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synced 2025-03-01 15:00:29 +00:00
This PR will will break existing UIs, since it changes all calls like ApproveSignTransaction to be on the form ui_approveSignTransaction. This is to make it possible for the UI to reuse the json-rpc library from go-ethereum, which uses this convention. Also, this PR removes some unused structs, after import/export were removed from the external api (so no longer needs internal methods for approval) One more breaking change is introduced, removing passwords from the ApproveSignTxResponse and the likes. This makes the manual interface more like the rulebased interface, and integrates nicely with the credential storage. Thus, the way it worked before, it would be tempting for the UI to implement 'remember password' functionality. The way it is now, it will be easy instead to tell clef to store passwords and use them. If a pw is not found in the credential store, the user is prompted to provide the password.
775 lines
19 KiB
775 lines
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// Copyright 2018 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of go-ethereum.
// go-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// go-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with go-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package core
import (
var typesStandard = Types{
"EIP712Domain": {
Name: "name",
Type: "string",
Name: "version",
Type: "string",
Name: "chainId",
Type: "uint256",
Name: "verifyingContract",
Type: "address",
"Person": {
Name: "name",
Type: "string",
Name: "wallet",
Type: "address",
"Mail": {
Name: "from",
Type: "Person",
Name: "to",
Type: "Person",
Name: "contents",
Type: "string",
var jsonTypedData = `
"types": {
"EIP712Domain": [
"name": "name",
"type": "string"
"name": "version",
"type": "string"
"name": "chainId",
"type": "uint256"
"name": "verifyingContract",
"type": "address"
"Person": [
"name": "name",
"type": "string"
"name": "test",
"type": "uint8"
"name": "wallet",
"type": "address"
"Mail": [
"name": "from",
"type": "Person"
"name": "to",
"type": "Person"
"name": "contents",
"type": "string"
"primaryType": "Mail",
"domain": {
"name": "Ether Mail",
"version": "1",
"chainId": 1,
"verifyingContract": "0xCCCcccccCCCCcCCCCCCcCcCccCcCCCcCcccccccC"
"message": {
"from": {
"name": "Cow",
"test": 3,
"wallet": "0xcD2a3d9F938E13CD947Ec05AbC7FE734Df8DD826"
"to": {
"name": "Bob",
"wallet": "0xbBbBBBBbbBBBbbbBbbBbbbbBBbBbbbbBbBbbBBbB"
"contents": "Hello, Bob!"
const primaryType = "Mail"
var domainStandard = TypedDataDomain{
"Ether Mail",
var messageStandard = map[string]interface{}{
"from": map[string]interface{}{
"name": "Cow",
"wallet": "0xCD2a3d9F938E13CD947Ec05AbC7FE734Df8DD826",
"to": map[string]interface{}{
"name": "Bob",
"wallet": "0xbBbBBBBbbBBBbbbBbbBbbbbBBbBbbbbBbBbbBBbB",
"contents": "Hello, Bob!",
var typedData = TypedData{
Types: typesStandard,
PrimaryType: primaryType,
Domain: domainStandard,
Message: messageStandard,
func TestSignData(t *testing.T) {
api, control := setup(t)
//Create two accounts
createAccount(control, api, t)
createAccount(control, api, t)
control.approveCh <- "1"
list, err := api.List(context.Background())
if err != nil {
a := common.NewMixedcaseAddress(list[0])
control.approveCh <- "Y"
control.inputCh <- "wrongpassword"
signature, err := api.SignData(context.Background(), TextPlain.Mime, a, hexutil.Encode([]byte("EHLO world")))
if signature != nil {
t.Errorf("Expected nil-data, got %x", signature)
if err != keystore.ErrDecrypt {
t.Errorf("Expected ErrLocked! '%v'", err)
control.approveCh <- "No way"
signature, err = api.SignData(context.Background(), TextPlain.Mime, a, hexutil.Encode([]byte("EHLO world")))
if signature != nil {
t.Errorf("Expected nil-data, got %x", signature)
if err != ErrRequestDenied {
t.Errorf("Expected ErrRequestDenied! '%v'", err)
// text/plain
control.approveCh <- "Y"
control.inputCh <- "a_long_password"
signature, err = api.SignData(context.Background(), TextPlain.Mime, a, hexutil.Encode([]byte("EHLO world")))
if err != nil {
if signature == nil || len(signature) != 65 {
t.Errorf("Expected 65 byte signature (got %d bytes)", len(signature))
// data/typed
control.approveCh <- "Y"
control.inputCh <- "a_long_password"
signature, err = api.SignTypedData(context.Background(), a, typedData)
if err != nil {
if signature == nil || len(signature) != 65 {
t.Errorf("Expected 65 byte signature (got %d bytes)", len(signature))
func TestHashStruct(t *testing.T) {
hash, err := typedData.HashStruct(typedData.PrimaryType, typedData.Message)
if err != nil {
mainHash := fmt.Sprintf("0x%s", common.Bytes2Hex(hash))
if mainHash != "0xc52c0ee5d84264471806290a3f2c4cecfc5490626bf912d01f240d7a274b371e" {
t.Errorf("Expected different hashStruct result (got %s)", mainHash)
hash, err = typedData.HashStruct("EIP712Domain", typedData.Domain.Map())
if err != nil {
domainHash := fmt.Sprintf("0x%s", common.Bytes2Hex(hash))
if domainHash != "0xf2cee375fa42b42143804025fc449deafd50cc031ca257e0b194a650a912090f" {
t.Errorf("Expected different domain hashStruct result (got %s)", domainHash)
func TestEncodeType(t *testing.T) {
domainTypeEncoding := string(typedData.EncodeType("EIP712Domain"))
if domainTypeEncoding != "EIP712Domain(string name,string version,uint256 chainId,address verifyingContract)" {
t.Errorf("Expected different encodeType result (got %s)", domainTypeEncoding)
mailTypeEncoding := string(typedData.EncodeType(typedData.PrimaryType))
if mailTypeEncoding != "Mail(Person from,Person to,string contents)Person(string name,address wallet)" {
t.Errorf("Expected different encodeType result (got %s)", mailTypeEncoding)
func TestTypeHash(t *testing.T) {
mailTypeHash := fmt.Sprintf("0x%s", common.Bytes2Hex(typedData.TypeHash(typedData.PrimaryType)))
if mailTypeHash != "0xa0cedeb2dc280ba39b857546d74f5549c3a1d7bdc2dd96bf881f76108e23dac2" {
t.Errorf("Expected different typeHash result (got %s)", mailTypeHash)
func TestEncodeData(t *testing.T) {
hash, err := typedData.EncodeData(typedData.PrimaryType, typedData.Message, 0)
if err != nil {
dataEncoding := fmt.Sprintf("0x%s", common.Bytes2Hex(hash))
if dataEncoding != "0xa0cedeb2dc280ba39b857546d74f5549c3a1d7bdc2dd96bf881f76108e23dac2fc71e5fa27ff56c350aa531bc129ebdf613b772b6604664f5d8dbe21b85eb0c8cd54f074a4af31b4411ff6a60c9719dbd559c221c8ac3492d9d872b041d703d1b5aadf3154a261abdd9086fc627b61efca26ae5702701d05cd2305f7c52a2fc8" {
t.Errorf("Expected different encodeData result (got %s)", dataEncoding)
func TestMalformedDomainkeys(t *testing.T) {
// Verifies that malformed domain keys are properly caught:
// "name": "Ether Mail",
// "version": "1",
// "chainId": 1,
// "vxerifyingContract": "0xCcCCccccCCCCcCCCCCCcCcCccCcCCCcCcccccccC"
jsonTypedData := `
"types": {
"EIP712Domain": [
"name": "name",
"type": "string"
"name": "version",
"type": "string"
"name": "chainId",
"type": "uint256"
"name": "verifyingContract",
"type": "address"
"Person": [
"name": "name",
"type": "string"
"name": "wallet",
"type": "address"
"Mail": [
"name": "from",
"type": "Person"
"name": "to",
"type": "Person"
"name": "contents",
"type": "string"
"primaryType": "Mail",
"domain": {
"name": "Ether Mail",
"version": "1",
"chainId": 1,
"vxerifyingContract": "0xCcCCccccCCCCcCCCCCCcCcCccCcCCCcCcccccccC"
"message": {
"from": {
"name": "Cow",
"wallet": "0xCD2a3d9F938E13CD947Ec05AbC7FE734Df8DD826"
"to": {
"name": "Bob",
"wallet": "0xbBbBBBBbbBBBbbbBbbBbbbbBBbBbbbbBbBbbBBbB"
"contents": "Hello, Bob!"
var malformedDomainTypedData TypedData
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonTypedData), &malformedDomainTypedData)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unmarshalling failed '%v'", err)
_, err = malformedDomainTypedData.HashStruct("EIP712Domain", malformedDomainTypedData.Domain.Map())
if err == nil || err.Error() != "provided data '<nil>' doesn't match type 'address'" {
t.Errorf("Expected `provided data '<nil>' doesn't match type 'address'`, got '%v'", err)
func TestMalformedTypesAndExtradata(t *testing.T) {
// Verifies several quirks
// 1. Using dynamic types and only validating the prefix:
// "name": "chainId",
// "type": "uint256 ... and now for something completely different"
// 2. Extra data in message:
// "blahonga": "zonk bonk"
jsonTypedData := `
"types": {
"EIP712Domain": [
"name": "name",
"type": "string"
"name": "version",
"type": "string"
"name": "chainId",
"type": "uint256 ... and now for something completely different"
"name": "verifyingContract",
"type": "address"
"Person": [
"name": "name",
"type": "string"
"name": "wallet",
"type": "address"
"Mail": [
"name": "from",
"type": "Person"
"name": "to",
"type": "Person"
"name": "contents",
"type": "string"
"primaryType": "Mail",
"domain": {
"name": "Ether Mail",
"version": "1",
"chainId": 1,
"verifyingContract": "0xCCCcccccCCCCcCCCCCCcCcCccCcCCCcCcccccccC"
"message": {
"from": {
"name": "Cow",
"wallet": "0xcD2a3d9F938E13CD947Ec05AbC7FE734Df8DD826"
"to": {
"name": "Bob",
"wallet": "0xbBbBBBBbbBBBbbbBbbBbbbbBBbBbbbbBbBbbBBbB"
"contents": "Hello, Bob!"
var malformedTypedData TypedData
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonTypedData), &malformedTypedData)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unmarshalling failed '%v'", err)
malformedTypedData.Types["EIP712Domain"][2].Type = "uint256"
malformedTypedData.Message["blahonga"] = "zonk bonk"
_, err = malformedTypedData.HashStruct(malformedTypedData.PrimaryType, malformedTypedData.Message)
if err == nil || err.Error() != "there is extra data provided in the message" {
t.Errorf("Expected `there is extra data provided in the message`, got '%v'", err)
func TestTypeMismatch(t *testing.T) {
// Verifies that:
// 1. Mismatches between the given type and data, i.e. `Person` and
// the data item is a string, are properly caught:
// "name": "contents",
// "type": "Person"
// "contents": "Hello, Bob!" <-- string not "Person"
// 2. Nonexistent types are properly caught:
// "name": "contents",
// "type": "Blahonga"
jsonTypedData := `
"types": {
"EIP712Domain": [
"name": "name",
"type": "string"
"name": "version",
"type": "string"
"name": "chainId",
"type": "uint256"
"name": "verifyingContract",
"type": "address"
"Person": [
"name": "name",
"type": "string"
"name": "wallet",
"type": "address"
"Mail": [
"name": "from",
"type": "Person"
"name": "to",
"type": "Person"
"name": "contents",
"type": "Person"
"primaryType": "Mail",
"domain": {
"name": "Ether Mail",
"version": "1",
"chainId": 1,
"verifyingContract": "0xCcCCccccCCCCcCCCCCCcCcCccCcCCCcCcccccccC"
"message": {
"from": {
"name": "Cow",
"wallet": "0xCD2a3d9F938E13CD947Ec05AbC7FE734Df8DD826"
"to": {
"name": "Bob",
"wallet": "0xbBbBBBBbbBBBbbbBbbBbbbbBBbBbbbbBbBbbBBbB"
"contents": "Hello, Bob!"
var mismatchTypedData TypedData
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonTypedData), &mismatchTypedData)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unmarshalling failed '%v'", err)
_, err = mismatchTypedData.HashStruct(mismatchTypedData.PrimaryType, mismatchTypedData.Message)
if err.Error() != "provided data 'Hello, Bob!' doesn't match type 'Person'" {
t.Errorf("Expected `provided data 'Hello, Bob!' doesn't match type 'Person'`, got '%v'", err)
mismatchTypedData.Types["Mail"][2].Type = "Blahonga"
_, err = mismatchTypedData.HashStruct(mismatchTypedData.PrimaryType, mismatchTypedData.Message)
if err == nil || err.Error() != "reference type 'Blahonga' is undefined" {
t.Fatalf("Expected `reference type 'Blahonga' is undefined`, got '%v'", err)
func TestTypeOverflow(t *testing.T) {
// Verifies data that doesn't fit into it:
// "test": 65536 <-- test defined as uint8
var overflowTypedData TypedData
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonTypedData), &overflowTypedData)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unmarshalling failed '%v'", err)
// Set test to something outside uint8
(overflowTypedData.Message["from"]).(map[string]interface{})["test"] = big.NewInt(65536)
_, err = overflowTypedData.HashStruct(overflowTypedData.PrimaryType, overflowTypedData.Message)
if err == nil || err.Error() != "integer larger than 'uint8'" {
t.Fatalf("Expected `integer larger than 'uint8'`, got '%v'", err)
(overflowTypedData.Message["from"]).(map[string]interface{})["test"] = big.NewInt(3)
(overflowTypedData.Message["to"]).(map[string]interface{})["test"] = big.NewInt(4)
_, err = overflowTypedData.HashStruct(overflowTypedData.PrimaryType, overflowTypedData.Message)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Expected no err, got '%v'", err)
func TestArray(t *testing.T) {
// Makes sure that arrays work fine
// "type": "address[]"
// "type": "string[]"
// "type": "uint16[]",
jsonTypedData := `
"types": {
"EIP712Domain": [
"name": "name",
"type": "string"
"name": "version",
"type": "string"
"name": "chainId",
"type": "uint256"
"name": "verifyingContract",
"type": "address"
"Foo": [
"name": "bar",
"type": "address[]"
"primaryType": "Foo",
"domain": {
"name": "Lorem",
"version": "1",
"chainId": 1,
"verifyingContract": "0xCcCCccccCCCCcCCCCCCcCcCccCcCCCcCcccccccC"
"message": {
"bar": [
var arrayTypedData TypedData
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonTypedData), &arrayTypedData)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unmarshalling failed '%v'", err)
_, err = arrayTypedData.HashStruct(arrayTypedData.PrimaryType, arrayTypedData.Message)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Expected no err, got '%v'", err)
// Change array to string
arrayTypedData.Types["Foo"][0].Type = "string[]"
arrayTypedData.Message["bar"] = []interface{}{
_, err = arrayTypedData.HashStruct(arrayTypedData.PrimaryType, arrayTypedData.Message)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Expected no err, got '%v'", err)
// Change array to uint
arrayTypedData.Types["Foo"][0].Type = "uint[]"
arrayTypedData.Message["bar"] = []interface{}{
_, err = arrayTypedData.HashStruct(arrayTypedData.PrimaryType, arrayTypedData.Message)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Expected no err, got '%v'", err)
// Should not work with fixed-size arrays
arrayTypedData.Types["Foo"][0].Type = "uint[3]"
_, err = arrayTypedData.HashStruct(arrayTypedData.PrimaryType, arrayTypedData.Message)
if err == nil || err.Error() != "unknown type 'uint[3]'" {
t.Fatalf("Expected `unknown type 'uint[3]'`, got '%v'", err)
func TestCustomTypeAsArray(t *testing.T) {
var jsonTypedData = `
"types": {
"EIP712Domain": [
"name": "name",
"type": "string"
"name": "version",
"type": "string"
"name": "chainId",
"type": "uint256"
"name": "verifyingContract",
"type": "address"
"Person": [
"name": "name",
"type": "string"
"name": "wallet",
"type": "address"
"Person[]": [
"name": "baz",
"type": "string"
"Mail": [
"name": "from",
"type": "Person"
"name": "to",
"type": "Person[]"
"name": "contents",
"type": "string"
"primaryType": "Mail",
"domain": {
"name": "Ether Mail",
"version": "1",
"chainId": 1,
"verifyingContract": "0xCcCCccccCCCCcCCCCCCcCcCccCcCCCcCcccccccC"
"message": {
"from": {
"name": "Cow",
"wallet": "0xCD2a3d9F938E13CD947Ec05AbC7FE734Df8DD826"
"to": {"baz": "foo"},
"contents": "Hello, Bob!"
var malformedTypedData TypedData
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonTypedData), &malformedTypedData)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unmarshalling failed '%v'", err)
_, err = malformedTypedData.HashStruct("EIP712Domain", malformedTypedData.Domain.Map())
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Expected no error, got '%v'", err)
func TestFormatter(t *testing.T) {
var d TypedData
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonTypedData), &d)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unmarshalling failed '%v'", err)
formatted := d.Format()
for _, item := range formatted {
fmt.Printf("'%v'\n", item.Pprint(0))
j, _ := json.Marshal(formatted)
fmt.Printf("'%v'\n", string(j))