-tx-hash (multisig/execute-tx contract-address confirm-hash)]
(log/infof "issue %s: execute tx: %s" issue-id execute-tx-hash))))
(log/infof "issue %s: Payout has succeeded, payout receipt %s" issue-id receipt)
(db-bounties/update-payout-receipt issue-id receipt)
(github/update-paid-issue-comment owner
(util/eth-decimal->str balance-eth)
(when (older-than-3h? updated)
(log/warn "issue %s: Resetting payout hash for issue as it has not been mined in 3h" issue-id)
(db-bounties/reset-payout-hash issue-id)))
(catch Throwable ex
(log/error ex "issue %s: update-payout-receipt exception" issue-id)))))
(log/info "In update-payout-receipt")
(p :update-payout-receipt
(log/infof "issue %s: confirmed payout: %s" issue-id payout-hash)
(if-let [receipt (eth/get-transaction-receipt payout-hash)]
(let [contract-tokens (multisig/token-balances contract-address)
contract-eth-balance (eth/get-balance-wei contract-address)]
(if (or
(some #(> (second %) 0.0) contract-tokens)
(> contract-eth-balance 0))
(log/infof "issue %s: Contract (%s) still has funds" issue-id contract-address)
(when (multisig/is-confirmed? contract-address confirm-hash)
(log/infof "issue %s: Detected bounty with funds and confirmed payout, calling executeTransaction" issue-id)
(let [execute-tx-hash (multisig/execute-tx contract-address confirm-hash)]
(log/infof "issue %s: execute tx: %s" issue-id execute-tx-hash))))
(log/infof "issue %s: Payout has succeeded, payout receipt %s" issue-id receipt)
(bounties/transition (assoc bounty :payout-receipt receipt) :paid))))
(when (older-than-3h? updated)
(log/warn "issue %s: Resetting payout hash for issue as it has not been mined in 3h" issue-id)
(db-bounties/reset-payout-hash issue-id)))
(catch Throwable ex
(log/error ex "issue %s: update-payout-receipt exception" issue-id)))))
(defn update-payout-receipts
"Gets transaction receipt for each confirmed payout and updates payout_hash"
@ -274,7 +209,6 @@
(neg? n) (- n)
:else n))
(defn update-bounty-token-balances
"Helper function for updating internal ERC20 token balances to token
multisig contract. Will be called periodically for all open bounty
@ -294,7 +228,9 @@
(let [tx-info (multisig/watch-token {:bounty-addr bounty-addr
:token tla
:internal-tx-id [:watch issue-id]})]
(tracker/track-tx! tx-info)))))))
(bounties/transition {:issue-id issue-id
:tx-info tx-info}
(catch Throwable ex
(log/error ex "bounty %s: update-bounty-token-balances exception" bounty-addr))))
(log/info "Exit update-bounty-token-balances"))
@ -305,39 +241,11 @@
(log/info "In update-contract-internal-balances")
(p :update-contract-internal-balances
(doseq [{issue-id :issue_id
bounty-address :contract_address
watch-hash :watch_hash}
(doseq [{:keys [issue-id contract-address watch-hash]}
(update-bounty-token-balances issue-id bounty-address watch-hash)))
(update-bounty-token-balances issue-id contract-address watch-hash)))
(log/info "Exit update-contract-internal-balances"))
(defn get-bounty-funds
"Get funds in given bounty contract.
Returns map of asset -> balance
+ key total-usd -> current total USD value for all funds"
(let [token-balances (multisig/token-balances bounty-addr)
eth-balance (read-string (eth/get-balance-eth bounty-addr 6))
(merge token-balances
{:ETH eth-balance})]
(merge all-funds {:total-usd (fiat-util/bounty-usd-value all-funds)})))
(defn update-issue-usd-value
(let [funds (get-bounty-funds bounty-addr)]
(issues/update-usd-value bounty-addr
(:total-usd funds))))
(defn update-open-issue-usd-values
"Sum up current USD values of all crypto assets in a bounty and store to DB"
(p :update-open-issue-usd-values
(doseq [{bounty-addr :contract_address}
(update-issue-usd-value bounty-addr))))
(defn float=
([x y] (float= x y 0.0000001))
@ -350,58 +258,45 @@
(and (= (set (keys m1)) (set (keys m2)))
(every? #(float= (get m1 %1) (get m2 %1)) (keys m1))))
(defn update-balances
(log/info "In update-balances")
(p :update-balances
(doseq [{contract-address :contract_address
owner :owner
repo :repo
comment-id :comment_id
issue-id :issue_id
db-balance-eth :balance_eth
db-tokens :tokens
issue-number :issue_number} (db-bounties/open-bounty-contracts)]
(when comment-id
(let [balance-eth-str (eth/get-balance-eth contract-address 6)
balance-eth (read-string balance-eth-str)
token-balances (multisig/token-balances contract-address)]
(log/debug "issue" issue-id ": update-balances" balance-eth
balance-eth-str token-balances owner repo issue-number)
(doseq [{:keys [contract-address owner
repo balance-eth tokens
comment-id] :as issue}
(when comment-id
(let [balance-eth-str (eth/get-balance-eth contract-address 6)
current-balance-eth (read-string balance-eth-str)
token-balances (multisig/token-balances contract-address)]
(log/debug "update-balances" balance-eth
balance-eth-str token-balances owner repo issue-number)
(when (or
(not (float= db-balance-eth balance-eth))
(not (map-float= db-tokens token-balances)))
(log/info "balances differ")
(log/info "ETH (db):" db-balance-eth (type db-balance-eth) )
(log/info "ETH (chain):" balance-eth (type balance-eth) )
(log/info "ETH cmp:" (float= db-balance-eth balance-eth))
(log/info "tokens (db):" db-tokens (type db-tokens) (type (:SNT db-tokens)))
(log/info "tokens (chain):" token-balances (type token-balances) (type (:SNT token-balances)))
(log/debug "tokens cmp:" (= db-tokens token-balances))
(when (or
(not (float= current-balance-eth balance-eth))
(not (map-float= tokens token-balances)))
(log/info "balances differ")
(log/info "ETH (db):" balance-eth (type balance-eth) )
(log/info "ETH (chain):" current-balance-eth (type current-balance-eth) )
(log/info "ETH cmp:" (float= balance-eth current-balance-eth))
(log/info "tokens (db):" tokens (type tokens) (type (:SNT tokens)))
(log/info "tokens (chain):" token-balances (type token-balances) (type (:SNT token-balances)))
(log/debug "tokens cmp:" (= tokens token-balances))
(bounties/transition {:issue-id issue-id
:balance-eth current-balance-eth
:tokens token-balances
:value-usd (fiat-util/bounty-usd-value
(merge token-balances {:ETH current-balance-eth}))} :update-balances)
(issues/update-eth-balance contract-address balance-eth)
(issues/update-token-balances contract-address token-balances)
(bounties/update-bounty-comment-image issue-id
(github/update-comment owner
(update-issue-usd-value contract-address))))
(catch Throwable ex
(log/error ex "issue %s: update-balances exception" issue-id)))))
(catch Throwable ex
(log/error ex "issue %s: update-balances exception" issue-id)))))
(log/info "Exit update-balances"))
(defn check-tx-receipts
@ -446,8 +341,7 @@
(log/info "run-10-min-interval-tasks" time)
(log/info "run-10-min-interval-tasks done")))
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
(ns commiteth.util.png-rendering
(:require [commiteth.layout :refer [render]]
[commiteth.config :refer [env]]
[commiteth.github.core :as github]
[commiteth.db.comment-images :as db]
[commiteth.db.bounties :as db-bounties]
[clj.qrgen :as qr]
@ -58,21 +57,6 @@
(defn export-comment-image
"Retrieve image PNG from DB and write to file"
[owner repo issue-number filename]
(let [{owner :owner
repo :repo
issue-id :issue_id
balance-eth :balance_eth} (db-bounties/get-bounty owner repo issue-number)
hash (github/github-comment-hash
(with-open [w (io/output-stream filename)]
(.write w (:png_data (db/get-image-data issue-id hash))))))
(with-open [w (io/output-stream "foo.png")]
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
(ns commiteth.util.util
[clj-http.client :as http]
[clojure.string :as str]
[ :as json]))
@ -15,7 +16,13 @@
(defmacro to-map [& vars]
(into {} (map #(vector (keyword %1) %1) vars)))
(defmacro to-db-map [& vars]
(into {} (map #(vector (keyword (str/replace (name %1) "-" "_")) %1) vars)))
(defn contains-all-keys [m ks]
{:pre [(map? m) [(vector? ks)]]}
#(contains? m %) ks))
#(contains? m %) ks))
@ -11,20 +11,20 @@
;; to communicate what datatypes are returned where.
(defn open? [claim]
(assert (find claim :pr_state))
(= 0 (:pr_state claim)))
(assert (find claim :pr-state))
(= 0 (:pr-state claim)))
(defn merged? [claim]
(assert (find claim :pr_state))
(= 1 (:pr_state claim)))
(assert (find claim :pr-state))
(= 1 (:pr-state claim)))
(defn paid? [claim]
(assert (find claim :payout_hash))
(not-empty (:payout_hash claim)))
(assert (find claim :payout-hash))
(not-empty (:payout-hash claim)))
(defn bot-confirm-unmined? [bounty]
(assert (find bounty :confirm_hash))
(empty? (:confirm_hash bounty)))
(assert (find bounty :confirm-hash))
(empty? (:confirm-hash bounty)))
(defn confirming? [bounty]
(:confirming? bounty))
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
(defn bounty-item [bounty]
(let [open-bounty-claims (rf/subscribe [::subs/open-bounty-claims])]
(fn [bounty]
(let [{avatar-url :repo_owner_avatar_url
(let [{avatar-url :repo-owner-avatar-url
owner :repo-owner
repo-name :repo-name
issue-title :issue-title
@ -484,10 +484,11 @@
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ {issue-id :issue_id
owner-address :owner_address
contract-address :contract_address
confirm-hash :confirm_hash} issue]]
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ {:keys [issue-id
:as issue}]]
(println (:web3 db))
(let [w3 (:web3 db)
pending-revocations (::db/pending-revocations db)
@ -12,10 +12,7 @@
(defn dispatch-confirm-payout [bounty]
"dispatches a bounty via reframe dispatch"
(rf/dispatch [:confirm-payout {:issue_id (:issue-id bounty)
:owner_address (:owner_address bounty)
:contract_address (:contract_address bounty)
:confirm_hash (:confirm_hash bounty)}]))
(rf/dispatch [:confirm-payout bounty]))
(defn dispatch-set-pending-revocation [bounty]
"update the currently confirming account to owner"
@ -45,7 +42,7 @@
updated-bounties (get-in context [:effects :db :owner-bounties])
confirming-issue-id (get-confirming-issue-id :commiteth pending-revocations)]
(when-let [revoking-bounty (get updated-bounties confirming-issue-id)]
(if (:confirm_hash revoking-bounty)
(if (:confirm-hash revoking-bounty)
(do (dispatch-confirm-payout revoking-bounty)
(dispatch-set-pending-revocation revoking-bounty))
(println (str "currently revoking " confirming-issue-id " but confirm hash has not been set yet."))))
@ -72,7 +69,7 @@
updated-bounties (get-in context [:effects :db :owner-bounties])
confirming-issue-id (get-confirming-issue-id :owner pending-revocations)]
(when-let [revoking-bounty (get updated-bounties confirming-issue-id)]
(if (:payout_receipt revoking-bounty)
(if (:payout-receipt revoking-bounty)
(dispatch-remove-pending-revocation revoking-bounty)
(println (str "currently revoking " confirming-issue-id " but payout receipt has not been set yet."))))
;; interceptor must return context
@ -9,9 +9,9 @@
[commiteth.config :as config]
[commiteth.common :as common :refer [human-time]]))
(defn pr-url [{owner :repo_owner
pr-number :pr_number
repo :repo_name}]
(defn pr-url [{owner :repo-owner
pr-number :pr-number
repo :repo-name}]
(str "" owner "/" repo "/pull/" pr-number))
(defn etherscan-tx-url [tx-id]
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
(when (and merged? (not paid?))
(merge {:on-click #(rf/dispatch [:confirm-payout claim])}
(if (and merged? (not paid?) (:payout_address bounty))
(if (and merged? (not paid?) (:payout-address bounty))
{:disabled true})
(when (and (or (bnt/confirming? bounty)
@ -71,11 +71,11 @@
(defn confirm-row [bounty claim]
(let [payout-address-available? (:payout_address bounty)]
(let [payout-address-available? (:payout-address bounty)]
(when-not payout-address-available?
[:p [ (or (:user_name claim) (:user_login claim))
[:p [ (or (:user-name claim) (:user-login claim))
"’s payment address is pending."] " You will be able to confirm the payment once the address is provided."]])
@ -97,10 +97,10 @@
"View Pull Request"])
(defn claim-card [bounty claim {:keys [render-view-claim-button?] :as opts}]
(let [{user-name :user_name
user-login :user_login
avatar-url :user_avatar_url} claim
winner-login (:winner_login bounty)]
(let [{user-name :user-name
user-login :user-login
avatar-url :user-avatar-url} claim
winner-login (:winner-login bounty)]
{:class (when (and (bnt/paid? claim) (not (= user-login winner-login)))
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
[:span "No payout"]))]
[:div.f6.gray "Submitted a claim via "
[:a.gray {:href (pr-url claim)}
(str (:repo_owner claim) "/" (:repo_name claim) " PR #" (:pr_number claim))]]
(str (:repo-owner claim) "/" (:repo-name claim) " PR #" (:pr-number claim))]]
;; We render the button twice for difference screen sizes, first button is for small screens:
;; 1) db + dn-ns: `display: block` + `display: none` for not-small screens
;; 2) dn + db-ns: `display: none` + `display: block` for not-small screens
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
;; FIXME we remove all bounties that Andy 'won' as this basically
;; has been our method for revocations. This needs to be cleaned up ASAP.
(for [bounty (filter #(not= "andytudhope" (:winner_login %)) bounties)
(for [bounty (filter #(not= "andytudhope" (:winner-login %)) bounties)
;; Identifying the winning claim like this is a bit
;; imprecise if there have been two PRs for the same
;; bounty by the same contributor
@ -147,8 +147,8 @@
;; ignore this edge case for a first version
:let [winning-claim (->> (:claims bounty)
(filter #(and (bnt/merged? %)
(= (:user_login %)
(:winner_login bounty))))
(= (:user-login %)
(:winner-login bounty))))
^{:key (:issue-id bounty)}
@ -176,7 +176,7 @@
(str "Current Claims (" (count claims) ")")
"Current Claim")]
(for [[idx claim] (zipmap (range) claims)]
^{:key (:pr_id claim)}
^{:key (:pr-id claim)}
{:class (when (> idx 0) "bt b--light-gray pt2")}
[claim-card bounty claim {:render-view-claim-button? true}]])]]))))
@ -275,7 +275,7 @@
(let [bounty @(rf/subscribe [:revoke-modal-bounty])]
(fn []
(when bounty
(let [owner-address (:owner_address bounty)]
(let [owner-address (:owner-address bounty)]
;; width requires a deliberate override of semantic.min.css
[ {:style {:top 100
:width 650}}
@ -325,7 +325,7 @@
[bounty-title-link bounty {:show-date? false :max-length 60}]
"Paid out to " [ "@" (or (:winner_login bounty)
"Paid out to " [ "@" (or (:winner-login bounty)
;; use repo owner for revoked bounties
;; where no winner login is set
(:owner-login bounty))]]]
@ -358,17 +358,17 @@
(when @banner-info
(into [:div]
(for [revoking-bounty @banner-info]
^{:key (:contract_address revoking-bounty)}
^{:key (:contract-address revoking-bounty)}
(case (:confirming-account revoking-bounty)
:commiteth [:p.v-mid [check-box "ic-check-circle-black-24dp-2x.png"]
[ "Transaction sent."] " Your refund requires two confirmations. After the first one "
[ {:href (etherscan-address-url (:contract_address revoking-bounty)) :target "_blank"} " completes "]
[ {:href (etherscan-address-url (:contract-address revoking-bounty)) :target "_blank"} " completes "]
"you'll be prompted to sign the second via metamask."]
:owner [:p.v-mid [check-box "ic-check-circle-black-24dp-2x.png"]
[ "Transaction sent."] " Once your metamask transaction is confirmed your revocation will be complete. Follow the final step "
[ {:href (etherscan-address-url (:contract_address revoking-bounty)) :target "_blank"} " here. "]])]]))))))
[ {:href (etherscan-address-url (:contract-address revoking-bounty)) :target "_blank"} " here. "]])]]))))))
(defn salute []
(let [msg-info (rf/subscribe [:dashboard/banner-msg])]
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
(let [db (rf/subscribe [:db])
updating-user (rf/subscribe [:get-in [:updating-user]])
address (r/atom @(rf/subscribe [:get-in [:user :address]]))
hidden (r/atom @(rf/subscribe [:get-in [:user :is_hidden_in_hunters]]))]
hidden (r/atom @(rf/subscribe [:get-in [:user :is-hidden-in-hunters]]))]
(fn []
(let [web3 (:web3 @db)
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
(merge {:on-click
#(rf/dispatch [:save-user-fields {:address @address
:is_hidden_in_hunters @hidden}])
:is-hidden-in-hunters @hidden}])
:disabled (str/blank? @address)
:class (str "ui button small update-address-button"
(when @updating-user
@ -36,5 +36,5 @@
:address "address"
:created nil
:welcome_email_sent 0
:is_hidden_in_hunters false}
:is-hidden-in-hunters false}
(db/get-user t-conn {:id 1})))))
Reference in New Issue