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synced 2025-02-28 22:40:40 +00:00
This PR will will break existing UIs, since it changes all calls like ApproveSignTransaction to be on the form ui_approveSignTransaction. This is to make it possible for the UI to reuse the json-rpc library from go-ethereum, which uses this convention. Also, this PR removes some unused structs, after import/export were removed from the external api (so no longer needs internal methods for approval) One more breaking change is introduced, removing passwords from the ApproveSignTxResponse and the likes. This makes the manual interface more like the rulebased interface, and integrates nicely with the credential storage. Thus, the way it worked before, it would be tempting for the UI to implement 'remember password' functionality. The way it is now, it will be easy instead to tell clef to store passwords and use them. If a pw is not found in the credential store, the user is prompted to provide the password.
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// Copyright 2018 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of go-ethereum.
// go-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// go-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with go-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package rules
import (
const JS = `
This is an example implementation of a Javascript rule file.
When the signer receives a request over the external API, the corresponding method is evaluated.
Three things can happen:
1. The method returns "Approve". This means the operation is permitted.
2. The method returns "Reject". This means the operation is rejected.
3. Anything else; other return values [*], method not implemented or exception occurred during processing. This means
that the operation will continue to manual processing, via the regular UI method chosen by the user.
[*] Note: Future version of the ruleset may use more complex json-based returnvalues, making it possible to not
only respond Approve/Reject/Manual, but also modify responses. For example, choose to list only one, but not all
accounts in a list-request. The points above will continue to hold for non-json based responses ("Approve"/"Reject").
function ApproveListing(request){
console.log("In js approve listing");
return "Approve"
function ApproveTx(request){
return "Reject";
function test(thing){
func mixAddr(a string) (*common.MixedcaseAddress, error) {
return common.NewMixedcaseAddressFromString(a)
type alwaysDenyUI struct{}
func (alwaysDenyUI) OnInputRequired(info core.UserInputRequest) (core.UserInputResponse, error) {
return core.UserInputResponse{}, nil
func (alwaysDenyUI) RegisterUIServer(api *core.UIServerAPI) {
func (alwaysDenyUI) OnSignerStartup(info core.StartupInfo) {
func (alwaysDenyUI) ApproveTx(request *core.SignTxRequest) (core.SignTxResponse, error) {
return core.SignTxResponse{Transaction: request.Transaction, Approved: false}, nil
func (alwaysDenyUI) ApproveSignData(request *core.SignDataRequest) (core.SignDataResponse, error) {
return core.SignDataResponse{Approved: false}, nil
func (alwaysDenyUI) ApproveListing(request *core.ListRequest) (core.ListResponse, error) {
return core.ListResponse{Accounts: nil}, nil
func (alwaysDenyUI) ApproveNewAccount(request *core.NewAccountRequest) (core.NewAccountResponse, error) {
return core.NewAccountResponse{Approved: false}, nil
func (alwaysDenyUI) ShowError(message string) {
panic("implement me")
func (alwaysDenyUI) ShowInfo(message string) {
panic("implement me")
func (alwaysDenyUI) OnApprovedTx(tx ethapi.SignTransactionResult) {
panic("implement me")
func initRuleEngine(js string) (*rulesetUI, error) {
r, err := NewRuleEvaluator(&alwaysDenyUI{}, storage.NewEphemeralStorage())
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create js engine: %v", err)
if err = r.Init(js); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to load bootstrap js: %v", err)
return r, nil
func TestListRequest(t *testing.T) {
accs := make([]accounts.Account, 5)
for i := range accs {
addr := fmt.Sprintf("000000000000000000000000000000000000000%x", i)
acc := accounts.Account{
Address: common.BytesToAddress(common.Hex2Bytes(addr)),
URL: accounts.URL{Scheme: "test", Path: fmt.Sprintf("acc-%d", i)},
accs[i] = acc
js := `function ApproveListing(){ return "Approve" }`
r, err := initRuleEngine(js)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Couldn't create evaluator %v", err)
resp, _ := r.ApproveListing(&core.ListRequest{
Accounts: accs,
Meta: core.Metadata{Remote: "remoteip", Local: "localip", Scheme: "inproc"},
if len(resp.Accounts) != len(accs) {
t.Errorf("Expected check to resolve to 'Approve'")
func TestSignTxRequest(t *testing.T) {
js := `
function ApproveTx(r){
console.log("transaction.from", r.transaction.from);
console.log("transaction.to", r.transaction.to);
console.log("transaction.value", r.transaction.value);
console.log("transaction.nonce", r.transaction.nonce);
if(r.transaction.from.toLowerCase()=="0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001337"){ return "Approve"}
if(r.transaction.from.toLowerCase()=="0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dead"){ return "Reject"}
r, err := initRuleEngine(js)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Couldn't create evaluator %v", err)
to, err := mixAddr("000000000000000000000000000000000000dead")
if err != nil {
from, err := mixAddr("0000000000000000000000000000000000001337")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("to %v", to.Address().String())
resp, err := r.ApproveTx(&core.SignTxRequest{
Transaction: core.SendTxArgs{
From: *from,
To: to},
Callinfo: nil,
Meta: core.Metadata{Remote: "remoteip", Local: "localip", Scheme: "inproc"},
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Unexpected error %v", err)
if !resp.Approved {
t.Errorf("Expected check to resolve to 'Approve'")
type dummyUI struct {
calls []string
func (d *dummyUI) RegisterUIServer(api *core.UIServerAPI) {
panic("implement me")
func (d *dummyUI) OnInputRequired(info core.UserInputRequest) (core.UserInputResponse, error) {
d.calls = append(d.calls, "OnInputRequired")
return core.UserInputResponse{}, nil
func (d *dummyUI) ApproveTx(request *core.SignTxRequest) (core.SignTxResponse, error) {
d.calls = append(d.calls, "ApproveTx")
return core.SignTxResponse{}, core.ErrRequestDenied
func (d *dummyUI) ApproveSignData(request *core.SignDataRequest) (core.SignDataResponse, error) {
d.calls = append(d.calls, "ApproveSignData")
return core.SignDataResponse{}, core.ErrRequestDenied
func (d *dummyUI) ApproveListing(request *core.ListRequest) (core.ListResponse, error) {
d.calls = append(d.calls, "ApproveListing")
return core.ListResponse{}, core.ErrRequestDenied
func (d *dummyUI) ApproveNewAccount(request *core.NewAccountRequest) (core.NewAccountResponse, error) {
d.calls = append(d.calls, "ApproveNewAccount")
return core.NewAccountResponse{}, core.ErrRequestDenied
func (d *dummyUI) ShowError(message string) {
d.calls = append(d.calls, "ShowError")
func (d *dummyUI) ShowInfo(message string) {
d.calls = append(d.calls, "ShowInfo")
func (d *dummyUI) OnApprovedTx(tx ethapi.SignTransactionResult) {
d.calls = append(d.calls, "OnApprovedTx")
func (d *dummyUI) OnSignerStartup(info core.StartupInfo) {
//TestForwarding tests that the rule-engine correctly dispatches requests to the next caller
func TestForwarding(t *testing.T) {
js := ""
ui := &dummyUI{make([]string, 0)}
jsBackend := storage.NewEphemeralStorage()
r, err := NewRuleEvaluator(ui, jsBackend)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to create js engine: %v", err)
if err = r.Init(js); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to load bootstrap js: %v", err)
//This one is not forwarded
expCalls := 6
if len(ui.calls) != expCalls {
t.Errorf("Expected %d forwarded calls, got %d: %s", expCalls, len(ui.calls), strings.Join(ui.calls, ","))
func TestMissingFunc(t *testing.T) {
r, err := initRuleEngine(JS)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Couldn't create evaluator %v", err)
_, err = r.execute("MissingMethod", "test")
if err == nil {
t.Error("Expected error")
approved, err := r.checkApproval("MissingMethod", nil, nil)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("Expected missing method to yield error'")
if approved {
t.Errorf("Expected missing method to cause non-approval")
fmt.Printf("Err %v", err)
func TestStorage(t *testing.T) {
js := `
function testStorage(){
storage.Put("mykey", "myvalue")
a = storage.Get("mykey")
storage.Put("mykey", ["a", "list"]) // Should result in "a,list"
a += storage.Get("mykey")
storage.Put("mykey", {"an": "object"}) // Should result in "[object Object]"
a += storage.Get("mykey")
storage.Put("mykey", JSON.stringify({"an": "object"})) // Should result in '{"an":"object"}'
a += storage.Get("mykey")
a += storage.Get("missingkey") //Missing keys should result in empty string
storage.Put("","missing key==noop") // Can't store with 0-length key
a += storage.Get("") // Should result in ''
var b = new BigNumber(2)
var c = new BigNumber(16)//"0xf0",16)
var d = b.plus(c)
return a
r, err := initRuleEngine(js)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Couldn't create evaluator %v", err)
v, err := r.execute("testStorage", nil)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Unexpected error %v", err)
retval, err := v.ToString()
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Unexpected error %v", err)
exp := `myvaluea,list[object Object]{"an":"object"}`
if retval != exp {
t.Errorf("Unexpected data, expected '%v', got '%v'", exp, retval)
fmt.Printf("Err %v", err)
const ExampleTxWindow = `
function big(str){
if(str.slice(0,2) == "0x"){ return new BigNumber(str.slice(2),16)}
return new BigNumber(str)
// Time window: 1 week
var window = 1000* 3600*24*7;
// Limit : 1 ether
var limit = new BigNumber("1e18");
function isLimitOk(transaction){
var value = big(transaction.value)
// Start of our window function
var windowstart = new Date().getTime() - window;
var txs = [];
var stored = storage.Get('txs');
if(stored != ""){
txs = JSON.parse(stored)
// First, remove all that have passed out of the time-window
var newtxs = txs.filter(function(tx){return tx.tstamp > windowstart});
console.log(txs, newtxs.length);
// Secondly, aggregate the current sum
sum = new BigNumber(0)
sum = newtxs.reduce(function(agg, tx){ return big(tx.value).plus(agg)}, sum);
console.log("ApproveTx > Sum so far", sum);
console.log("ApproveTx > Requested", value.toNumber());
// Would we exceed weekly limit ?
return sum.plus(value).lt(limit)
function ApproveTx(r){
if (isLimitOk(r.transaction)){
return "Approve"
return "Nope"
* OnApprovedTx(str) is called when a transaction has been approved and signed. The parameter
* 'response_str' contains the return value that will be sent to the external caller.
* The return value from this method is ignore - the reason for having this callback is to allow the
* ruleset to keep track of approved transactions.
* When implementing rate-limited rules, this callback should be used.
* If a rule responds with neither 'Approve' nor 'Reject' - the tx goes to manual processing. If the user
* then accepts the transaction, this method will be called.
* TLDR; Use this method to keep track of signed transactions, instead of using the data in ApproveTx.
function OnApprovedTx(resp){
var value = big(resp.tx.value)
var txs = []
// Load stored transactions
var stored = storage.Get('txs');
if(stored != ""){
txs = JSON.parse(stored)
// Add this to the storage
txs.push({tstamp: new Date().getTime(), value: value});
storage.Put("txs", JSON.stringify(txs));
func dummyTx(value hexutil.Big) *core.SignTxRequest {
to, _ := mixAddr("000000000000000000000000000000000000dead")
from, _ := mixAddr("000000000000000000000000000000000000dead")
n := hexutil.Uint64(3)
gas := hexutil.Uint64(21000)
gasPrice := hexutil.Big(*big.NewInt(2000000))
return &core.SignTxRequest{
Transaction: core.SendTxArgs{
From: *from,
To: to,
Value: value,
Nonce: n,
GasPrice: gasPrice,
Gas: gas,
Callinfo: []core.ValidationInfo{
{Typ: "Warning", Message: "All your base are bellong to us"},
Meta: core.Metadata{Remote: "remoteip", Local: "localip", Scheme: "inproc"},
func dummyTxWithV(value uint64) *core.SignTxRequest {
v := big.NewInt(0).SetUint64(value)
h := hexutil.Big(*v)
return dummyTx(h)
func dummySigned(value *big.Int) *types.Transaction {
to := common.HexToAddress("000000000000000000000000000000000000dead")
gas := uint64(21000)
gasPrice := big.NewInt(2000000)
data := make([]byte, 0)
return types.NewTransaction(3, to, value, gas, gasPrice, data)
func TestLimitWindow(t *testing.T) {
r, err := initRuleEngine(ExampleTxWindow)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Couldn't create evaluator %v", err)
// 0.3 ether: 429D069189E0000 wei
v := big.NewInt(0).SetBytes(common.Hex2Bytes("0429D069189E0000"))
h := hexutil.Big(*v)
// The first three should succeed
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
unsigned := dummyTx(h)
resp, err := r.ApproveTx(unsigned)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Unexpected error %v", err)
if !resp.Approved {
t.Errorf("Expected check to resolve to 'Approve'")
// Create a dummy signed transaction
response := ethapi.SignTransactionResult{
Tx: dummySigned(v),
Raw: common.Hex2Bytes("deadbeef"),
// Fourth should fail
resp, _ := r.ApproveTx(dummyTx(h))
if resp.Approved {
t.Errorf("Expected check to resolve to 'Reject'")
// dontCallMe is used as a next-handler that does not want to be called - it invokes test failure
type dontCallMe struct {
t *testing.T
func (d *dontCallMe) OnInputRequired(info core.UserInputRequest) (core.UserInputResponse, error) {
d.t.Fatalf("Did not expect next-handler to be called")
return core.UserInputResponse{}, nil
func (d *dontCallMe) RegisterUIServer(api *core.UIServerAPI) {
func (d *dontCallMe) OnSignerStartup(info core.StartupInfo) {
func (d *dontCallMe) ApproveTx(request *core.SignTxRequest) (core.SignTxResponse, error) {
d.t.Fatalf("Did not expect next-handler to be called")
return core.SignTxResponse{}, core.ErrRequestDenied
func (d *dontCallMe) ApproveSignData(request *core.SignDataRequest) (core.SignDataResponse, error) {
d.t.Fatalf("Did not expect next-handler to be called")
return core.SignDataResponse{}, core.ErrRequestDenied
func (d *dontCallMe) ApproveListing(request *core.ListRequest) (core.ListResponse, error) {
d.t.Fatalf("Did not expect next-handler to be called")
return core.ListResponse{}, core.ErrRequestDenied
func (d *dontCallMe) ApproveNewAccount(request *core.NewAccountRequest) (core.NewAccountResponse, error) {
d.t.Fatalf("Did not expect next-handler to be called")
return core.NewAccountResponse{}, core.ErrRequestDenied
func (d *dontCallMe) ShowError(message string) {
d.t.Fatalf("Did not expect next-handler to be called")
func (d *dontCallMe) ShowInfo(message string) {
d.t.Fatalf("Did not expect next-handler to be called")
func (d *dontCallMe) OnApprovedTx(tx ethapi.SignTransactionResult) {
d.t.Fatalf("Did not expect next-handler to be called")
//TestContextIsCleared tests that the rule-engine does not retain variables over several requests.
// if it does, that would be bad since developers may rely on that to store data,
// instead of using the disk-based data storage
func TestContextIsCleared(t *testing.T) {
js := `
function ApproveTx(){
if (typeof foobar == 'undefined') {
foobar = "Approve"
if (foobar == "Approve"){
foobar = "Reject"
foobar = "Approve"
return foobar
ui := &dontCallMe{t}
r, err := NewRuleEvaluator(ui, storage.NewEphemeralStorage())
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to create js engine: %v", err)
if err = r.Init(js); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to load bootstrap js: %v", err)
tx := dummyTxWithV(0)
r1, _ := r.ApproveTx(tx)
r2, _ := r.ApproveTx(tx)
if r1.Approved != r2.Approved {
t.Errorf("Expected execution context to be cleared between executions")
func TestSignData(t *testing.T) {
js := `function ApproveListing(){
return "Approve"
function ApproveSignData(r){
if( r.address.toLowerCase() == "0x694267f14675d7e1b9494fd8d72fefe1755710fa")
if(r.message[0].value.indexOf("bazonk") >= 0){
return "Approve"
return "Reject"
// Otherwise goes to manual processing
r, err := initRuleEngine(js)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Couldn't create evaluator %v", err)
message := "baz bazonk foo"
hash, rawdata := accounts.TextAndHash([]byte(message))
addr, _ := mixAddr("0x694267f14675d7e1b9494fd8d72fefe1755710fa")
fmt.Printf("address %v %v\n", addr.String(), addr.Original())
nvt := []*core.NameValueType{
Name: "message",
Typ: "text/plain",
Value: message,
resp, err := r.ApproveSignData(&core.SignDataRequest{
Address: *addr,
Message: nvt,
Hash: hash,
Meta: core.Metadata{Remote: "remoteip", Local: "localip", Scheme: "inproc"},
Rawdata: []byte(rawdata),
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected error %v", err)
if !resp.Approved {
t.Fatalf("Expected approved")