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synced 2025-03-01 06:50:37 +00:00
* You'll only ever need to update the state by calling Update. Update will take care of the updating of it's child state objects.
176 lines
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176 lines
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package ethminer
import (
type Miner struct {
pow ethchain.PoW
ethereum ethchain.EthManager
coinbase []byte
reactChan chan ethutil.React
txs ethchain.Transactions
uncles []*ethchain.Block
block *ethchain.Block
powChan chan []byte
powQuitChan chan ethutil.React
quitChan chan bool
func NewDefaultMiner(coinbase []byte, ethereum ethchain.EthManager) Miner {
reactChan := make(chan ethutil.React, 1) // This is the channel that receives 'updates' when ever a new transaction or block comes in
powChan := make(chan []byte, 1) // This is the channel that receives valid sha hases for a given block
powQuitChan := make(chan ethutil.React, 1) // This is the channel that can exit the miner thread
quitChan := make(chan bool, 1)
ethereum.Reactor().Subscribe("newBlock", reactChan)
ethereum.Reactor().Subscribe("newTx:pre", reactChan)
// We need the quit chan to be a Reactor event.
// The POW search method is actually blocking and if we don't
// listen to the reactor events inside of the pow itself
// The miner overseer will never get the reactor events themselves
// Only after the miner will find the sha
ethereum.Reactor().Subscribe("newBlock", powQuitChan)
ethereum.Reactor().Subscribe("newTx:pre", powQuitChan)
miner := Miner{
pow: ðchain.EasyPow{},
ethereum: ethereum,
coinbase: coinbase,
reactChan: reactChan,
powChan: powChan,
powQuitChan: powQuitChan,
quitChan: quitChan,
// Insert initial TXs in our little miner 'pool'
miner.txs = ethereum.TxPool().Flush()
miner.block = ethereum.BlockChain().NewBlock(miner.coinbase)
return miner
func (miner *Miner) Start() {
// Prepare inital block
//miner.ethereum.StateManager().Prepare(miner.block.State(), miner.block.State())
go miner.listener()
func (miner *Miner) listener() {
for {
select {
case <-miner.quitChan:
break out
case chanMessage := <-miner.reactChan:
if block, ok := chanMessage.Resource.(*ethchain.Block); ok {
//ethutil.Config.Log.Infoln("[MINER] Got new block via Reactor")
if bytes.Compare(miner.ethereum.BlockChain().CurrentBlock.Hash(), block.Hash()) == 0 {
// TODO: Perhaps continue mining to get some uncle rewards
//ethutil.Config.Log.Infoln("[MINER] New top block found resetting state")
// Filter out which Transactions we have that were not in this block
var newtxs []*ethchain.Transaction
for _, tx := range miner.txs {
found := false
for _, othertx := range block.Transactions() {
if bytes.Compare(tx.Hash(), othertx.Hash()) == 0 {
found = true
if found == false {
newtxs = append(newtxs, tx)
miner.txs = newtxs
// Setup a fresh state to mine on
//miner.block = miner.ethereum.BlockChain().NewBlock(miner.coinbase, miner.txs)
} else {
if bytes.Compare(block.PrevHash, miner.ethereum.BlockChain().CurrentBlock.PrevHash) == 0 {
ethutil.Config.Log.Infoln("[MINER] Adding uncle block")
miner.uncles = append(miner.uncles, block)
if tx, ok := chanMessage.Resource.(*ethchain.Transaction); ok {
found := false
for _, ctx := range miner.txs {
if found = bytes.Compare(ctx.Hash(), tx.Hash()) == 0; found {
if found == false {
// Undo all previous commits
// Apply new transactions
miner.txs = append(miner.txs, tx)
func (self *Miner) Stop() {
self.powQuitChan <- ethutil.React{}
self.quitChan <- true
func (self *Miner) mineNewBlock() {
stateManager := self.ethereum.StateManager()
self.block = self.ethereum.BlockChain().NewBlock(self.coinbase)
// Apply uncles
if len(self.uncles) > 0 {
// Sort the transactions by nonce in case of odd network propagation
// Accumulate all valid transaction and apply them to the new state
// Error may be ignored. It's not important during mining
parent := self.ethereum.BlockChain().GetBlock(self.block.PrevHash)
coinbase := self.block.State().GetOrNewStateObject(self.block.Coinbase)
receipts, txs, unhandledTxs, err := stateManager.ProcessTransactions(coinbase, self.block.State(), self.block, self.block, self.txs)
if err != nil {
ethutil.Config.Log.Debugln("[MINER]", err)
self.txs = append(txs, unhandledTxs...)
// Set the transactions to the block so the new SHA3 can be calculated
self.block.SetReceipts(receipts, txs)
// Accumulate the rewards included for this block
stateManager.AccumelateRewards(self.block.State(), self.block)
ethutil.Config.Log.Infoln("[MINER] Mining on block. Includes", len(self.txs), "transactions")
// Find a valid nonce
self.block.Nonce = self.pow.Search(self.block, self.powQuitChan)
if self.block.Nonce != nil {
err := self.ethereum.StateManager().Process(self.block, false)
if err != nil {
} else {
self.ethereum.Broadcast(ethwire.MsgBlockTy, []interface{}{self.block.Value().Val})
ethutil.Config.Log.Infof("[MINER] 🔨 Mined block %x\n", self.block.Hash())
// Gather the new batch of transactions currently in the tx pool
self.txs = self.ethereum.TxPool().CurrentTransactions()