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synced 2025-03-03 16:00:42 +00:00
The most visible change is event-based dialing, which should be an improvement over the timer-based system that we have at the moment. The dialer gets a chance to compute new tasks whenever peers change or dials complete. This is better than checking peers on a timer because dials happen faster. The dialer can now make more precise decisions about whom to dial based on the peer set and we can test those decisions without actually opening any sockets. Peer management is easier to test because the tests can inject connections at checkpoints (after enc handshake, after protocol handshake). Most of the handshake stuff is now part of the RLPx code. It could be exported or move to its own package because it is no longer entangled with Server logic.
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package p2p
import (
func init() {
// glog.SetV(6)
// glog.SetToStderr(true)
type testTransport struct {
id discover.NodeID
closeErr error
func newTestTransport(id discover.NodeID, fd net.Conn) transport {
wrapped := newRLPX(fd).(*rlpx)
wrapped.rw = newRLPXFrameRW(fd, secrets{
MAC: zero16,
AES: zero16,
IngressMAC: sha3.NewKeccak256(),
EgressMAC: sha3.NewKeccak256(),
return &testTransport{id: id, rlpx: wrapped}
func (c *testTransport) doEncHandshake(prv *ecdsa.PrivateKey, dialDest *discover.Node) (discover.NodeID, error) {
return c.id, nil
func (c *testTransport) doProtoHandshake(our *protoHandshake) (*protoHandshake, error) {
return &protoHandshake{ID: c.id, Name: "test"}, nil
func (c *testTransport) close(err error) {
c.closeErr = err
func startTestServer(t *testing.T, id discover.NodeID, pf func(*Peer)) *Server {
server := &Server{
Name: "test",
MaxPeers: 10,
ListenAddr: "",
PrivateKey: newkey(),
newPeerHook: pf,
newTransport: func(fd net.Conn) transport { return newTestTransport(id, fd) },
if err := server.Start(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Could not start server: %v", err)
return server
func TestServerListen(t *testing.T) {
// start the test server
connected := make(chan *Peer)
remid := randomID()
srv := startTestServer(t, remid, func(p *Peer) {
if p.ID() != remid {
t.Error("peer func called with wrong node id")
if p == nil {
t.Error("peer func called with nil conn")
connected <- p
defer close(connected)
defer srv.Stop()
// dial the test server
conn, err := net.DialTimeout("tcp", srv.ListenAddr, 5*time.Second)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("could not dial: %v", err)
defer conn.Close()
select {
case peer := <-connected:
if peer.LocalAddr().String() != conn.RemoteAddr().String() {
t.Errorf("peer started with wrong conn: got %v, want %v",
peer.LocalAddr(), conn.RemoteAddr())
peers := srv.Peers()
if !reflect.DeepEqual(peers, []*Peer{peer}) {
t.Errorf("Peers mismatch: got %v, want %v", peers, []*Peer{peer})
case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
t.Error("server did not accept within one second")
func TestServerDial(t *testing.T) {
// run a one-shot TCP server to handle the connection.
listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", "")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("could not setup listener: %v")
defer listener.Close()
accepted := make(chan net.Conn)
go func() {
conn, err := listener.Accept()
if err != nil {
t.Error("accept error:", err)
accepted <- conn
// start the server
connected := make(chan *Peer)
remid := randomID()
srv := startTestServer(t, remid, func(p *Peer) { connected <- p })
defer close(connected)
defer srv.Stop()
// tell the server to connect
tcpAddr := listener.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr)
srv.AddPeer(&discover.Node{ID: remid, IP: tcpAddr.IP, TCP: uint16(tcpAddr.Port)})
select {
case conn := <-accepted:
select {
case peer := <-connected:
if peer.ID() != remid {
t.Errorf("peer has wrong id")
if peer.Name() != "test" {
t.Errorf("peer has wrong name")
if peer.RemoteAddr().String() != conn.LocalAddr().String() {
t.Errorf("peer started with wrong conn: got %v, want %v",
peer.RemoteAddr(), conn.LocalAddr())
peers := srv.Peers()
if !reflect.DeepEqual(peers, []*Peer{peer}) {
t.Errorf("Peers mismatch: got %v, want %v", peers, []*Peer{peer})
case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
t.Error("server did not launch peer within one second")
case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
t.Error("server did not connect within one second")
// This test checks that tasks generated by dialstate are
// actually executed and taskdone is called for them.
func TestServerTaskScheduling(t *testing.T) {
var (
done = make(chan *testTask)
quit, returned = make(chan struct{}), make(chan struct{})
tc = 0
tg = taskgen{
newFunc: func(running int, peers map[discover.NodeID]*Peer) []task {
return []task{&testTask{index: tc - 1}}
doneFunc: func(t task) {
select {
case done <- t.(*testTask):
case <-quit:
// The Server in this test isn't actually running
// because we're only interested in what run does.
srv := &Server{
MaxPeers: 10,
quit: make(chan struct{}),
ntab: fakeTable{},
running: true,
go func() {
var gotdone []*testTask
for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
gotdone = append(gotdone, <-done)
for i, task := range gotdone {
if task.index != i {
t.Errorf("task %d has wrong index, got %d", i, task.index)
if !task.called {
t.Errorf("task %d was not called", i)
select {
case <-returned:
case <-time.After(500 * time.Millisecond):
t.Error("Server.run did not return within 500ms")
type taskgen struct {
newFunc func(running int, peers map[discover.NodeID]*Peer) []task
doneFunc func(task)
func (tg taskgen) newTasks(running int, peers map[discover.NodeID]*Peer, now time.Time) []task {
return tg.newFunc(running, peers)
func (tg taskgen) taskDone(t task, now time.Time) {
func (tg taskgen) addStatic(*discover.Node) {
type testTask struct {
index int
called bool
func (t *testTask) Do(srv *Server) {
t.called = true
// This test checks that connections are disconnected
// just after the encryption handshake when the server is
// at capacity. Trusted connections should still be accepted.
func TestServerAtCap(t *testing.T) {
trustedID := randomID()
srv := &Server{
PrivateKey: newkey(),
MaxPeers: 10,
NoDial: true,
TrustedNodes: []*discover.Node{{ID: trustedID}},
if err := srv.Start(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("could not start: %v", err)
defer srv.Stop()
newconn := func(id discover.NodeID) *conn {
fd, _ := net.Pipe()
tx := newTestTransport(id, fd)
return &conn{fd: fd, transport: tx, flags: inboundConn, id: id, cont: make(chan error)}
// Inject a few connections to fill up the peer set.
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
c := newconn(randomID())
if err := srv.checkpoint(c, srv.addpeer); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("could not add conn %d: %v", i, err)
// Try inserting a non-trusted connection.
c := newconn(randomID())
if err := srv.checkpoint(c, srv.posthandshake); err != DiscTooManyPeers {
t.Error("wrong error for insert:", err)
// Try inserting a trusted connection.
c = newconn(trustedID)
if err := srv.checkpoint(c, srv.posthandshake); err != nil {
t.Error("unexpected error for trusted conn @posthandshake:", err)
if !c.is(trustedConn) {
t.Error("Server did not set trusted flag")
func TestServerSetupConn(t *testing.T) {
id := randomID()
srvkey := newkey()
srvid := discover.PubkeyID(&srvkey.PublicKey)
tests := []struct {
dontstart bool
tt *setupTransport
flags connFlag
dialDest *discover.Node
wantCloseErr error
wantCalls string
dontstart: true,
tt: &setupTransport{id: id},
wantCalls: "close,",
wantCloseErr: errServerStopped,
tt: &setupTransport{id: id, encHandshakeErr: errors.New("read error")},
flags: inboundConn,
wantCalls: "doEncHandshake,close,",
wantCloseErr: errors.New("read error"),
tt: &setupTransport{id: id},
dialDest: &discover.Node{ID: randomID()},
flags: dynDialedConn,
wantCalls: "doEncHandshake,close,",
wantCloseErr: DiscUnexpectedIdentity,
tt: &setupTransport{id: id, phs: &protoHandshake{ID: randomID()}},
dialDest: &discover.Node{ID: id},
flags: dynDialedConn,
wantCalls: "doEncHandshake,doProtoHandshake,close,",
wantCloseErr: DiscUnexpectedIdentity,
tt: &setupTransport{id: id, protoHandshakeErr: errors.New("foo")},
dialDest: &discover.Node{ID: id},
flags: dynDialedConn,
wantCalls: "doEncHandshake,doProtoHandshake,close,",
wantCloseErr: errors.New("foo"),
tt: &setupTransport{id: srvid, phs: &protoHandshake{ID: srvid}},
flags: inboundConn,
wantCalls: "doEncHandshake,close,",
wantCloseErr: DiscSelf,
tt: &setupTransport{id: id, phs: &protoHandshake{ID: id}},
flags: inboundConn,
wantCalls: "doEncHandshake,doProtoHandshake,close,",
wantCloseErr: DiscUselessPeer,
for i, test := range tests {
srv := &Server{
PrivateKey: srvkey,
MaxPeers: 10,
NoDial: true,
Protocols: []Protocol{discard},
newTransport: func(fd net.Conn) transport { return test.tt },
if !test.dontstart {
if err := srv.Start(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("couldn't start server: %v", err)
p1, _ := net.Pipe()
srv.setupConn(p1, test.flags, test.dialDest)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(test.tt.closeErr, test.wantCloseErr) {
t.Errorf("test %d: close error mismatch: got %q, want %q", i, test.tt.closeErr, test.wantCloseErr)
if test.tt.calls != test.wantCalls {
t.Errorf("test %d: calls mismatch: got %q, want %q", i, test.tt.calls, test.wantCalls)
type setupTransport struct {
id discover.NodeID
encHandshakeErr error
phs *protoHandshake
protoHandshakeErr error
calls string
closeErr error
func (c *setupTransport) doEncHandshake(prv *ecdsa.PrivateKey, dialDest *discover.Node) (discover.NodeID, error) {
c.calls += "doEncHandshake,"
return c.id, c.encHandshakeErr
func (c *setupTransport) doProtoHandshake(our *protoHandshake) (*protoHandshake, error) {
c.calls += "doProtoHandshake,"
if c.protoHandshakeErr != nil {
return nil, c.protoHandshakeErr
return c.phs, nil
func (c *setupTransport) close(err error) {
c.calls += "close,"
c.closeErr = err
// setupConn shouldn't write to/read from the connection.
func (c *setupTransport) WriteMsg(Msg) error {
panic("WriteMsg called on setupTransport")
func (c *setupTransport) ReadMsg() (Msg, error) {
panic("ReadMsg called on setupTransport")
func newkey() *ecdsa.PrivateKey {
key, err := crypto.GenerateKey()
if err != nil {
panic("couldn't generate key: " + err.Error())
return key
func randomID() (id discover.NodeID) {
for i := range id {
id[i] = byte(rand.Intn(255))
return id