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package otto
import (
// String
func stringValueFromStringArgumentList(argumentList []Value) Value {
if len(argumentList) > 0 {
return toValue_string(argumentList[0].string())
return toValue_string("")
func builtinString(call FunctionCall) Value {
return stringValueFromStringArgumentList(call.ArgumentList)
func builtinNewString(self *_object, argumentList []Value) Value {
return toValue_object(self.runtime.newString(stringValueFromStringArgumentList(argumentList)))
func builtinString_toString(call FunctionCall) Value {
return call.thisClassObject("String").primitiveValue()
func builtinString_valueOf(call FunctionCall) Value {
return call.thisClassObject("String").primitiveValue()
func builtinString_fromCharCode(call FunctionCall) Value {
chrList := make([]uint16, len(call.ArgumentList))
for index, value := range call.ArgumentList {
chrList[index] = toUint16(value)
return toValue_string16(chrList)
func builtinString_charAt(call FunctionCall) Value {
checkObjectCoercible(call.runtime, call.This)
idx := int(call.Argument(0).number().int64)
chr := stringAt(call.This._object().stringValue(), idx)
if chr == utf8.RuneError {
return toValue_string("")
return toValue_string(string(chr))
func builtinString_charCodeAt(call FunctionCall) Value {
checkObjectCoercible(call.runtime, call.This)
idx := int(call.Argument(0).number().int64)
chr := stringAt(call.This._object().stringValue(), idx)
if chr == utf8.RuneError {
return NaNValue()
return toValue_uint16(uint16(chr))
func builtinString_concat(call FunctionCall) Value {
checkObjectCoercible(call.runtime, call.This)
var value bytes.Buffer
for _, item := range call.ArgumentList {
return toValue_string(value.String())
func builtinString_indexOf(call FunctionCall) Value {
checkObjectCoercible(call.runtime, call.This)
value := call.This.string()
target := call.Argument(0).string()
if 2 > len(call.ArgumentList) {
return toValue_int(strings.Index(value, target))
start := toIntegerFloat(call.Argument(1))
if 0 > start {
start = 0
} else if start >= float64(len(value)) {
if target == "" {
return toValue_int(len(value))
return toValue_int(-1)
index := strings.Index(value[int(start):], target)
if index >= 0 {
index += int(start)
return toValue_int(index)
func builtinString_lastIndexOf(call FunctionCall) Value {
checkObjectCoercible(call.runtime, call.This)
value := call.This.string()
target := call.Argument(0).string()
if 2 > len(call.ArgumentList) || call.ArgumentList[1].IsUndefined() {
return toValue_int(strings.LastIndex(value, target))
length := len(value)
if length == 0 {
return toValue_int(strings.LastIndex(value, target))
start := call.ArgumentList[1].number()
if start.kind == numberInfinity { // FIXME
// startNumber is infinity, so start is the end of string (start = length)
return toValue_int(strings.LastIndex(value, target))
if 0 > start.int64 {
start.int64 = 0
end := int(start.int64) + len(target)
if end > length {
end = length
return toValue_int(strings.LastIndex(value[:end], target))
func builtinString_match(call FunctionCall) Value {
checkObjectCoercible(call.runtime, call.This)
target := call.This.string()
matcherValue := call.Argument(0)
matcher := matcherValue._object()
if !matcherValue.IsObject() || matcher.class != "RegExp" {
matcher = call.runtime.newRegExp(matcherValue, Value{})
global := matcher.get("global").bool()
if !global {
match, result := execRegExp(matcher, target)
if !match {
return nullValue
return toValue_object(execResultToArray(call.runtime, target, result))
result := matcher.regExpValue().regularExpression.FindAllStringIndex(target, -1)
matchCount := len(result)
if result == nil {
matcher.put("lastIndex", toValue_int(0), true)
return Value{} // !match
matchCount = len(result)
valueArray := make([]Value, matchCount)
for index := 0; index < matchCount; index++ {
valueArray[index] = toValue_string(target[result[index][0]:result[index][1]])
matcher.put("lastIndex", toValue_int(result[matchCount-1][1]), true)
return toValue_object(call.runtime.newArrayOf(valueArray))
var builtinString_replace_Regexp = regexp.MustCompile("\\$(?:[\\$\\&\\'\\`1-9]|0[1-9]|[1-9][0-9])")
func builtinString_findAndReplaceString(input []byte, lastIndex int, match []int, target []byte, replaceValue []byte) (output []byte) {
matchCount := len(match) / 2
output = input
if match[0] != lastIndex {
output = append(output, target[lastIndex:match[0]]...)
replacement := builtinString_replace_Regexp.ReplaceAllFunc(replaceValue, func(part []byte) []byte {
// TODO Check if match[0] or match[1] can be -1 in this scenario
switch part[1] {
case '$':
return []byte{'$'}
case '&':
return target[match[0]:match[1]]
case '`':
return target[:match[0]]
case '\'':
return target[match[1]:len(target)]
matchNumberParse, error := strconv.ParseInt(string(part[1:]), 10, 64)
matchNumber := int(matchNumberParse)
if error != nil || matchNumber >= matchCount {
return []byte{}
offset := 2 * matchNumber
if match[offset] != -1 {
return target[match[offset]:match[offset+1]]
return []byte{} // The empty string
output = append(output, replacement...)
return output
func builtinString_replace(call FunctionCall) Value {
checkObjectCoercible(call.runtime, call.This)
target := []byte(call.This.string())
searchValue := call.Argument(0)
searchObject := searchValue._object()
// TODO If a capture is -1?
var search *regexp.Regexp
global := false
find := 1
if searchValue.IsObject() && searchObject.class == "RegExp" {
regExp := searchObject.regExpValue()
search = regExp.regularExpression
if regExp.global {
find = -1
} else {
search = regexp.MustCompile(regexp.QuoteMeta(searchValue.string()))
found := search.FindAllSubmatchIndex(target, find)
if found == nil {
return toValue_string(string(target)) // !match
lastIndex := 0
result := []byte{}
replaceValue := call.Argument(1)
if replaceValue.isCallable() {
target := string(target)
replace := replaceValue._object()
for _, match := range found {
if match[0] != lastIndex {
result = append(result, target[lastIndex:match[0]]...)
matchCount := len(match) / 2
argumentList := make([]Value, matchCount+2)
for index := 0; index < matchCount; index++ {
offset := 2 * index
if match[offset] != -1 {
argumentList[index] = toValue_string(target[match[offset]:match[offset+1]])
} else {
argumentList[index] = Value{}
argumentList[matchCount+0] = toValue_int(match[0])
argumentList[matchCount+1] = toValue_string(target)
replacement := replace.call(Value{}, argumentList, false, nativeFrame).string()
result = append(result, []byte(replacement)...)
lastIndex = match[1]
} else {
replace := []byte(replaceValue.string())
for _, match := range found {
result = builtinString_findAndReplaceString(result, lastIndex, match, target, replace)
lastIndex = match[1]
if lastIndex != len(target) {
result = append(result, target[lastIndex:]...)
if global && searchObject != nil {
searchObject.put("lastIndex", toValue_int(lastIndex), true)
return toValue_string(string(result))
func builtinString_search(call FunctionCall) Value {
checkObjectCoercible(call.runtime, call.This)
target := call.This.string()
searchValue := call.Argument(0)
search := searchValue._object()
if !searchValue.IsObject() || search.class != "RegExp" {
search = call.runtime.newRegExp(searchValue, Value{})
result := search.regExpValue().regularExpression.FindStringIndex(target)
if result == nil {
return toValue_int(-1)
return toValue_int(result[0])
func stringSplitMatch(target string, targetLength int64, index uint, search string, searchLength int64) (bool, uint) {
if int64(index)+searchLength > searchLength {
return false, 0
found := strings.Index(target[index:], search)
if 0 > found {
return false, 0
return true, uint(found)
func builtinString_split(call FunctionCall) Value {
checkObjectCoercible(call.runtime, call.This)
target := call.This.string()
separatorValue := call.Argument(0)
limitValue := call.Argument(1)
limit := -1
if limitValue.IsDefined() {
limit = int(toUint32(limitValue))
if limit == 0 {
return toValue_object(call.runtime.newArray(0))
if separatorValue.IsUndefined() {
return toValue_object(call.runtime.newArrayOf([]Value{toValue_string(target)}))
if separatorValue.isRegExp() {
targetLength := len(target)
search := separatorValue._object().regExpValue().regularExpression
valueArray := []Value{}
result := search.FindAllStringSubmatchIndex(target, -1)
lastIndex := 0
found := 0
for _, match := range result {
if match[0] == match[1] {
// FIXME Ugh, this is a hack
if match[0] == 0 || match[0] == targetLength {
if lastIndex != match[0] {
valueArray = append(valueArray, toValue_string(target[lastIndex:match[0]]))
} else if lastIndex == match[0] {
if lastIndex != -1 {
valueArray = append(valueArray, toValue_string(""))
lastIndex = match[1]
if found == limit {
captureCount := len(match) / 2
for index := 1; index < captureCount; index++ {
offset := index * 2
value := Value{}
if match[offset] != -1 {
value = toValue_string(target[match[offset]:match[offset+1]])
valueArray = append(valueArray, value)
if found == limit {
if found != limit {
if lastIndex != targetLength {
valueArray = append(valueArray, toValue_string(target[lastIndex:targetLength]))
} else {
valueArray = append(valueArray, toValue_string(""))
return toValue_object(call.runtime.newArrayOf(valueArray))
} else {
separator := separatorValue.string()
splitLimit := limit
excess := false
if limit > 0 {
splitLimit = limit + 1
excess = true
split := strings.SplitN(target, separator, splitLimit)
if excess && len(split) > limit {
split = split[:limit]
valueArray := make([]Value, len(split))
for index, value := range split {
valueArray[index] = toValue_string(value)
return toValue_object(call.runtime.newArrayOf(valueArray))
func builtinString_slice(call FunctionCall) Value {
checkObjectCoercible(call.runtime, call.This)
target := call.This.string()
length := int64(len(target))
start, end := rangeStartEnd(call.ArgumentList, length, false)
if end-start <= 0 {
return toValue_string("")
return toValue_string(target[start:end])
func builtinString_substring(call FunctionCall) Value {
checkObjectCoercible(call.runtime, call.This)
target := call.This.string()
length := int64(len(target))
start, end := rangeStartEnd(call.ArgumentList, length, true)
if start > end {
start, end = end, start
return toValue_string(target[start:end])
func builtinString_substr(call FunctionCall) Value {
target := call.This.string()
size := int64(len(target))
start, length := rangeStartLength(call.ArgumentList, size)
if start >= size {
return toValue_string("")
if length <= 0 {
return toValue_string("")
if start+length >= size {
// Cap length to be to the end of the string
// start = 3, length = 5, size = 4 [0, 1, 2, 3]
// 4 - 3 = 1
// target[3:4]
length = size - start
return toValue_string(target[start : start+length])
func builtinString_toLowerCase(call FunctionCall) Value {
checkObjectCoercible(call.runtime, call.This)
return toValue_string(strings.ToLower(call.This.string()))
func builtinString_toUpperCase(call FunctionCall) Value {
checkObjectCoercible(call.runtime, call.This)
return toValue_string(strings.ToUpper(call.This.string()))
// 7.2 Table 2 — Whitespace Characters & 7.3 Table 3 - Line Terminator Characters
const builtinString_trim_whitespace = "\u0009\u000A\u000B\u000C\u000D\u0020\u00A0\u1680\u180E\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200A\u2028\u2029\u202F\u205F\u3000\uFEFF"
func builtinString_trim(call FunctionCall) Value {
checkObjectCoercible(call.runtime, call.This)
return toValue(strings.Trim(call.This.string(),
// Mozilla extension, not ECMAScript 5
func builtinString_trimLeft(call FunctionCall) Value {
checkObjectCoercible(call.runtime, call.This)
return toValue(strings.TrimLeft(call.This.string(),
// Mozilla extension, not ECMAScript 5
func builtinString_trimRight(call FunctionCall) Value {
checkObjectCoercible(call.runtime, call.This)
return toValue(strings.TrimRight(call.This.string(),
func builtinString_localeCompare(call FunctionCall) Value {
checkObjectCoercible(call.runtime, call.This)
this := call.This.string()
that := call.Argument(0).string()
if this < that {
return toValue_int(-1)
} else if this == that {
return toValue_int(0)
return toValue_int(1)
An alternate version of String.trim
func builtinString_trim(call FunctionCall) Value {
return toValue_string(strings.TrimFunc(call.string(.This), isWhiteSpaceOrLineTerminator))
func builtinString_toLocaleLowerCase(call FunctionCall) Value {
return builtinString_toLowerCase(call)
func builtinString_toLocaleUpperCase(call FunctionCall) Value {
return builtinString_toUpperCase(call)