mirror of
synced 2025-01-11 10:06:20 +00:00
dashboard - redesign according to zeplin screens
This commit is contained in:
@ -56,10 +56,10 @@
[:span.db.f4.muted-blue.hover-black issue-title]
[:span.f5.gray.pg-book (str owner "/" repo-name " #" issue-number)]]]
{:on-click #(do (.preventDefault %) (prn (dissoc bounty :claims)))}
(common/human-time updated)]]]]])
@ -67,26 +67,35 @@
(let [paid? (bnt/paid? claim)
merged? (bnt/merged? claim)]
(when (and merged? (not paid?))
(merge (if (and merged? (not paid?))
(merge {:on-click #(rf/dispatch [:confirm-payout claim])}
(if (and merged? (not paid?) (:payout_address bounty))
{:disabled true})
{:on-click #(rf/dispatch [:confirm-payout claim])}
(when (and (or (bnt/confirming? bounty)
(bnt/bot-confirm-unmined? bounty))
{:class "busy loading" :disabled true}))
(if paid?
"Signed off"
"Confirm Payment")])))
(defn confirm-row [bounty claim]
[bounty-balance bounty]]
[confirm-button bounty claim]]]])
(let [payout-address-available? (:payout_address bounty)]
(when-not payout-address-available?
[:p [:span.pg-med (or (:user_name claim) (:user_login claim))
"’s payment address is pending."] " You will be able to confirm the payment once the address is provided."]])
(when-not payout-address-available?
{:style {:-webkit-filter "grayscale(1)"
:pointer-events "none"}})
[bounty-balance bounty]]
[confirm-button bounty claim]]]]]))
(defn claim-card [bounty claim {:keys [render-view-claim-button?] :as opts}]
(let [{user-name :user_name
@ -98,29 +107,31 @@
{:class (when (and (bnt/paid? claim) (not (= user-login winner-login)))
[:img.br-100.w3 {:src avatar-url}]]
[:img.br-100.w2 {:src avatar-url}]]
(or user-name user-login) " "
[:span.f5.o-60 (when user-name (str "@" user-login "") )]
[:span.f6.o-60 (when user-name (str "@" user-login "") )]
(if (bnt/paid? claim)
(if (= user-login winner-login)
[:span "Received payout"]
[:span "No payout"]))]
[:div "Submitted a claim via "
[:div.muted-blue "Submitted a claim via "
[:a {:href (pr-url claim)}
(str (:repo_owner claim) "/" (:repo_name claim) " PR #" (:pr_number claim))]]]]
(when render-view-claim-button?
{:href (pr-url claim)}
"View Claim"]]])]]))
"View Pull Request"]]])]]))
(defn to-confirm-list [bounties]
(if (empty? bounties)
[:div.ui.text "No items"]
[:h3.pg-book "Nothing to confirm"]
[:p "Here you will see the merged claims awaiting payment confirmation"]]
(into [:div]
(for [bounty bounties
;; Identifying the winning claim like this is a bit
@ -133,26 +144,28 @@
(:winner_login bounty)))
^{:key (:issue_id bounty)}
[bounty-card bounty]]
[claim-card bounty winning-claim]]
[confirm-row bounty winning-claim]]]))))
(defn to-merge-list [bounties]
(if (empty? bounties)
[:div.ui.text "No items"]
[:h3.pg-book "Nothing to merge"]
[:p "Here you will see the claims waiting to be merged"]]
(into [:div]
(for [bounty bounties
:let [claims (:claims bounty)]]
^{:key (:issue_id bounty)}
[bounty-card bounty]
[:div.mt3 [bounty-balance bounty]]]
[:div.mt3.f6 [bounty-balance bounty]]]
(for [claim (:claims bounty)]
^{:key (:pr_id claim)}
[claim-card bounty claim {:render-view-claim-button? true}])]]))))
@ -172,6 +185,14 @@
[:div.f3.pa2 (:count unpaid)]
[:div.ph4 "Open bounties in total"]]])
(defn bounty-stats-new [{:keys [paid unpaid]}]
[:span.db.f3.pg-med.mb2 (common/usd-string (:combined-usd-value paid))]
[:span.gray "Paid for " [:span.muted-blue (:count paid) " solved bounties"]]
[:span.db.f3.pg-med.pt1.mb2 (common/usd-string (:combined-usd-value unpaid))]
[:span.gray "Open for " [:span.muted-blue (:count unpaid) " bounties"]]])
(def state-mapping
{:opened :open
:funded :funded
@ -182,29 +203,40 @@
:pending-maintainer-confirmation :pending-maintainer-confirmation
:paid :paid})
(defn bounty-title-link [bounty]
(defn bounty-title-link [bounty show-date?]
[:a {:href (common/issue-url (:repo-owner bounty) (:repo-name bounty) (:issue-number bounty))}
[:span.db.f5.pg-med.muted-blue.hover-black (:issue-title bounty)]
{:on-click #(do (.preventDefault %) (prn (dissoc bounty :claims)))}
(common/human-time (:updated bounty))]]])
(when show-date?
;;{:on-click #(do (.preventDefault %) (prn (dissoc bounty :claims)))}
(common/human-time (:updated bounty))])]])
(defn square-card
"A mostly generic component that renders a square with a section
pinned to the top and a section pinned to the bottom."
[top bottom]
[:div.flex-auto top]
[:div bottom]]])
(defn unclaimed-bounty [bounty]
[bounty-title-link bounty]]
[bounty-balance bounty]]])
[bounty-title-link bounty true]
[bounty-balance bounty]]]])
(defn paid-bounty [bounty]
[bounty-title-link bounty]]
"Paid out to @" (:winner_login bounty)]
[bounty-balance bounty]]])
[bounty-title-link bounty false]
"Paid out to " [:span.pg-med.muted-blue "@" (:winner_login bounty)]]]
[bounty-balance bounty]]]])
(defn expandable-bounty-list [bounty-component bounties]
(let [expanded? (r/atom false)]
@ -224,8 +256,26 @@
"Collapse ↑"
"See all ↓")]])])))
;; TODO For status related bounties there are 133 which have paid? flag set
;; but the bounty-state function only returns :paid for 130 — why?
(defn count-pill [n]
[:span.v-mid.ml3.ph3.pv1.bg-light-gray.br3.f7 n])
(defn salute [name]
(let [msg-info (rf/subscribe [:dashboard/banner-msg])]
(fn salute-render [name]
(when @msg-info
{:role "button"
:on-click #(rf/dispatch [:dashboard/mark-banner-as-seen (:banner-id @msg-info)])}
"× "]
(case (:banner-id @msg-info)
"bounty-issuer-salute" [:p [:span.f4.mr2.v-mid "🖖"] [:span.pg-med "We salute you " (:name @msg-info) "!"]
" Here is where you can manage your bounties. Questions or comments? "
[:a.sob-blue.pg-med {:href "https://chat.status.im"} "Chat with us"]]
"new-dashboard-info" [:p [:span.pg-med "NEW!"]
" Here is where you can manage your bounties. Questions or comments? "
[:a.sob-blue.pg-med {:href "https://chat.status.im"} "Chat with us"]])]]))))
(defn manage-payouts-page []
;; TODO fix `page` subscription to subscribe to full route info
@ -244,52 +294,62 @@
grouped (group-by (comp state-mapping :state) bounties)
unclaimed (into (get grouped :funded)
(get grouped :open))]
[:h1.f3.pg-book.mb3 "Manage bounties"]
[bounty-stats-new @bounty-stats-data]]
[salute "Andy"]
(when (nil? (common/web3))
"To sign off claims, please view Status Open Bounty in Status, Mist or Metamask"])
[bounty-stats @bounty-stats-data]
{:role "button"
:class (if (= @page :issuer-dashboard/to-confirm) "bg-white pg-med" "bg-near-white pointer")
:on-click #(routes/nav! :issuer-dashboard/to-confirm)}
"To confirm payment (" (count (get grouped :pending-maintainer-confirmation)) ")"]
{:role "button"
:class (if (= @page :issuer-dashboard/to-merge) "bg-white pg-med" "bg-near-white pointer")
:on-click #(routes/nav! :issuer-dashboard/to-merge)}
"To merge (" (count (get grouped :claimed)) ")"]]
(case @page
:issuer-dashboard/to-confirm (to-confirm-list (get grouped :pending-maintainer-confirmation))
:issuer-dashboard/to-merge (to-merge-list (get grouped :claimed))
(seq (get grouped :pending-maintainer-confirmation))
(routes/nav! :issuer-dashboard/to-confirm)
(let [active-classes "muted-blue bb bw2 b--sob-blue"
non-active-classes "silver pointer"]
{:role "button"
:class (if (= @page :issuer-dashboard/to-confirm) active-classes non-active-classes)
:on-click #(routes/nav! :issuer-dashboard/to-confirm)}
"To confirm payment"]
{:role "button"
:class (if (= @page :issuer-dashboard/to-merge) active-classes non-active-classes)
:on-click #(routes/nav! :issuer-dashboard/to-merge)}
"To merge"]])
[bounty-stats-new @bounty-stats-data]]
(case @page
:issuer-dashboard/to-confirm (to-confirm-list (get grouped :pending-maintainer-confirmation))
:issuer-dashboard/to-merge (to-merge-list (get grouped :claimed))
(seq (get grouped :pending-maintainer-confirmation))
(routes/nav! :issuer-dashboard/to-confirm)
(seq (get grouped :claimed))
(routes/nav! :issuer-dashboard/to-merge)
(seq (get grouped :claimed))
(routes/nav! :issuer-dashboard/to-merge)
:else (routes/nav! :issuer-dashboard/to-confirm)))]
[:h4.f3.sob-muted-blue "Bounties not claimed yet (" (count unclaimed) ")"]
(->> unclaimed (sort-by :updated) (reverse))]]
:else (routes/nav! :issuer-dashboard/to-confirm)))
(let [heading :h4.f3.normal.pg-book.sob-muted-blue]
[heading "Bounties not claimed yet" (count-pill (count unclaimed))]
(->> unclaimed (sort-by :updated) (reverse))]]
[:h4.f3.sob-muted-blue "Paid out bounties (" (count (get grouped :paid)) ")"]
[expandable-bounty-list paid-bounty (get grouped :paid)]]
[heading "Paid out bounties" (count-pill (count (get grouped :paid)))]
[expandable-bounty-list paid-bounty (get grouped :paid)]]
[:h4.f3.sob-muted-blue "Merged bounties (" (count (get grouped :merged)) ")"]
[:p "I'm not sure why these exist. They have a :payout-address and a :confirm-hash so why are they missing the :payout-hash?"]
[expandable-bounty-list paid-bounty (get grouped :merged)]]
[:h4.f3 "Revoked bounties (" (count (get grouped :paid)) ")"]
[expandable-bounty-list unclaimed-bounty (get grouped :paid)]]
[heading "Merged bounties" (count-pill (count (get grouped :merged)))]
[:p "I'm not sure why these exist. They have a :payout-address and a :confirm-hash so why are they missing the :payout-hash?"]
[expandable-bounty-list paid-bounty (get grouped :merged)]]
[:h4.f3 "Revoked bounties (" (count (get grouped :paid)) ")"]
[expandable-bounty-list unclaimed-bounty (get grouped :paid)]]])]
Reference in New Issue
Block a user