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synced 2025-03-01 06:50:37 +00:00
This change - implements concurrent LES request serving even for a single peer. - replaces the request cost estimation method with a cost table based on benchmarks which gives much more consistent results. Until now the allowed number of light peers was just a guess which probably contributed a lot to the fluctuating quality of available service. Everything related to request cost is implemented in a single object, the 'cost tracker'. It uses a fixed cost table with a global 'correction factor'. Benchmark code is included and can be run at any time to adapt costs to low-level implementation changes. - reimplements flowcontrol.ClientManager in a cleaner and more efficient way, with added capabilities: There is now control over bandwidth, which allows using the flow control parameters for client prioritization. Target utilization over 100 percent is now supported to model concurrent request processing. Total serving bandwidth is reduced during block processing to prevent database contention. - implements an RPC API for the LES servers allowing server operators to assign priority bandwidth to certain clients and change prioritized status even while the client is connected. The new API is meant for cases where server operators charge for LES using an off-protocol mechanism. - adds a unit test for the new client manager. - adds an end-to-end test using the network simulator that tests bandwidth control functions through the new API.
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// Copyright 2016 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// This file contains some shares testing functionality, common to multiple
// different files and modules being tested.
package les
import (
var (
testBankKey, _ = crypto.HexToECDSA("b71c71a67e1177ad4e901695e1b4b9ee17ae16c6668d313eac2f96dbcda3f291")
testBankAddress = crypto.PubkeyToAddress(testBankKey.PublicKey)
testBankFunds = big.NewInt(1000000000000000000)
acc1Key, _ = crypto.HexToECDSA("8a1f9a8f95be41cd7ccb6168179afb4504aefe388d1e14474d32c45c72ce7b7a")
acc2Key, _ = crypto.HexToECDSA("49a7b37aa6f6645917e7b807e9d1c00d4fa71f18343b0d4122a4d2df64dd6fee")
acc1Addr = crypto.PubkeyToAddress(acc1Key.PublicKey)
acc2Addr = crypto.PubkeyToAddress(acc2Key.PublicKey)
testContractCode = common.Hex2Bytes("606060405260cc8060106000396000f360606040526000357c01000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000009004806360cd2685146041578063c16431b914606b57603f565b005b6055600480803590602001909190505060a9565b6040518082815260200191505060405180910390f35b60886004808035906020019091908035906020019091905050608a565b005b80600060005083606481101560025790900160005b50819055505b5050565b6000600060005082606481101560025790900160005b5054905060c7565b91905056")
testContractAddr common.Address
testContractCodeDeployed = testContractCode[16:]
testContractDeployed = uint64(2)
testEventEmitterCode = common.Hex2Bytes("60606040523415600e57600080fd5b7f57050ab73f6b9ebdd9f76b8d4997793f48cf956e965ee070551b9ca0bb71584e60405160405180910390a160358060476000396000f3006060604052600080fd00a165627a7a723058203f727efcad8b5811f8cb1fc2620ce5e8c63570d697aef968172de296ea3994140029")
testEventEmitterAddr common.Address
testBufLimit = uint64(100)
contract test {
uint256[100] data;
function Put(uint256 addr, uint256 value) {
data[addr] = value;
function Get(uint256 addr) constant returns (uint256 value) {
return data[addr];
func testChainGen(i int, block *core.BlockGen) {
signer := types.HomesteadSigner{}
switch i {
case 0:
// In block 1, the test bank sends account #1 some ether.
tx, _ := types.SignTx(types.NewTransaction(block.TxNonce(testBankAddress), acc1Addr, big.NewInt(10000), params.TxGas, nil, nil), signer, testBankKey)
case 1:
// In block 2, the test bank sends some more ether to account #1.
// acc1Addr passes it on to account #2.
// acc1Addr creates a test contract.
// acc1Addr creates a test event.
nonce := block.TxNonce(acc1Addr)
tx1, _ := types.SignTx(types.NewTransaction(block.TxNonce(testBankAddress), acc1Addr, big.NewInt(1000), params.TxGas, nil, nil), signer, testBankKey)
tx2, _ := types.SignTx(types.NewTransaction(nonce, acc2Addr, big.NewInt(1000), params.TxGas, nil, nil), signer, acc1Key)
tx3, _ := types.SignTx(types.NewContractCreation(nonce+1, big.NewInt(0), 200000, big.NewInt(0), testContractCode), signer, acc1Key)
testContractAddr = crypto.CreateAddress(acc1Addr, nonce+1)
tx4, _ := types.SignTx(types.NewContractCreation(nonce+2, big.NewInt(0), 200000, big.NewInt(0), testEventEmitterCode), signer, acc1Key)
testEventEmitterAddr = crypto.CreateAddress(acc1Addr, nonce+2)
case 2:
// Block 3 is empty but was mined by account #2.
data := common.Hex2Bytes("C16431B900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001")
tx, _ := types.SignTx(types.NewTransaction(block.TxNonce(testBankAddress), testContractAddr, big.NewInt(0), 100000, nil, data), signer, testBankKey)
case 3:
// Block 4 includes blocks 2 and 3 as uncle headers (with modified extra data).
b2 := block.PrevBlock(1).Header()
b2.Extra = []byte("foo")
b3 := block.PrevBlock(2).Header()
b3.Extra = []byte("foo")
data := common.Hex2Bytes("C16431B900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002")
tx, _ := types.SignTx(types.NewTransaction(block.TxNonce(testBankAddress), testContractAddr, big.NewInt(0), 100000, nil, data), signer, testBankKey)
// testIndexers creates a set of indexers with specified params for testing purpose.
func testIndexers(db ethdb.Database, odr light.OdrBackend, iConfig *light.IndexerConfig) (*core.ChainIndexer, *core.ChainIndexer, *core.ChainIndexer) {
chtIndexer := light.NewChtIndexer(db, odr, iConfig.ChtSize, iConfig.ChtConfirms)
bloomIndexer := eth.NewBloomIndexer(db, iConfig.BloomSize, iConfig.BloomConfirms)
bloomTrieIndexer := light.NewBloomTrieIndexer(db, odr, iConfig.BloomSize, iConfig.BloomTrieSize)
return chtIndexer, bloomIndexer, bloomTrieIndexer
// newTestProtocolManager creates a new protocol manager for testing purposes,
// with the given number of blocks already known, potential notification
// channels for different events and relative chain indexers array.
func newTestProtocolManager(lightSync bool, blocks int, generator func(int, *core.BlockGen), odr *LesOdr, peers *peerSet, db ethdb.Database, ulcConfig *eth.ULCConfig) (*ProtocolManager, error) {
var (
evmux = new(event.TypeMux)
engine = ethash.NewFaker()
gspec = core.Genesis{
Config: params.TestChainConfig,
Alloc: core.GenesisAlloc{testBankAddress: {Balance: testBankFunds}},
genesis = gspec.MustCommit(db)
chain BlockChain
if peers == nil {
peers = newPeerSet()
if lightSync {
chain, _ = light.NewLightChain(odr, gspec.Config, engine)
} else {
blockchain, _ := core.NewBlockChain(db, nil, gspec.Config, engine, vm.Config{}, nil)
gchain, _ := core.GenerateChain(gspec.Config, genesis, ethash.NewFaker(), db, blocks, generator)
if _, err := blockchain.InsertChain(gchain); err != nil {
chain = blockchain
indexConfig := light.TestServerIndexerConfig
if lightSync {
indexConfig = light.TestClientIndexerConfig
pm, err := NewProtocolManager(gspec.Config, indexConfig, lightSync, NetworkId, evmux, engine, peers, chain, nil, db, odr, nil, nil, make(chan struct{}), new(sync.WaitGroup), ulcConfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !lightSync {
srv := &LesServer{lesCommons: lesCommons{protocolManager: pm}}
pm.server = srv
srv.defParams = flowcontrol.ServerParams{
BufLimit: testBufLimit,
MinRecharge: 1,
srv.fcManager = flowcontrol.NewClientManager(nil, &mclock.System{})
return pm, nil
// newTestProtocolManagerMust creates a new protocol manager for testing purposes,
// with the given number of blocks already known, potential notification
// channels for different events and relative chain indexers array. In case of an error, the constructor force-
// fails the test.
func newTestProtocolManagerMust(t *testing.T, lightSync bool, blocks int, generator func(int, *core.BlockGen), odr *LesOdr, peers *peerSet, db ethdb.Database, ulcConfig *eth.ULCConfig) *ProtocolManager {
pm, err := newTestProtocolManager(lightSync, blocks, generator, odr, peers, db, ulcConfig)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to create protocol manager: %v", err)
return pm
// testPeer is a simulated peer to allow testing direct network calls.
type testPeer struct {
net p2p.MsgReadWriter // Network layer reader/writer to simulate remote messaging
app *p2p.MsgPipeRW // Application layer reader/writer to simulate the local side
// newTestPeer creates a new peer registered at the given protocol manager.
func newTestPeer(t *testing.T, name string, version int, pm *ProtocolManager, shake bool) (*testPeer, <-chan error) {
// Create a message pipe to communicate through
app, net := p2p.MsgPipe()
// Generate a random id and create the peer
var id enode.ID
peer := pm.newPeer(version, NetworkId, p2p.NewPeer(id, name, nil), net)
// Start the peer on a new thread
errc := make(chan error, 1)
go func() {
select {
case pm.newPeerCh <- peer:
errc <- pm.handle(peer)
case <-pm.quitSync:
errc <- p2p.DiscQuitting
tp := &testPeer{
app: app,
net: net,
peer: peer,
// Execute any implicitly requested handshakes and return
if shake {
var (
genesis = pm.blockchain.Genesis()
head = pm.blockchain.CurrentHeader()
td = pm.blockchain.GetTd(head.Hash(), head.Number.Uint64())
tp.handshake(t, td, head.Hash(), head.Number.Uint64(), genesis.Hash())
return tp, errc
func newTestPeerPair(name string, version int, pm, pm2 *ProtocolManager) (*peer, <-chan error, *peer, <-chan error) {
// Create a message pipe to communicate through
app, net := p2p.MsgPipe()
// Generate a random id and create the peer
var id enode.ID
peer := pm.newPeer(version, NetworkId, p2p.NewPeer(id, name, nil), net)
peer2 := pm2.newPeer(version, NetworkId, p2p.NewPeer(id, name, nil), app)
// Start the peer on a new thread
errc := make(chan error, 1)
errc2 := make(chan error, 1)
go func() {
select {
case pm.newPeerCh <- peer:
errc <- pm.handle(peer)
case <-pm.quitSync:
errc <- p2p.DiscQuitting
go func() {
select {
case pm2.newPeerCh <- peer2:
errc2 <- pm2.handle(peer2)
case <-pm2.quitSync:
errc2 <- p2p.DiscQuitting
return peer, errc, peer2, errc2
// handshake simulates a trivial handshake that expects the same state from the
// remote side as we are simulating locally.
func (p *testPeer) handshake(t *testing.T, td *big.Int, head common.Hash, headNum uint64, genesis common.Hash) {
var expList keyValueList
expList = expList.add("protocolVersion", uint64(p.version))
expList = expList.add("networkId", uint64(NetworkId))
expList = expList.add("headTd", td)
expList = expList.add("headHash", head)
expList = expList.add("headNum", headNum)
expList = expList.add("genesisHash", genesis)
sendList := make(keyValueList, len(expList))
copy(sendList, expList)
expList = expList.add("serveHeaders", nil)
expList = expList.add("serveChainSince", uint64(0))
expList = expList.add("serveStateSince", uint64(0))
expList = expList.add("txRelay", nil)
expList = expList.add("flowControl/BL", testBufLimit)
expList = expList.add("flowControl/MRR", uint64(1))
expList = expList.add("flowControl/MRC", testCostList())
if err := p2p.ExpectMsg(p.app, StatusMsg, expList); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("status recv: %v", err)
if err := p2p.Send(p.app, StatusMsg, sendList); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("status send: %v", err)
p.fcParams = flowcontrol.ServerParams{
BufLimit: testBufLimit,
MinRecharge: 1,
// close terminates the local side of the peer, notifying the remote protocol
// manager of termination.
func (p *testPeer) close() {
// TestEntity represents a network entity for testing with necessary auxiliary fields.
type TestEntity struct {
db ethdb.Database
rPeer *peer
tPeer *testPeer
peers *peerSet
pm *ProtocolManager
// Indexers
chtIndexer *core.ChainIndexer
bloomIndexer *core.ChainIndexer
bloomTrieIndexer *core.ChainIndexer
// newServerEnv creates a server testing environment with a connected test peer for testing purpose.
func newServerEnv(t *testing.T, blocks int, protocol int, waitIndexers func(*core.ChainIndexer, *core.ChainIndexer, *core.ChainIndexer)) (*TestEntity, func()) {
db := ethdb.NewMemDatabase()
cIndexer, bIndexer, btIndexer := testIndexers(db, nil, light.TestServerIndexerConfig)
pm := newTestProtocolManagerMust(t, false, blocks, testChainGen, nil, nil, db, nil)
peer, _ := newTestPeer(t, "peer", protocol, pm, true)
// Wait until indexers generate enough index data.
if waitIndexers != nil {
waitIndexers(cIndexer, bIndexer, btIndexer)
return &TestEntity{
db: db,
tPeer: peer,
pm: pm,
chtIndexer: cIndexer,
bloomIndexer: bIndexer,
bloomTrieIndexer: btIndexer,
}, func() {
// Note bloom trie indexer will be closed by it parent recursively.
// newClientServerEnv creates a client/server arch environment with a connected les server and light client pair
// for testing purpose.
func newClientServerEnv(t *testing.T, blocks int, protocol int, waitIndexers func(*core.ChainIndexer, *core.ChainIndexer, *core.ChainIndexer), newPeer bool) (*TestEntity, *TestEntity, func()) {
db, ldb := ethdb.NewMemDatabase(), ethdb.NewMemDatabase()
peers, lPeers := newPeerSet(), newPeerSet()
dist := newRequestDistributor(lPeers, make(chan struct{}), &mclock.System{})
rm := newRetrieveManager(lPeers, dist, nil)
odr := NewLesOdr(ldb, light.TestClientIndexerConfig, rm)
cIndexer, bIndexer, btIndexer := testIndexers(db, nil, light.TestServerIndexerConfig)
lcIndexer, lbIndexer, lbtIndexer := testIndexers(ldb, odr, light.TestClientIndexerConfig)
odr.SetIndexers(lcIndexer, lbtIndexer, lbIndexer)
pm := newTestProtocolManagerMust(t, false, blocks, testChainGen, nil, peers, db, nil)
lpm := newTestProtocolManagerMust(t, true, 0, nil, odr, lPeers, ldb, nil)
startIndexers := func(clientMode bool, pm *ProtocolManager) {
if clientMode {
} else {
startIndexers(false, pm)
startIndexers(true, lpm)
// Execute wait until function if it is specified.
if waitIndexers != nil {
waitIndexers(cIndexer, bIndexer, btIndexer)
var (
peer, lPeer *peer
err1, err2 <-chan error
if newPeer {
peer, err1, lPeer, err2 = newTestPeerPair("peer", protocol, pm, lpm)
select {
case <-time.After(time.Millisecond * 100):
case err := <-err1:
t.Fatalf("peer 1 handshake error: %v", err)
case err := <-err2:
t.Fatalf("peer 2 handshake error: %v", err)
return &TestEntity{
db: db,
pm: pm,
rPeer: peer,
peers: peers,
chtIndexer: cIndexer,
bloomIndexer: bIndexer,
bloomTrieIndexer: btIndexer,
}, &TestEntity{
db: ldb,
pm: lpm,
rPeer: lPeer,
peers: lPeers,
chtIndexer: lcIndexer,
bloomIndexer: lbIndexer,
bloomTrieIndexer: lbtIndexer,
}, func() {
// Note bloom trie indexers will be closed by their parents recursively.