You will need [Leiningen]( 2.0 or above installed. Also, make sure that you have [wkhtmltoimage]( available in your PATH. On macOS, it can be installed via `brew cask install wkhtmltopdf`.
Solidity compiler (latest version, currently [0.4.20]( is required and needs to be in $PATH.
Detailed [installation instructions for various platforms]( can be found in the official Solidity documentation.
Web3j (latest version, currently [3.3.1]( is required and the command line tools need to be in $PATH.
Installation instructions for the command line tools can be found in the [Web3j Command Line Tools documentation](
Make sure to create `/config-dev.edn` and populate it correctly, which is based on `env/dev/resources/config.edn`. Description of config fields is given below:
dev | Currently specifies whether Swagger UI endpoints should be added to routes
port | HTTP port for the Ring web app
nrepl-port | nREPL port for development
jdbc-database-url | PostgreSQL database URL. For instance, URL to local db would be `jdbc:postgresql://localhost/commiteth?user=commiteth&password=commiteth`
server-address | URL and port of local server that can be resolved from public internet. It will be used as a redirect URI during GitHub OAuth authorization process
eth-account | Ethereum account ID for the bot
eth-password | Ethereum account password for the bot
eth-rpc-url | RPC URL to Ethereum node, e.g. Geth. Either local or remote
eth-wallet-file | Location of wallet file. If Geth is run with the parameters as given below, it will reside under `$HOME/.ropsten/keystore`
tokenreg-base-format | Should be set to `:status`
github-client-id | Related to OAuth. Copied from GitHub account Settings->Developer settings->OAuth Apps
github-client-secret | Related to OAuth. Copied from GitHub account Settings->Developer settings->OAuth Apps
github-user | GitHub username for bot account. It is used for posting bounty comments
github-password | GitHub password for bot account
webhook-secret | Secret string to be used when creating a GitHub App
user-whitelist | Set of GitHub user/org IDs to be whitelisted. E.g. `#{"status-im" "your_org"}`
testnet-token-data | Token data map, useful if there are Geth connectivity problems
## GitHub integration
Open Bounty uses both OAuth App and GitHub App integration.
Follow the steps [here]( Specify the value of `:server-address` as "Homepage URL", and `:server-address` + `/callback` as "Authorization callback URL". Be sure to copy Client ID and Client Secret values in the config file.
Follow the steps [here]( Be sure to specify `:server-address` + `/webhook-app` as "Webhook URL", and `:webhook-secret` as "Webhook Secret".