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synced 2025-03-03 07:50:34 +00:00
This commit converts the dependency management from Godeps to the vendor folder, also switching the tool from godep to trash. Since the upstream tool lacks a few features proposed via a few PRs, until those PRs are merged in (if), use github.com/karalabe/trash. You can update dependencies via trash --update. All dependencies have been updated to their latest version. Parts of the build system are reworked to drop old notions of Godeps and invocation of the go vet command so that it doesn't run against the vendor folder, as that will just blow up during vetting. The conversion drops OpenCL (and hence GPU mining support) from ethash and our codebase. The short reasoning is that there's noone to maintain and having opencl libs in our deps messes up builds as go install ./... tries to build them, failing with unsatisfied link errors for the C OpenCL deps. golang.org/x/net/context is not vendored in. We expect it to be fetched by the user (i.e. using go get). To keep ci.go builds reproducible the package is "vendored" in build/_vendor.
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179 lines
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package otto
import (
runtime_ "runtime"
var isIdentifier_Regexp *regexp.Regexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-zA-Z\$][a-zA-Z0-9\$]*$`)
func isIdentifier(string_ string) bool {
return isIdentifier_Regexp.MatchString(string_)
func (self *_runtime) toValueArray(arguments ...interface{}) []Value {
length := len(arguments)
if length == 1 {
if valueArray, ok := arguments[0].([]Value); ok {
return valueArray
return []Value{self.toValue(arguments[0])}
valueArray := make([]Value, length)
for index, value := range arguments {
valueArray[index] = self.toValue(value)
return valueArray
func stringToArrayIndex(name string) int64 {
index, err := strconv.ParseInt(name, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return -1
if index < 0 {
return -1
if index >= maxUint32 {
// The value 2^32 (or above) is not a valid index because
// you cannot store a uint32 length for an index of uint32
return -1
return index
func isUint32(value int64) bool {
return value >= 0 && value <= maxUint32
func arrayIndexToString(index int64) string {
return strconv.FormatInt(index, 10)
func valueOfArrayIndex(array []Value, index int) Value {
value, _ := getValueOfArrayIndex(array, index)
return value
func getValueOfArrayIndex(array []Value, index int) (Value, bool) {
if index >= 0 && index < len(array) {
value := array[index]
if !value.isEmpty() {
return value, true
return Value{}, false
// A range index can be anything from 0 up to length. It is NOT safe to use as an index
// to an array, but is useful for slicing and in some ECMA algorithms.
func valueToRangeIndex(indexValue Value, length int64, negativeIsZero bool) int64 {
index := indexValue.number().int64
if negativeIsZero {
if index < 0 {
index = 0
// minimum(index, length)
if index >= length {
index = length
return index
if index < 0 {
index += length
if index < 0 {
index = 0
} else {
if index > length {
index = length
return index
func rangeStartEnd(array []Value, size int64, negativeIsZero bool) (start, end int64) {
start = valueToRangeIndex(valueOfArrayIndex(array, 0), size, negativeIsZero)
if len(array) == 1 {
// If there is only the start argument, then end = size
end = size
// Assuming the argument is undefined...
end = size
endValue := valueOfArrayIndex(array, 1)
if !endValue.IsUndefined() {
// Which it is not, so get the value as an array index
end = valueToRangeIndex(endValue, size, negativeIsZero)
func rangeStartLength(source []Value, size int64) (start, length int64) {
start = valueToRangeIndex(valueOfArrayIndex(source, 0), size, false)
// Assume the second argument is missing or undefined
length = int64(size)
if len(source) == 1 {
// If there is only the start argument, then length = size
lengthValue := valueOfArrayIndex(source, 1)
if !lengthValue.IsUndefined() {
// Which it is not, so get the value as an array index
length = lengthValue.number().int64
func boolFields(input string) (result map[string]bool) {
result = map[string]bool{}
for _, word := range strings.Fields(input) {
result[word] = true
return result
func hereBeDragons(arguments ...interface{}) string {
pc, _, _, _ := runtime_.Caller(1)
name := runtime_.FuncForPC(pc).Name()
message := fmt.Sprintf("Here be dragons -- %s", name)
if len(arguments) > 0 {
message += ": "
argument0 := fmt.Sprintf("%s", arguments[0])
if len(arguments) == 1 {
message += argument0
} else {
message += fmt.Sprintf(argument0, arguments[1:]...)
} else {
message += "."
return message
func throwHereBeDragons(arguments ...interface{}) {
func eachPair(list []interface{}, fn func(_0, _1 interface{})) {
for len(list) > 0 {
var _0, _1 interface{}
_0 = list[0]
list = list[1:] // Pop off first
if len(list) > 0 {
_1 = list[0]
list = list[1:] // Pop off second
fn(_0, _1)