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synced 2025-03-01 06:50:37 +00:00
This commit converts the dependency management from Godeps to the vendor folder, also switching the tool from godep to trash. Since the upstream tool lacks a few features proposed via a few PRs, until those PRs are merged in (if), use github.com/karalabe/trash. You can update dependencies via trash --update. All dependencies have been updated to their latest version. Parts of the build system are reworked to drop old notions of Godeps and invocation of the go vet command so that it doesn't run against the vendor folder, as that will just blow up during vetting. The conversion drops OpenCL (and hence GPU mining support) from ethash and our codebase. The short reasoning is that there's noone to maintain and having opencl libs in our deps messes up builds as go install ./... tries to build them, failing with unsatisfied link errors for the C OpenCL deps. golang.org/x/net/context is not vendored in. We expect it to be fetched by the user (i.e. using go get). To keep ci.go builds reproducible the package is "vendored" in build/_vendor.
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188 lines
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// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package runes
import (
// Note: below we pass invalid UTF-8 to the tIn and tNotIn transformers as is.
// This is done for various reasons:
// - To retain the semantics of the Nop transformer: if input is passed to a Nop
// one would expect it to be unchanged.
// - It would be very expensive to pass a converted RuneError to a transformer:
// a transformer might need more source bytes after RuneError, meaning that
// the only way to pass it safely is to create a new buffer and manage the
// intermingling of RuneErrors and normal input.
// - Many transformers leave ill-formed UTF-8 as is, so this is not
// inconsistent. Generally ill-formed UTF-8 is only replaced if it is a
// logical consequence of the operation (as for Map) or if it otherwise would
// pose security concerns (as for Remove).
// - An alternative would be to return an error on ill-formed UTF-8, but this
// would be inconsistent with other operations.
// If returns a transformer that applies tIn to consecutive runes for which
// s.Contains(r) and tNotIn to consecutive runes for which !s.Contains(r). Reset
// is called on tIn and tNotIn at the start of each run. A Nop transformer will
// substitute a nil value passed to tIn or tNotIn. Invalid UTF-8 is translated
// to RuneError to determine which transformer to apply, but is passed as is to
// the respective transformer.
func If(s Set, tIn, tNotIn transform.Transformer) Transformer {
if tIn == nil && tNotIn == nil {
return Transformer{transform.Nop}
if tIn == nil {
tIn = transform.Nop
if tNotIn == nil {
tNotIn = transform.Nop
sIn, ok := tIn.(transform.SpanningTransformer)
if !ok {
sIn = dummySpan{tIn}
sNotIn, ok := tNotIn.(transform.SpanningTransformer)
if !ok {
sNotIn = dummySpan{tNotIn}
a := &cond{
tIn: sIn,
tNotIn: sNotIn,
f: s.Contains,
return Transformer{a}
type dummySpan struct{ transform.Transformer }
func (d dummySpan) Span(src []byte, atEOF bool) (n int, err error) {
return 0, transform.ErrEndOfSpan
type cond struct {
tIn, tNotIn transform.SpanningTransformer
f func(rune) bool
check func(rune) bool // current check to perform
t transform.SpanningTransformer // current transformer to use
// Reset implements transform.Transformer.
func (t *cond) Reset() {
t.check = t.is
t.t = t.tIn
t.t.Reset() // notIn will be reset on first usage.
func (t *cond) is(r rune) bool {
if t.f(r) {
return true
t.check = t.isNot
t.t = t.tNotIn
return false
func (t *cond) isNot(r rune) bool {
if !t.f(r) {
return true
t.check = t.is
t.t = t.tIn
return false
// This implementation of Span doesn't help all too much, but it needs to be
// there to satisfy this package's Transformer interface.
// TODO: there are certainly room for improvements, though. For example, if
// t.t == transform.Nop (which will a common occurrence) it will save a bundle
// to special-case that loop.
func (t *cond) Span(src []byte, atEOF bool) (n int, err error) {
p := 0
for n < len(src) && err == nil {
// Don't process too much at a time as the Spanner that will be
// called on this block may terminate early.
const maxChunk = 4096
max := len(src)
if v := n + maxChunk; v < max {
max = v
atEnd := false
size := 0
current := t.t
for ; p < max; p += size {
r := rune(src[p])
if r < utf8.RuneSelf {
size = 1
} else if r, size = utf8.DecodeRune(src[p:]); size == 1 {
if !atEOF && !utf8.FullRune(src[p:]) {
err = transform.ErrShortSrc
if !t.check(r) {
// The next rune will be the start of a new run.
atEnd = true
n2, err2 := current.Span(src[n:p], atEnd || (atEOF && p == len(src)))
n += n2
if err2 != nil {
return n, err2
// At this point either err != nil or t.check will pass for the rune at p.
p = n + size
return n, err
func (t *cond) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) {
p := 0
for nSrc < len(src) && err == nil {
// Don't process too much at a time, as the work might be wasted if the
// destination buffer isn't large enough to hold the result or a
// transform returns an error early.
const maxChunk = 4096
max := len(src)
if n := nSrc + maxChunk; n < len(src) {
max = n
atEnd := false
size := 0
current := t.t
for ; p < max; p += size {
r := rune(src[p])
if r < utf8.RuneSelf {
size = 1
} else if r, size = utf8.DecodeRune(src[p:]); size == 1 {
if !atEOF && !utf8.FullRune(src[p:]) {
err = transform.ErrShortSrc
if !t.check(r) {
// The next rune will be the start of a new run.
atEnd = true
nDst2, nSrc2, err2 := current.Transform(dst[nDst:], src[nSrc:p], atEnd || (atEOF && p == len(src)))
nDst += nDst2
nSrc += nSrc2
if err2 != nil {
return nDst, nSrc, err2
// At this point either err != nil or t.check will pass for the rune at p.
p = nSrc + size
return nDst, nSrc, err