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// Copyright 2016 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package console
import (
// bridge is a collection of JavaScript utility methods to bride the .js runtime
// environment and the Go RPC connection backing the remote method calls.
type bridge struct {
client *rpc.Client // RPC client to execute Ethereum requests through
prompter UserPrompter // Input prompter to allow interactive user feedback
printer io.Writer // Output writer to serialize any display strings to
// newBridge creates a new JavaScript wrapper around an RPC client.
func newBridge(client *rpc.Client, prompter UserPrompter, printer io.Writer) *bridge {
return &bridge{
client: client,
prompter: prompter,
printer: printer,
// NewAccount is a wrapper around the personal.newAccount RPC method that uses a
// non-echoing password prompt to acquire the passphrase and executes the original
// RPC method (saved in jeth.newAccount) with it to actually execute the RPC call.
func (b *bridge) NewAccount(call otto.FunctionCall) (response otto.Value) {
var (
password string
confirm string
err error
switch {
// No password was specified, prompt the user for it
case len(call.ArgumentList) == 0:
if password, err = b.prompter.PromptPassword("Passphrase: "); err != nil {
if confirm, err = b.prompter.PromptPassword("Repeat passphrase: "); err != nil {
if password != confirm {
throwJSException("passphrases don't match!")
// A single string password was specified, use that
case len(call.ArgumentList) == 1 && call.Argument(0).IsString():
password, _ = call.Argument(0).ToString()
// Otherwise fail with some error
throwJSException("expected 0 or 1 string argument")
// Password acquired, execute the call and return
ret, err := call.Otto.Call("jeth.newAccount", nil, password)
if err != nil {
return ret
// UnlockAccount is a wrapper around the personal.unlockAccount RPC method that
// uses a non-echoing password prompt to acquire the passphrase and executes the
// original RPC method (saved in jeth.unlockAccount) with it to actually execute
// the RPC call.
func (b *bridge) UnlockAccount(call otto.FunctionCall) (response otto.Value) {
// Make sure we have an account specified to unlock
if !call.Argument(0).IsString() {
throwJSException("first argument must be the account to unlock")
account := call.Argument(0)
// If password is not given or is the null value, prompt the user for it
var passwd otto.Value
if call.Argument(1).IsUndefined() || call.Argument(1).IsNull() {
fmt.Fprintf(b.printer, "Unlock account %s\n", account)
if input, err := b.prompter.PromptPassword("Passphrase: "); err != nil {
} else {
passwd, _ = otto.ToValue(input)
} else {
if !call.Argument(1).IsString() {
throwJSException("password must be a string")
passwd = call.Argument(1)
// Third argument is the duration how long the account must be unlocked.
duration := otto.NullValue()
if call.Argument(2).IsDefined() && !call.Argument(2).IsNull() {
if !call.Argument(2).IsNumber() {
throwJSException("unlock duration must be a number")
duration = call.Argument(2)
// Send the request to the backend and return
val, err := call.Otto.Call("jeth.unlockAccount", nil, account, passwd, duration)
if err != nil {
return val
// Sign is a wrapper around the personal.sign RPC method that uses a non-echoing password
// prompt to acquire the passphrase and executes the original RPC method (saved in
// jeth.sign) with it to actually execute the RPC call.
func (b *bridge) Sign(call otto.FunctionCall) (response otto.Value) {
var (
message = call.Argument(0)
account = call.Argument(1)
passwd = call.Argument(2)
if !message.IsString() {
throwJSException("first argument must be the message to sign")
if !account.IsString() {
throwJSException("second argument must be the account to sign with")
// if the password is not given or null ask the user and ensure password is a string
if passwd.IsUndefined() || passwd.IsNull() {
fmt.Fprintf(b.printer, "Give password for account %s\n", account)
if input, err := b.prompter.PromptPassword("Passphrase: "); err != nil {
} else {
passwd, _ = otto.ToValue(input)
if !passwd.IsString() {
throwJSException("third argument must be the password to unlock the account")
// Send the request to the backend and return
val, err := call.Otto.Call("jeth.sign", nil, message, account, passwd)
if err != nil {
return val
// Sleep will block the console for the specified number of seconds.
func (b *bridge) Sleep(call otto.FunctionCall) (response otto.Value) {
if call.Argument(0).IsNumber() {
sleep, _ := call.Argument(0).ToInteger()
time.Sleep(time.Duration(sleep) * time.Second)
return otto.TrueValue()
return throwJSException("usage: sleep(<number of seconds>)")
// SleepBlocks will block the console for a specified number of new blocks optionally
// until the given timeout is reached.
func (b *bridge) SleepBlocks(call otto.FunctionCall) (response otto.Value) {
var (
blocks = int64(0)
sleep = int64(9999999999999999) // indefinitely
// Parse the input parameters for the sleep
nArgs := len(call.ArgumentList)
if nArgs == 0 {
throwJSException("usage: sleepBlocks(<n blocks>[, max sleep in seconds])")
if nArgs >= 1 {
if call.Argument(0).IsNumber() {
blocks, _ = call.Argument(0).ToInteger()
} else {
throwJSException("expected number as first argument")
if nArgs >= 2 {
if call.Argument(1).IsNumber() {
sleep, _ = call.Argument(1).ToInteger()
} else {
throwJSException("expected number as second argument")
// go through the console, this will allow web3 to call the appropriate
// callbacks if a delayed response or notification is received.
blockNumber := func() int64 {
result, err := call.Otto.Run("eth.blockNumber")
if err != nil {
block, err := result.ToInteger()
if err != nil {
return block
// Poll the current block number until either it ot a timeout is reached
targetBlockNr := blockNumber() + blocks
deadline := time.Now().Add(time.Duration(sleep) * time.Second)
for time.Now().Before(deadline) {
if blockNumber() >= targetBlockNr {
return otto.TrueValue()
return otto.FalseValue()
type jsonrpcCall struct {
Id int64
Method string
Params []interface{}
// Send implements the web3 provider "send" method.
func (b *bridge) Send(call otto.FunctionCall) (response otto.Value) {
// Remarshal the request into a Go value.
JSON, _ := call.Otto.Object("JSON")
reqVal, err := JSON.Call("stringify", call.Argument(0))
if err != nil {
var (
rawReq = []byte(reqVal.String())
reqs []jsonrpcCall
batch bool
if rawReq[0] == '[' {
batch = true
json.Unmarshal(rawReq, &reqs)
} else {
batch = false
reqs = make([]jsonrpcCall, 1)
json.Unmarshal(rawReq, &reqs[0])
// Execute the requests.
resps, _ := call.Otto.Object("new Array()")
for _, req := range reqs {
resp, _ := call.Otto.Object(`({"jsonrpc":"2.0"})`)
resp.Set("id", req.Id)
var result json.RawMessage
err = b.client.Call(&result, req.Method, req.Params...)
switch err := err.(type) {
case nil:
if result == nil {
// Special case null because it is decoded as an empty
// raw message for some reason.
resp.Set("result", otto.NullValue())
} else {
resultVal, err := JSON.Call("parse", string(result))
if err != nil {
setError(resp, -32603, err.Error())
} else {
resp.Set("result", resultVal)
case rpc.Error:
setError(resp, err.ErrorCode(), err.Error())
setError(resp, -32603, err.Error())
resps.Call("push", resp)
// Return the responses either to the callback (if supplied)
// or directly as the return value.
if batch {
response = resps.Value()
} else {
response, _ = resps.Get("0")
if fn := call.Argument(1); fn.Class() == "Function" {
fn.Call(otto.NullValue(), otto.NullValue(), response)
return otto.UndefinedValue()
return response
func setError(resp *otto.Object, code int, msg string) {
resp.Set("error", map[string]interface{}{"code": code, "message": msg})
// throwJSException panics on an otto.Value. The Otto VM will recover from the
// Go panic and throw msg as a JavaScript error.
func throwJSException(msg interface{}) otto.Value {
val, err := otto.ToValue(msg)
if err != nil {
log.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to serialize JavaScript exception %v: %v", msg, err))