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synced 2025-02-28 22:40:40 +00:00
* swarm/network: fix data races in TestInitialPeersMsg test * swarm/network: add Kademlia.Saturation method with lock * swarm/network: add Hive.Peer method to safely retrieve a bzz peer * swarm/network: remove duplicate comment * p2p/testing: prevent goroutine leak in ProtocolTester * swarm/network: fix data race in newBzzBaseTesterWithAddrs * swarm/network: fix goroutone leaks in testInitialPeersMsg * swarm/network: raise number of peer check attempts in testInitialPeersMsg * swarm/network: use Hive.Peer in Hive.PeerInfo function * swarm/network: reduce the scope of mutex lock in newBzzBaseTesterWithAddrs * swarm/storage: disable TestCleanIndex with race detector
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// Copyright 2016 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package network
import (
crand "crypto/rand"
p2ptest "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/p2p/testing"
* - after connect, that outgoing subpeersmsg is sent
func TestSubPeersMsg(t *testing.T) {
params := NewHiveParams()
s, pp, err := newHiveTester(params, 1, nil)
if err != nil {
node := s.Nodes[0]
raddr := NewAddr(node)
// start the hive and wait for the connection
defer pp.Stop()
// send subPeersMsg to the peer
err = s.TestExchanges(p2ptest.Exchange{
Label: "outgoing subPeersMsg",
Expects: []p2ptest.Expect{
Code: 1,
Msg: &subPeersMsg{Depth: 0},
Peer: node.ID(),
if err != nil {
const (
maxPO = 8 // PO of pivot and control; chosen to test enough cases but not run too long
maxPeerPO = 6 // pivot has no peers closer than this to the control peer
maxPeersPerPO = 3
// TestInitialPeersMsg tests if peersMsg response to incoming subPeersMsg is correct
func TestInitialPeersMsg(t *testing.T) {
for po := 0; po < maxPO; po++ {
for depth := 0; depth < maxPO; depth++ {
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("PO=%d,advertised depth=%d", po, depth), func(t *testing.T) {
testInitialPeersMsg(t, po, depth)
// testInitialPeersMsg tests that the correct set of peer info is sent
// to another peer after receiving their subPeersMsg request
func testInitialPeersMsg(t *testing.T, peerPO, peerDepth int) {
// generate random pivot address
prvkey, err := crypto.GenerateKey()
if err != nil {
defer func(orig func([]*BzzAddr) []*BzzAddr) {
sortPeers = orig
sortPeers = testSortPeers
pivotAddr := pot.NewAddressFromBytes(PrivateKeyToBzzKey(prvkey))
// generate control peers address at peerPO wrt pivot
peerAddr := pot.RandomAddressAt(pivotAddr, peerPO)
// construct kademlia and hive
to := NewKademlia(pivotAddr[:], NewKadParams())
hive := NewHive(NewHiveParams(), to, nil)
// expected addrs in peersMsg response
var expBzzAddrs []*BzzAddr
connect := func(a pot.Address, po int) (addrs []*BzzAddr) {
n := rand.Intn(maxPeersPerPO)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
peer, err := newDiscPeer(pot.RandomAddressAt(a, po))
if err != nil {
addrs = append(addrs, peer.BzzAddr)
return addrs
register := func(a pot.Address, po int) {
addr := pot.RandomAddressAt(a, po)
hive.Register(&BzzAddr{OAddr: addr[:]})
// generate connected and just registered peers
for po := maxPeerPO; po >= 0; po-- {
// create a fake connected peer at po from peerAddr
ons := connect(peerAddr, po)
// create a fake registered address at po from peerAddr
register(peerAddr, po)
// we collect expected peer addresses only up till peerPO
if po < peerDepth {
expBzzAddrs = append(expBzzAddrs, ons...)
// add extra connections closer to pivot than control
for po := peerPO + 1; po < maxPO; po++ {
ons := connect(pivotAddr, po)
if peerDepth <= peerPO {
expBzzAddrs = append(expBzzAddrs, ons...)
// create a special bzzBaseTester in which we can associate `enode.ID` to the `bzzAddr` we created above
s, _, err := newBzzBaseTesterWithAddrs(prvkey, [][]byte{peerAddr[:]}, DiscoverySpec, hive.Run)
if err != nil {
defer s.Stop()
// peerID to use in the protocol tester testExchange expect/trigger
peerID := s.Nodes[0].ID()
// block until control peer is found among hive peers
found := false
for attempts := 0; attempts < 2000; attempts++ {
found = hive.Peer(peerID) != nil
if found {
time.Sleep(1 * time.Millisecond)
if !found {
t.Fatal("timeout waiting for peer connection to start")
// pivotDepth is the advertised depth of the pivot node we expect in the outgoing subPeersMsg
pivotDepth := hive.Saturation()
// the test exchange is as follows:
// 1. pivot sends to the control peer a `subPeersMsg` advertising its depth (ignored)
// 2. peer sends to pivot a `subPeersMsg` advertising its own depth (arbitrarily chosen)
// 3. pivot responds with `peersMsg` with the set of expected peers
err = s.TestExchanges(
Label: "outgoing subPeersMsg",
Expects: []p2ptest.Expect{
Code: 1,
Msg: &subPeersMsg{Depth: uint8(pivotDepth)},
Peer: peerID,
Label: "trigger subPeersMsg and expect peersMsg",
Triggers: []p2ptest.Trigger{
Code: 1,
Msg: &subPeersMsg{Depth: uint8(peerDepth)},
Peer: peerID,
Expects: []p2ptest.Expect{
Code: 0,
Msg: &peersMsg{Peers: testSortPeers(expBzzAddrs)},
Peer: peerID,
Timeout: 100 * time.Millisecond,
// for values MaxPeerPO < peerPO < MaxPO the pivot has no peers to offer to the control peer
// in this case, no peersMsg will be sent out, and we would run into a time out
if len(expBzzAddrs) == 0 {
if err != nil {
if err.Error() != "exchange #1 \"trigger subPeersMsg and expect peersMsg\": timed out" {
t.Fatalf("expected timeout, got %v", err)
t.Fatalf("expected timeout, got no error")
if err != nil {
func testSortPeers(peers []*BzzAddr) []*BzzAddr {
comp := func(i, j int) bool {
vi := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(peers[i].OAddr)
vj := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(peers[j].OAddr)
return vi < vj
sort.Slice(peers, comp)
return peers
// as we are not creating a real node via the protocol,
// we need to create the discovery peer objects for the additional kademlia
// nodes manually
func newDiscPeer(addr pot.Address) (*Peer, error) {
pKey, err := ecdsa.GenerateKey(crypto.S256(), crand.Reader)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pubKey := pKey.PublicKey
nod := enode.NewV4(&pubKey, net.IPv4(127, 0, 0, 1), 0, 0)
bzzAddr := &BzzAddr{OAddr: addr[:], UAddr: []byte(nod.String())}
id := nod.ID()
p2pPeer := p2p.NewPeer(id, id.String(), nil)
return NewPeer(&BzzPeer{
Peer: protocols.NewPeer(p2pPeer, &dummyMsgRW{}, DiscoverySpec),
BzzAddr: bzzAddr,
}, nil), nil
type dummyMsgRW struct{}
func (d *dummyMsgRW) ReadMsg() (p2p.Msg, error) {
return p2p.Msg{}, nil
func (d *dummyMsgRW) WriteMsg(msg p2p.Msg) error {
return nil