Merge branch 'develop' into fix/update-comment-only-if-hash-changes-385
This commit is contained in:
@ -103,9 +103,9 @@ lein less auto
### Solidity compilation
Invoke `build-contracts` Leiningen task to compile Solidity files into Java classes:
Compile Solidity files into Java classes with:
lein build-contracts
cd contracts && ./
### Clojure app without REPL
@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
This directory contains all the underlying smart contracts used by the OpenBounty platform.
- A script `contracts/` is part of this repository and can be used to
compile the contracts and copy Java interfaces into `src/java/`.
-- A script `` is part of this directory and can be used to
-compile the contracts and copy Java interfaces into `src/java/`.
In order to run the script the following dependencies have to be met:
@ -1,12 +1,18 @@
#!/bin/bash -eu
SOLC=$(which solc)
WEB3J=$(which web3j)
function print_dependency_message
echo "error: " $1 "must already be installed!"
SOLC=$(which solc) || print_dependency_message "solc"
WEB3J=$(which web3j) || print_dependency_message "web3"
rm -f resources/contracts/*.{abi,bin}
# compile contracts
for f in contracts/{TokenReg,MultiSigTokenWallet*}.sol; do
for f in {TokenReg,MultiSigTokenWallet*}.sol; do
$SOLC $f --overwrite --bin --abi --optimize -o resources/contracts
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 260 B |
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 493 B |
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 108 B |
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 155 B |
@ -313,11 +313,9 @@ SELECT
i.issue_id AS issue_id,
u.address AS payout_address,
i.execute_hash AS execute_hash
FROM issues i, pull_requests p, users u
p.issue_id = i.issue_id
AND p.repo_id = i.repo_id
AND = p.user_id
FROM issues i, repositories r, users u
WHERE i.repo_id = r.repo_id
AND = r.user_id
AND i.confirm_hash IS NULL
AND i.execute_hash IS NOT NULL;
@ -348,6 +346,29 @@ AND = p.user_id
AND i.payout_receipt IS NULL
AND i.payout_hash IS NOT NULL;
-- :name confirmed-revocation-payouts :? :*
-- :doc lists all recently confirmed bounty revocations
i.contract_address AS contract_address,
r.owner AS owner,
r.repo AS repo,
i.comment_id AS comment_id,
i.issue_number AS issue_number,
i.issue_id AS issue_id,
i.balance_eth AS balance_eth,
i.tokens AS tokens,
i.value_usd AS value_usd,
u.address AS payout_address,
u.login AS payee_login,
i.confirm_hash AS confirm_hash,
i.payout_hash AS payout_hash,
i.updated AS updated
FROM issues i, users u, repositories r
WHERE r.repo_id = i.repo_id
AND = r.user_id
AND i.payout_receipt IS NULL
AND i.payout_hash IS NOT NULL;
-- :name update-winner-login :! :n
UPDATE issues
SET winner_login = :winner_login
@ -390,6 +411,12 @@ UPDATE issues
SET is_open = :is_open
WHERE issue_id = :issue_id;
-- :name reset-bot-confirmation :! :n
-- :doc updates issue's execute and confirm hash
UPDATE issues
SET execute_hash = NULL,
confirm_hash = NULL
WHERE issue_id = :issue_id;
-- :name issue-exists :1
-- :doc returns true if given issue exists
@ -419,6 +446,9 @@ SELECT
i.watch_hash AS watch_hash,
i.payout_receipt AS payout_receipt,
i.commit_sha AS commit_sha,
u.address AS owner_address,
i.contract_address AS contract_address,
i.confirm_hash AS confirm_hash,
i.title AS title,
i.comment_id AS comment_id,
i.balance_eth AS balance_eth,
@ -427,8 +457,9 @@ SELECT
i.repo_id AS repo_id,
r.owner AS owner,
r.repo AS repo
FROM issues i, repositories r
FROM issues i, repositories r, users u
WHERE r.repo_id = i.repo_id
AND r.user_id =
AND i.issue_id = :issue-id
@ -473,6 +504,7 @@ SELECT
i.balance_eth AS balance_eth,
i.tokens AS tokens,
i.value_usd AS value_usd,
i.execute_hash AS execute_hash,
i.confirm_hash AS confirm_hash,
i.payout_hash AS payout_hash,
i.payout_receipt AS payout_receipt,
@ -482,6 +514,7 @@ SELECT
r.owner AS repo_owner,
r.owner_avatar_url AS repo_owner_avatar_url,
o.address AS owner_address,
o.login AS owner_login,
u.address AS payout_address
FROM users o, repositories r, issues i LEFT OUTER JOIN users u ON u.login = i.winner_login
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
(tracker/untrack-tx! tx-info)
(db-bounties/update-payout-receipt issue-id (:payout-receipt bounty))
@ -151,10 +151,9 @@
(let [open-claims (fn open-claims [bounty]
(filter bnt/open? (:claims bounty)))]
(if-let [merged-or-paid? (or (:winner-login bounty)
(:payout-hash bounty))]
(:payout-receipt bounty))]
(:payout-receipt bounty) :paid-with-receipt
(:payout-hash bounty) :paid
(:payout-receipt bounty) :paid
(nil? (:payout-address bounty)) :pending-contributor-address
;; `confirm-hash` is set by us as soon as a PR is merged and the
;; contributor address is known. Usually end users should not need
@ -42,6 +42,11 @@
(jdbc/with-db-connection [con-db *db*]
(db/confirmed-payouts con-db)))
(defn confirmed-revocation-payouts
(jdbc/with-db-connection [con-db *db*]
(db/confirmed-revocation-payouts con-db)))
(defn update-winner-login
[issue-id login]
(jdbc/with-db-connection [con-db *db*]
@ -62,6 +67,20 @@
(jdbc/with-db-connection [con-db *db*]
(db/reset-payout-hash con-db {:issue_id issue-id})))
(def payout-receipt-keys
(defn update-payout-receipt
[issue-id payout-receipt]
(jdbc/with-db-connection [con-db *db*]
@ -86,6 +86,12 @@
(db/update-issue-open con-db {:issue_id issue-id
:is_open is-open})))
(defn reset-bot-confirmation
"resets execute and confirm hash to null for given issue id"
(jdbc/with-db-connection [con-db *db*]
(db/reset-bot-confirmation con-db {:issue_id issue-id})))
(defn is-bounty-issue?
(let [res (jdbc/with-db-connection [con-db *db*]
@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
(str/blank? winner-address))
(generate-paid-comment contract-address
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
(:require [ring.util.http-response :refer :all]
[compojure.api.sweet :refer :all]
[compojure.api.exception :as ex]
[schema.core :as s]
[compojure.api.meta :refer [restructure-param]]
[buddy.auth.accessrules :refer [restrict]]
@ -10,8 +11,10 @@
[commiteth.db.usage-metrics :as usage-metrics]
[commiteth.db.repositories :as repositories]
[commiteth.db.bounties :as bounties-db]
[commiteth.db.issues :as issues]
[commiteth.bounties :as bounties]
[commiteth.eth.core :as eth]
[commiteth.eth.tracker :as tracker]
[commiteth.github.core :as github]
[ :as log]
[commiteth.config :refer [env]]
@ -19,7 +22,8 @@
[crypto.random :as random]
[clojure.set :refer [rename-keys]]
[clojure.string :as str]))
[clojure.string :as str]
[commiteth.eth.multisig-wallet :as multisig]))
(defn add-bounties-for-existing-issues? []
(env :add-bounties-for-existing-issues false))
@ -141,13 +145,28 @@
(let [whitelist (env :user-whitelist #{})]
(whitelist user)))
(defn execute-revocation [issue-id contract-address payout-address]
(log/info (str "executing revocation for " issue-id "at" contract-address))
(let [tx-info (multisig/send-all {:contract contract-address
:payout-address payout-address
:internal-tx-id [:execute issue-id]})]
(tracker/track-tx! tx-info)
{:execute-hash (:tx-hash tx-info)})
(catch Throwable ex
(log/errorf ex "error revoking funds for %s" issue-id))))
(defapi service-routes
(when (:dev env)
{:swagger {:ui "/swagger-ui"
:spec "/swagger.json"
:data {:info {:version "0.1"
:title "commitETH API"
:description "commitETH API"}}}})
{:swagger {:ui "/swagger-ui"
:spec "/swagger.json"
:data {:info {:version "0.1"
:title "commitETH API"
:description "commitETH API"}}}
:exceptions {:handlers
{::ex/request-parsing (ex/with-logging ex/request-parsing-handler :info)
::ex/response-validation (ex/with-logging ex/response-validation-handler :error)}}})
(context "/api" []
(GET "/top-hunters" []
@ -177,11 +196,11 @@
(POST "/" []
:auth-rules authenticated?
:current-user user
:body [body {:address s/Str
:body [body {:address s/Str
:is_hidden_in_hunters s/Bool}]
:summary "Updates user's fields."
(let [user-id (:id user)
(let [user-id (:id user)
{:keys [address]} body]
(when-not (eth/valid-address? address)
@ -212,9 +231,9 @@
(log/debug "/bounty/X/payout" params)
(let [{issue :issue
payout-hash :payout-hash} params
result (bounties-db/update-payout-hash
(Integer/parseInt issue)
result (bounties-db/update-payout-hash
(Integer/parseInt issue)
(log/debug "result" result)
(if (= 1 result)
@ -223,4 +242,22 @@
:auth-rules authenticated?
:current-user user
(log/debug "/user/bounties")
(ok (user-bounties user))))))
(ok (user-bounties user)))
(POST "/revoke" {{issue-id :issue-id} :params}
:auth-rules authenticated?
:current-user user
(let [{contract-address :contract_address owner-address :owner_address} (issues/get-issue-by-id issue-id)]
(do (log/infof "calling revoke-initiate for %s with %s %s" issue-id contract-address owner-address)
(if-let [{:keys [execute-hash]} (execute-revocation issue-id contract-address owner-address)]
(ok {:issue-id issue-id
:execute-hash execute-hash
:contract-address contract-address})
(bad-request (str "Unable to withdraw funds from " contract-address))))))
(POST "/remove-bot-confirmation" {{issue-id :issue-id} :params}
:auth-rules authenticated?
:current-user user
(do (log/infof "calling remove-bot-confirmation for %s " issue-id)
;; if this resulted in updating a row, return success
(if (pos? (issues/reset-bot-confirmation issue-id))
(ok (str "Updated execute and confirm hash for " issue-id))
(bad-request (str "Unable to update execute and confirm hash for " issue-id))))))))
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
[commiteth.db.bounties :as db-bounties]
[commiteth.bounties :as bounties]
[commiteth.util.crypto-fiat-value :as fiat-util]
[commiteth.util.util :refer [eth-decimal->str]]
[commiteth.util.util :as util]
[ :as log]
[mount.core :as mount]
[clojure.string :as str]
@ -125,6 +125,15 @@
(log/errorf ex "issue %s: update-confirm-hash exception:" issue-id))) )
(log/info "Exit update-confirm-hash")))
(defn update-confirm-hashes
"Gets transaction receipt for each pending payout and updates DB confirm_hash with tranaction ID of commiteth bot account's confirmation."
(log/info "In update-confirm-hashes")
(p :update-confirm-hash
(doseq [{:keys [issue-id execute-hash]} (db-bounties/pending-payouts)]
(update-confirm-hash issue-id execute-hash)))
(log/info "Exit update-confirm-hashes"))
(defn update-watch-hash
"Sets watch-hash to NULL for bounties where watch tx has been mined. Used to avoid unneeded watch transactions in update-bounty-token-balances"
@ -163,11 +172,11 @@
(log/infof "issue %s: confirmed payout: %s" issue-id payout-hash)
(if-let [receipt (eth/get-transaction-receipt payout-hash)]
(let [contract-tokens (multisig/token-balances contract-address)
(let [contract-tokens (multisig/token-balances contract-address)
contract-eth-balance (eth/get-balance-wei contract-address)]
(if (or
(some #(> (second %) 0.0) contract-tokens)
(> contract-eth-balance 0))
(some #(> (second %) 0.0) contract-tokens)
(> contract-eth-balance 0))
(log/infof "issue %s: Contract (%s) still has funds" issue-id contract-address)
(when (multisig/is-confirmed? contract-address confirm-hash)
@ -176,13 +185,31 @@
(log/infof "issue %s: execute tx: %s" issue-id execute-tx-hash))))
(log/infof "issue %s: Payout has succeeded, payout receipt %s" issue-id receipt)
(bounties/transition (assoc issue :payout-receipt receipt) :paid-with-receipt))))
(bounties/transition (assoc issue :payout-receipt receipt) :paid))))
(when (older-than-3h? updated)
(log/warn "issue %s: Resetting payout hash for issue as it has not been mined in 3h" issue-id)
(db-bounties/reset-payout-hash issue-id)))
(catch Throwable ex
(log/error ex "issue %s: update-payout-receipt exception" issue-id)))))
(log/info "Exit update-payout-receipt"))
(log/error ex "issue %s: update-payout-receipt exception" issue-id)))))
(defn update-payout-receipts
"Gets transaction receipt for each confirmed payout and updates payout_hash"
(log/info "In update-payout-receipts")
(p :update-payout-receipts
(doseq [bounty (db-bounties/confirmed-payouts)]
(update-payout-receipt bounty))
(log/info "Exit update-payout-receipts")))
(defn update-revoked-payout-receipts
"Gets transaction receipt for each confirmed revocation and updates payout_hash"
(log/info "In update-revoked-payout-receipts")
(p :update-revoked-payout-receipts
;; todo see if confirmed-payouts & confirmed-revocation-payouts can be combined
(doseq [bounty (db-bounties/confirmed-revocation-payouts)]
(update-payout-receipt bounty))
(log/info "Exit update-revoked-payout-receipts")))
(defn abs
"(abs n) is the absolute value of n"
@ -310,8 +337,9 @@
@ -21,4 +21,3 @@
(defmacro to-db-map [& vars]
(into {} (map #(vector (keyword (str/replace (name %1) "-" "_")) %1) vars)))
@ -5,6 +5,14 @@
{:pre [(string? tla)]}
(get {"ETH" "#57a7ed"} tla "#4360df"))
(defn pending-badge []
"static component for pending badge"
{:style {:color "#CCAC00"}}
{:style {:background-color "#FFD700"}}]
[ "Refund pending"]])
(defn balance-badge
[tla balance]
{:pre [(keyword? tla)]}
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
[commiteth.activity :refer [activity-page]]
[commiteth.bounties :refer [bounties-page]]
[commiteth.repos :refer [repos-page]]
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
::ui-model/bounty-filter-type|date nil
::ui-model/bounty-filter-type|owner nil}
::open-bounty-claims #{}
::pending-revocations {}
:owner-bounties {}
:top-hunters []
:activity-feed []})
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
(ns commiteth.handlers
(:require [commiteth.db :as db]
[re-frame.core :refer [dispatch
[re-frame.core :refer [debug
@ -14,12 +15,16 @@
:refer [reg-co-fx!]]
[commiteth.ui-model :as ui-model]
[commiteth.common :as common]
[commiteth.routes :as routes]))
[commiteth.routes :as routes]
(rf-storage/reg-co-fx! :commiteth-sob {:fx :store
:cofx :store})
(def interceptors [(when ^boolean goog.DEBUG debug)])
(fn [{:keys [method url on-success on-error finally params]}]
@ -110,6 +115,16 @@
(fn [db _]
(dissoc db :flash-message)))
(fn [db [_ bounty]]
(assoc db :revoke-modal-bounty bounty)))
(fn [db [_ bounty]]
(dissoc db :revoke-modal-bounty bounty)))
(defn assoc-in-if-not-empty [m path val]
(if (seq val)
(assoc-in m path val)
@ -217,6 +232,8 @@
(fn [db [_ issues]]
(assoc db
:owner-bounties issues
@ -376,6 +393,7 @@
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ issue-id payout-hash]]
{:db db
:http {:method POST
@ -386,13 +404,15 @@
(defn send-transaction-callback
[issue-id pending-revocations]
(fn [error payout-hash]
(println "send-transaction-callback" error payout-hash)
(when error
(dispatch [:set-flash-message
(str "Error sending transaction: " error)])
(if (empty? pending-revocations)
(dispatch [:set-flash-message
(str "Error sending transaction: " error)])
(dispatch [:remove-bot-confirmation issue-id]))
(dispatch [:payout-confirm-failed issue-id]))
(when payout-hash
(dispatch [:save-payout-hash issue-id payout-hash]))))
@ -405,14 +425,72 @@
(defn strip-0x [x]
(str/replace x #"^0x" ""))
(defn set-pending-revocation [location issue-id confirming-account]
(assoc-in location [::db/pending-revocations issue-id]
{:confirming-account confirming-account}))
[interceptors (inject-cofx :store)]
(fn [{:keys [db store]} [_ issue-id confirming-account]]
{:db (set-pending-revocation db issue-id confirming-account)
:store (set-pending-revocation store issue-id confirming-account)}))
[interceptors (inject-cofx :store)]
(fn [{:keys [db store]} [_ issue-id]]
{:db (dissoc-in db [::db/pending-revocations issue-id])
:store (dissoc-in store [::db/pending-revocations issue-id])}))
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ issue-id]]
{:http {:method POST
:url "/api/user/remove-bot-confirmation"
:params {:token (get-admin-token db)
:issue-id issue-id}
:on-success #(dispatch [:remove-pending-revocation issue-id])
:on-error #(println "error removing bot confirmation for " issue-id)}}))
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ {:keys [issue-id owner-address contract-address confirm-hash]}]]
{:dispatch [:set-pending-revocation issue-id :commiteth]}))
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ issue-id response]]
{:dispatch [:set-flash-message
:error (if (= 400 (:status response))
(:response response)
(str "Failed to initiate revocation for: " issue-id
(:status-text response)))]}))
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ issue-id]]
{:http {:method POST
:url "/api/user/revoke"
:on-success #(dispatch [:revoke-bounty-success %])
:on-error #(dispatch [:revoke-bounty-error %])
:params {:token (get-admin-token db)
:issue-id issue-id}}
:dispatch [:clear-revoke-modal]}))
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ {issue-id :issue_id
owner-address :owner_address
contract-address :contract_address
confirm-hash :confirm_hash} issue]]
(println (:web3 db))
(let [w3 (:web3 db)
pending-revocations (::db/pending-revocations db)
confirm-method-id (sig->method-id w3 "confirmTransaction(uint256)")
confirm-id (strip-0x confirm-hash)
data (str confirm-method-id
@ -426,7 +504,7 @@
(println "data:" data)
(web3-eth/send-transaction! w3 payload
(send-transaction-callback issue-id))
(send-transaction-callback issue-id pending-revocations))
{:db (assoc-in db [:owner-bounties issue-id :confirming?] true)}
(catch js/Error e
{:db (assoc-in db [:owner-bounties issue-id :confirm-failed?] true)
@ -437,6 +515,7 @@
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ issue-id]]
{:dispatch [:load-owner-bounties]
:db (-> db
@ -490,6 +569,21 @@
(.removeEventListener js/window "click" close-dropdown)
(assoc db :user-dropdown-open? false)))
(defn close-three-dots []
(dispatch [:three-dots-close]))
(fn [db [_ issue-id]]
(.addEventListener js/window "click" close-three-dots)
(update db ::db/unclaimed-options (fnil conj #{}) issue-id)))
(fn [db [_ issue-id]]
(.removeEventListener js/window "click" close-three-dots)
(assoc db ::db/unclaimed-options #{})))
(fn [db [_ opening-issue-id]]
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
(ns commiteth.interceptors
(:require [commiteth.db :as db]
[re-frame.core :as rf]
[ :as data]))
(defn get-confirming-issue-id [owner pending-revocations]
"returns the issue id for the current revocation matching the desired owner type"
(some (fn [[issue-id revocation]]
(when (= owner (:confirming-account revocation))
(defn dispatch-confirm-payout [bounty]
"dispatches a bounty via reframe dispatch"
(rf/dispatch [:confirm-payout {:issue_id (:issue-id bounty)
:owner_address (:owner_address bounty)
:contract_address (:contract_address bounty)
:confirm_hash (:confirm_hash bounty)}]))
(defn dispatch-set-pending-revocation [bounty]
"update the currently confirming account to owner"
(rf/dispatch [:set-pending-revocation (:issue-id bounty) :owner]))
(defn dispatch-remove-pending-revocation [bounty]
"dispatches a bounty via reframe dispatch"
(rf/dispatch [:remove-pending-revocation (:issue-id bounty)]))
(def watch-confirm-hash
"revocations move through 2 states, confirmation by commiteth and then the repo owner
if a commiteth revocation is detected, check to see if its confirm hash is set, and, if it is
dispatch a confirm payout event and update the confirming account to owner
*Warning* this inteceptor is only intended for use with the
`:load-owner-bounties` event
More information on re-frame interceptors can be found here:
:id :watch-confirm-hash
:after (fn confirm-hash-update-after
(println "watch confirm hash interceptor...")
(let [pending-revocations (get-in context [:effects :db ::db/pending-revocations])
updated-bounties (get-in context [:effects :db :owner-bounties])
confirming-issue-id (get-confirming-issue-id :commiteth pending-revocations)]
(when-let [revoking-bounty (get updated-bounties confirming-issue-id)]
(if (:confirm_hash revoking-bounty)
(do (dispatch-confirm-payout revoking-bounty)
(dispatch-set-pending-revocation revoking-bounty))
(println (str "currently revoking " confirming-issue-id " but confirm hash has not been set yet."))))
;; interceptor must return context
(def watch-payout-receipt
"examine pending revocations with their currently confirming account set to owner
when one of them has its payout_receipt set, dispatch `remove-pending-revocation`
*Warning* this inteceptor is only intended for use with the
`:load-owner-bounties` event
More information on re-frame interceptors can be found here:
:id :watch-payout-receipt
:after (fn payout-receipt-update-after
(println "watch payout receipt interceptor...")
(let [pending-revocations (get-in context [:effects :db ::db/pending-revocations])
updated-bounties (get-in context [:effects :db :owner-bounties])
confirming-issue-id (get-confirming-issue-id :owner pending-revocations)]
(when-let [revoking-bounty (get updated-bounties confirming-issue-id)]
(if (:payout_receipt revoking-bounty)
(dispatch-remove-pending-revocation revoking-bounty)
(println (str "currently revoking " confirming-issue-id " but payout receipt has not been set yet."))))
;; interceptor must return context
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
[commiteth.routes :as routes]
[commiteth.model.bounty :as bnt]
[commiteth.ui.balances :as ui-balances]
[commiteth.config :as config]
[commiteth.common :as common :refer [human-time]]))
(defn pr-url [{owner :repo_owner
@ -13,6 +14,16 @@
repo :repo_name}]
(str "" owner "/" repo "/pull/" pr-number))
(defn etherscan-tx-url [tx-id]
(str "https://"
(when (config/on-testnet?) "ropsten.")
"" tx-id))
(defn etherscan-address-url [address]
(str "https://"
(when (config/on-testnet?) "ropsten.")
"" address))
(def primary-button-button
(def primary-button-link
@ -57,6 +68,8 @@
"Signed off"
"Confirm Payment")])))
(defn confirm-row [bounty claim]
(let [payout-address-available? (:payout_address bounty)]
@ -231,16 +244,80 @@
[:div bottom]]])
(defn small-card-balances [bounty]
[ui-balances/token-balances (bnt/crypto-balances bounty) :label]
(let [pending-revocations (rf/subscribe [:pending-revocations])]
(fn [bounty]
[ui-balances/token-balances (bnt/crypto-balances bounty) :label]
[ui-balances/usd-value-label (:value-usd bounty)]]
(when (some #(= (:issue-id %)
(:issue-id bounty)) @pending-revocations)
(defn three-dots-box [image-src]
"generates the appropriate container for menu dots"
[:img.o-50.pl3.pt2 {:src image-src}]])
(defn check-box [image-src]
"generates the appropriate container for a blue arrow"
[:img.w1.v-mid.o-50 {:src image-src}]])
(defn three-dots [issue-id]
[ui-balances/usd-value-label (:value-usd bounty)]]])
{:on-click #(rf/dispatch [:three-dots-open issue-id])}
[three-dots-box "ic-more-vert-black-24dp-1x.png"]]])
(defn revoke-modal []
(let [bounty @(rf/subscribe [:revoke-modal-bounty])]
(fn []
(when bounty
(let [owner-address (:owner_address bounty)]
;; width requires a deliberate override of semantic.min.css
[ {:style {:top 100
:width 650}}
[:h3.dark-gray "Are you sure you want to request a refund?"]
[:p.silver "This will set your bounty"
[ " value to $0."]
" Don't worry, your issue will still be accessible to the community. You can check the status of your refund at the top of the dashboard."]
[:p.fw4 (:issue-title bounty)]
[ui-balances/token-balances (bnt/crypto-balances bounty) :label]
[:p [ui-balances/usd-value-label (:value-usd bounty)]]
[:p.silver "To be refunded to: " owner-address]]
{:on-click #(rf/dispatch [:revoke-bounty (:issue-id bounty)])}
{:role "button"
:on-click #(rf/dispatch [:clear-revoke-modal])}
(defn revoke-dropdown [bounty]
(let [menu (if (contains? @(rf/subscribe [:three-dots-open?]) (:issue-id bounty))
[ {:tab-index -1}]
(if (empty? @(rf/subscribe [:pending-revocations]))
[three-dots (:issue-id bounty)])
(into menu [[:div
{:on-click #(rf/dispatch [:set-revoke-modal bounty])}
(defn unclaimed-bounty [bounty]
[bounty-title-link bounty {:show-date? true :max-length 60}]
[small-card-balances bounty]]])
[:div [small-card-balances bounty]
(when (pos? (:value-usd bounty))
[revoke-dropdown bounty])]]])
(defn paid-bounty [bounty]
@ -248,7 +325,10 @@
[bounty-title-link bounty {:show-date? false :max-length 60}]
"Paid out to " [ "@" (:winner_login bounty)]]]
"Paid out to " [ "@" (or (:winner_login bounty)
;; use repo owner for revoked bounties
;; where no winner login is set
(:owner-login bounty))]]]
[small-card-balances bounty]]])
(defn expandable-bounty-list [bounty-component bounties]
@ -272,9 +352,27 @@
(defn count-pill [n]
[ n])
(defn salute [name]
(defn pending-banner []
(let [banner-info (rf/subscribe [:pending-revocations])]
(fn pending-banner-render []
(when @banner-info
(into [:div]
(for [revoking-bounty @banner-info]
^{:key (:contract_address revoking-bounty)}
(case (:confirming-account revoking-bounty)
:commiteth [:p.v-mid [check-box "ic-check-circle-black-24dp-2x.png"]
[ "Transaction sent."] " Your refund requires two confirmations. After the first one "
[ {:href (etherscan-address-url (:contract_address revoking-bounty)) :target "_blank"} " completes "]
"you'll be prompted to sign the second via metamask."]
:owner [:p.v-mid [check-box "ic-check-circle-black-24dp-2x.png"]
[ "Transaction sent."] " Once your metamask transaction is confirmed your revocation will be complete. Follow the final step "
[ {:href (etherscan-address-url (:contract_address revoking-bounty)) :target "_blank"} " here. "]])]]))))))
(defn salute []
(let [msg-info (rf/subscribe [:dashboard/banner-msg])]
(fn salute-render [name]
(fn salute-render []
(when @msg-info
@ -326,7 +424,8 @@
user (rf/subscribe [:user])
owner-bounties (rf/subscribe [:owner-bounties])
bounty-stats-data (rf/subscribe [:owner-bounties-stats])
owner-bounties-loading? (rf/subscribe [:get-in [:owner-bounties-loading?]])]
owner-bounties-loading? (rf/subscribe [:get-in [:owner-bounties-loading?]])
revoke-modal-bounty (rf/subscribe [:revoke-modal-bounty])]
(fn manage-payouts-page-render []
(nil? @user)
@ -348,13 +447,16 @@
(get grouped :pending-contributor-address))]
[salute "Andy"]
[bounty-stats-new @bounty-stats-data]]
(when (nil? (common/web3))
"To sign off claims, please view Status Open Bounty in Status, Mist or Metamask"])
(when @revoke-modal-bounty
[manage-bounties-nav route-id]
@ -41,6 +41,11 @@
(fn [db _]
(:flash-message db)))
(fn [db _]
(:revoke-modal-bounty db)))
(fn [db _]
@ -82,7 +87,10 @@
;; special prefix or namespace for derived properties that
;; are added to domain records like this
;; e.g. `derived/paid?`
[id (assoc bounty :paid? (boolean (:payout_hash bounty)))])
[id (assoc bounty :paid? (boolean (and (:payout_receipt bounty)
;; bounties with winner logins
;; were not revoked
(:winner_login bounty))))])
(into {}))))
@ -179,6 +187,19 @@
(fn [db _]
(:user-dropdown-open? db)))
(fn [db _]
(::db/unclaimed-options db)))
(fn [db _]
(map (fn [[issue-id revocations]]
(merge revocations
(get-in db [:owner-bounties issue-id])))
(::db/pending-revocations db))))
(fn [db _]
@ -250,9 +250,29 @@ label[for="input-hidden"] {
a {
color: #fff;
pointer: default;
|||| {
font-family: "PostGrotesk-Book";
font-size: 1em;
border-radius: 8px;
border: none;
padding: .5em;
background-color: #fff;
a {
color: #8d99a4;;
cursor: pointer;
z-index: 800000;
right: 22px;
.logout-link {
color: #fff!important;
@ -1266,4 +1286,4 @@ body {
@import (inline) "tachyons-utils.css";
@import (inline) "tachyons-utils.css";
@ -29,6 +29,12 @@
.hover-sob-sky:hover, .hover-sob-sky:focus { color: #f2f5f8; }
.hover-bg-sob-sky:hover, .hover-bg-sob-sky:focus { background-color: #f2f5f8; }
.sob-green { color: #d1ead8; }
.bg-sob-green { background-color: #d1ead8; }
.b--sob-green { border-color: #d1ead8; }
.hover-sob-green:hover, .hover-sob-green:focus { color: #d1ead8; }
.hover-bg-sob-green:hover, .hover-bg-sob-green:focus { background-color: #d1ead8; }
.sob-tint { color: #f7f9fa; }
.bg-sob-tint { background-color: #f7f9fa; }
.b--sob-tint { border-color: #f7f9fa; }
Reference in New Issue