Guillaume Ballet 367c329b88 whisper: remove linter warnings (#15972)
* whisper: fixes warnings from the code linter

* whisper: more non-API-breaking changes

The remaining lint errors are because of auto-generated
files and one is because an exported function has a non-
exported return type. Changing this would break the API,
and will be part of another commit for easier reversal.

* whisper: un-export NewSentMessage to please the linter

This is an API change, which is why it's in its own commit.
This change was initiated after the linter complained that
the returned type wasn't exported. I chose to un-export
the function instead of exporting the type, because that
type is an implementation detail that I would like to
change in the near future to make the code more
readable and with an increased coverage.

* whisper: update gencodec output after upgrading it to new lint standards
2018-01-26 13:45:10 +02:00

662 lines
17 KiB

// Copyright 2017 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of go-ethereum.
// go-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// go-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with go-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// This is a simple Whisper node. It could be used as a stand-alone bootstrap node.
// Also, could be used for different test and diagnostics purposes.
package main
import (
whisper "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/whisper/whisperv5"
const quitCommand = "~Q"
// singletons
var (
server *p2p.Server
shh *whisper.Whisper
done chan struct{}
mailServer mailserver.WMailServer
input = bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
// encryption
var (
symKey []byte
pub *ecdsa.PublicKey
asymKey *ecdsa.PrivateKey
nodeid *ecdsa.PrivateKey
topic whisper.TopicType
asymKeyID string
filterID string
symPass string
msPassword string
// cmd arguments
var (
bootstrapMode = flag.Bool("standalone", false, "boostrap node: don't actively connect to peers, wait for incoming connections")
forwarderMode = flag.Bool("forwarder", false, "forwarder mode: only forward messages, neither send nor decrypt messages")
mailServerMode = flag.Bool("mailserver", false, "mail server mode: delivers expired messages on demand")
requestMail = flag.Bool("mailclient", false, "request expired messages from the bootstrap server")
asymmetricMode = flag.Bool("asym", false, "use asymmetric encryption")
generateKey = flag.Bool("generatekey", false, "generate and show the private key")
fileExMode = flag.Bool("fileexchange", false, "file exchange mode")
testMode = flag.Bool("test", false, "use of predefined parameters for diagnostics")
echoMode = flag.Bool("echo", false, "echo mode: prints some arguments for diagnostics")
argVerbosity = flag.Int("verbosity", int(log.LvlError), "log verbosity level")
argTTL = flag.Uint("ttl", 30, "time-to-live for messages in seconds")
argWorkTime = flag.Uint("work", 5, "work time in seconds")
argMaxSize = flag.Uint("maxsize", uint(whisper.DefaultMaxMessageSize), "max size of message")
argPoW = flag.Float64("pow", whisper.DefaultMinimumPoW, "PoW for normal messages in float format (e.g. 2.7)")
argServerPoW = flag.Float64("mspow", whisper.DefaultMinimumPoW, "PoW requirement for Mail Server request")
argIP = flag.String("ip", "", "IP address and port of this node (e.g.")
argPub = flag.String("pub", "", "public key for asymmetric encryption")
argDBPath = flag.String("dbpath", "", "path to the server's DB directory")
argIDFile = flag.String("idfile", "", "file name with node id (private key)")
argEnode = flag.String("boot", "", "bootstrap node you want to connect to (e.g. enode://e454......08d50@")
argTopic = flag.String("topic", "", "topic in hexadecimal format (e.g. 70a4beef)")
argSaveDir = flag.String("savedir", "", "directory where incoming messages will be saved as files")
func main() {
func processArgs() {
if len(*argIDFile) > 0 {
var err error
nodeid, err = crypto.LoadECDSA(*argIDFile)
if err != nil {
utils.Fatalf("Failed to load file [%s]: %s.", *argIDFile, err)
const enodePrefix = "enode://"
if len(*argEnode) > 0 {
if (*argEnode)[:len(enodePrefix)] != enodePrefix {
*argEnode = enodePrefix + *argEnode
if len(*argTopic) > 0 {
x, err := hex.DecodeString(*argTopic)
if err != nil {
utils.Fatalf("Failed to parse the topic: %s", err)
topic = whisper.BytesToTopic(x)
if *asymmetricMode && len(*argPub) > 0 {
pub = crypto.ToECDSAPub(common.FromHex(*argPub))
if !isKeyValid(pub) {
utils.Fatalf("invalid public key")
if len(*argSaveDir) > 0 {
if _, err := os.Stat(*argSaveDir); os.IsNotExist(err) {
utils.Fatalf("Download directory '%s' does not exist", *argSaveDir)
} else if *fileExMode {
utils.Fatalf("Parameter 'savedir' is mandatory for file exchange mode")
if *echoMode {
func echo() {
fmt.Printf("ttl = %d \n", *argTTL)
fmt.Printf("workTime = %d \n", *argWorkTime)
fmt.Printf("pow = %f \n", *argPoW)
fmt.Printf("mspow = %f \n", *argServerPoW)
fmt.Printf("ip = %s \n", *argIP)
fmt.Printf("pub = %s \n", common.ToHex(crypto.FromECDSAPub(pub)))
fmt.Printf("idfile = %s \n", *argIDFile)
fmt.Printf("dbpath = %s \n", *argDBPath)
fmt.Printf("boot = %s \n", *argEnode)
func initialize() {
log.Root().SetHandler(log.LvlFilterHandler(log.Lvl(*argVerbosity), log.StreamHandler(os.Stderr, log.TerminalFormat(false))))
done = make(chan struct{})
var peers []*discover.Node
var err error
if *generateKey {
key, err := crypto.GenerateKey()
if err != nil {
utils.Fatalf("Failed to generate private key: %s", err)
k := hex.EncodeToString(crypto.FromECDSA(key))
fmt.Printf("Random private key: %s \n", k)
if *testMode {
symPass = "wwww" // ascii code: 0x77777777
msPassword = "wwww"
if *bootstrapMode {
if len(*argIP) == 0 {
argIP = scanLineA("Please enter your IP and port (e.g. ")
} else {
if len(*argEnode) == 0 {
argEnode = scanLineA("Please enter the peer's enode: ")
peer := discover.MustParseNode(*argEnode)
peers = append(peers, peer)
cfg := &whisper.Config{
MaxMessageSize: uint32(*argMaxSize),
MinimumAcceptedPOW: *argPoW,
if *mailServerMode {
if len(msPassword) == 0 {
msPassword, err = console.Stdin.PromptPassword("Please enter the Mail Server password: ")
if err != nil {
utils.Fatalf("Failed to read Mail Server password: %s", err)
shh = whisper.New(cfg)
mailServer.Init(shh, *argDBPath, msPassword, *argServerPoW)
} else {
shh = whisper.New(cfg)
if *argPoW != whisper.DefaultMinimumPoW {
err := shh.SetMinimumPoW(*argPoW)
if err != nil {
utils.Fatalf("Failed to set PoW: %s", err)
if uint32(*argMaxSize) != whisper.DefaultMaxMessageSize {
err := shh.SetMaxMessageSize(uint32(*argMaxSize))
if err != nil {
utils.Fatalf("Failed to set max message size: %s", err)
asymKeyID, err = shh.NewKeyPair()
if err != nil {
utils.Fatalf("Failed to generate a new key pair: %s", err)
asymKey, err = shh.GetPrivateKey(asymKeyID)
if err != nil {
utils.Fatalf("Failed to retrieve a new key pair: %s", err)
if nodeid == nil {
tmpID, err := shh.NewKeyPair()
if err != nil {
utils.Fatalf("Failed to generate a new key pair: %s", err)
nodeid, err = shh.GetPrivateKey(tmpID)
if err != nil {
utils.Fatalf("Failed to retrieve a new key pair: %s", err)
maxPeers := 80
if *bootstrapMode {
maxPeers = 800
server = &p2p.Server{
Config: p2p.Config{
PrivateKey: nodeid,
MaxPeers: maxPeers,
Name: common.MakeName("wnode", "5.0"),
Protocols: shh.Protocols(),
ListenAddr: *argIP,
NAT: nat.Any(),
BootstrapNodes: peers,
StaticNodes: peers,
TrustedNodes: peers,
func startServer() {
err := server.Start()
if err != nil {
utils.Fatalf("Failed to start Whisper peer: %s.", err)
fmt.Printf("my public key: %s \n", common.ToHex(crypto.FromECDSAPub(&asymKey.PublicKey)))
if *bootstrapMode {
fmt.Println("Bootstrap Whisper node started")
} else {
fmt.Println("Whisper node started")
// first see if we can establish connection, then ask for user input
if !*forwarderMode {
fmt.Printf("Please type the message. To quit type: '%s'\n", quitCommand)
func isKeyValid(k *ecdsa.PublicKey) bool {
return k.X != nil && k.Y != nil
func configureNode() {
var err error
var p2pAccept bool
if *forwarderMode {
if *asymmetricMode {
if len(*argPub) == 0 {
s := scanLine("Please enter the peer's public key: ")
b := common.FromHex(s)
if b == nil {
utils.Fatalf("Error: can not convert hexadecimal string")
pub = crypto.ToECDSAPub(b)
if !isKeyValid(pub) {
utils.Fatalf("Error: invalid public key")
if *requestMail {
p2pAccept = true
if len(msPassword) == 0 {
msPassword, err = console.Stdin.PromptPassword("Please enter the Mail Server password: ")
if err != nil {
utils.Fatalf("Failed to read Mail Server password: %s", err)
if !*asymmetricMode && !*forwarderMode {
if len(symPass) == 0 {
symPass, err = console.Stdin.PromptPassword("Please enter the password for symmetric encryption: ")
if err != nil {
utils.Fatalf("Failed to read passphrase: %v", err)
symKeyID, err := shh.AddSymKeyFromPassword(symPass)
if err != nil {
utils.Fatalf("Failed to create symmetric key: %s", err)
symKey, err = shh.GetSymKey(symKeyID)
if err != nil {
utils.Fatalf("Failed to save symmetric key: %s", err)
if len(*argTopic) == 0 {
fmt.Printf("Filter is configured for the topic: %x \n", topic)
if *mailServerMode {
if len(*argDBPath) == 0 {
argDBPath = scanLineA("Please enter the path to DB file: ")
filter := whisper.Filter{
KeySym: symKey,
KeyAsym: asymKey,
Topics: [][]byte{topic[:]},
AllowP2P: p2pAccept,
filterID, err = shh.Subscribe(&filter)
if err != nil {
utils.Fatalf("Failed to install filter: %s", err)
func generateTopic(password []byte) {
x := pbkdf2.Key(password, password, 4096, 128, sha512.New)
for i := 0; i < len(x); i++ {
topic[i%whisper.TopicLength] ^= x[i]
func waitForConnection(timeout bool) {
var cnt int
var connected bool
for !connected {
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 50)
connected = server.PeerCount() > 0
if timeout {
if cnt > 1000 {
utils.Fatalf("Timeout expired, failed to connect")
fmt.Println("Connected to peer.")
func run() {
defer mailServer.Close()
defer server.Stop()
defer shh.Stop()
if !*forwarderMode {
go messageLoop()
if *requestMail {
} else if *fileExMode {
} else {
func sendLoop() {
for {
s := scanLine("")
if s == quitCommand {
fmt.Println("Quit command received")
if *asymmetricMode {
// print your own message for convenience,
// because in asymmetric mode it is impossible to decrypt it
timestamp := time.Now().Unix()
from := crypto.PubkeyToAddress(asymKey.PublicKey)
fmt.Printf("\n%d <%x>: %s\n", timestamp, from, s)
func sendFilesLoop() {
for {
s := scanLine("")
if s == quitCommand {
fmt.Println("Quit command received")
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(s)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf(">>> Error: %s \n", err)
} else {
h := sendMsg(b)
if (h == common.Hash{}) {
fmt.Printf(">>> Error: message was not sent \n")
} else {
timestamp := time.Now().Unix()
from := crypto.PubkeyToAddress(asymKey.PublicKey)
fmt.Printf("\n%d <%x>: sent message with hash %x\n", timestamp, from, h)
func scanLine(prompt string) string {
if len(prompt) > 0 {
txt, err := input.ReadString('\n')
if err != nil {
utils.Fatalf("input error: %s", err)
txt = strings.TrimRight(txt, "\n\r")
return txt
func scanLineA(prompt string) *string {
s := scanLine(prompt)
return &s
func scanUint(prompt string) uint32 {
s := scanLine(prompt)
i, err := strconv.Atoi(s)
if err != nil {
utils.Fatalf("Fail to parse the lower time limit: %s", err)
return uint32(i)
func sendMsg(payload []byte) common.Hash {
params := whisper.MessageParams{
Src: asymKey,
Dst: pub,
KeySym: symKey,
Payload: payload,
Topic: topic,
TTL: uint32(*argTTL),
PoW: *argPoW,
WorkTime: uint32(*argWorkTime),
msg, err := whisper.NewSentMessage(&params)
if err != nil {
utils.Fatalf("failed to create new message: %s", err)
envelope, err := msg.Wrap(&params)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("failed to seal message: %v \n", err)
return common.Hash{}
err = shh.Send(envelope)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("failed to send message: %v \n", err)
return common.Hash{}
return envelope.Hash()
func messageLoop() {
f := shh.GetFilter(filterID)
if f == nil {
utils.Fatalf("filter is not installed")
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Millisecond * 50)
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
messages := f.Retrieve()
for _, msg := range messages {
if *fileExMode || len(msg.Payload) > 2048 {
writeMessageToFile(*argSaveDir, msg)
} else {
case <-done:
func printMessageInfo(msg *whisper.ReceivedMessage) {
timestamp := fmt.Sprintf("%d", msg.Sent) // unix timestamp for diagnostics
text := string(msg.Payload)
var address common.Address
if msg.Src != nil {
address = crypto.PubkeyToAddress(*msg.Src)
if whisper.IsPubKeyEqual(msg.Src, &asymKey.PublicKey) {
fmt.Printf("\n%s <%x>: %s\n", timestamp, address, text) // message from myself
} else {
fmt.Printf("\n%s [%x]: %s\n", timestamp, address, text) // message from a peer
func writeMessageToFile(dir string, msg *whisper.ReceivedMessage) {
timestamp := fmt.Sprintf("%d", msg.Sent)
name := fmt.Sprintf("%x", msg.EnvelopeHash)
var address common.Address
if msg.Src != nil {
address = crypto.PubkeyToAddress(*msg.Src)
if whisper.IsPubKeyEqual(msg.Src, &asymKey.PublicKey) {
// message from myself: don't save, only report
fmt.Printf("\n%s <%x>: message received: '%s'\n", timestamp, address, name)
} else if len(dir) > 0 {
fullpath := filepath.Join(dir, name)
err := ioutil.WriteFile(fullpath, msg.Payload, 0644)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("\n%s {%x}: message received but not saved: %s\n", timestamp, address, err)
} else {
fmt.Printf("\n%s {%x}: message received and saved as '%s' (%d bytes)\n", timestamp, address, name, len(msg.Payload))
} else {
fmt.Printf("\n%s {%x}: big message received (%d bytes), but not saved: %s\n", timestamp, address, len(msg.Payload), name)
func requestExpiredMessagesLoop() {
var key, peerID []byte
var timeLow, timeUpp uint32
var t string
var xt, empty whisper.TopicType
keyID, err := shh.AddSymKeyFromPassword(msPassword)
if err != nil {
utils.Fatalf("Failed to create symmetric key for mail request: %s", err)
key, err = shh.GetSymKey(keyID)
if err != nil {
utils.Fatalf("Failed to save symmetric key for mail request: %s", err)
peerID = extractIDFromEnode(*argEnode)
for {
timeLow = scanUint("Please enter the lower limit of the time range (unix timestamp): ")
timeUpp = scanUint("Please enter the upper limit of the time range (unix timestamp): ")
t = scanLine("Please enter the topic (hexadecimal): ")
if len(t) >= whisper.TopicLength*2 {
x, err := hex.DecodeString(t)
if err != nil {
utils.Fatalf("Failed to parse the topic: %s", err)
xt = whisper.BytesToTopic(x)
if timeUpp == 0 {
timeUpp = 0xFFFFFFFF
data := make([]byte, 8+whisper.TopicLength)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(data, timeLow)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(data[4:], timeUpp)
copy(data[8:], xt[:])
if xt == empty {
data = data[:8]
var params whisper.MessageParams
params.PoW = *argServerPoW
params.Payload = data
params.KeySym = key
params.Src = nodeid
params.WorkTime = 5
msg, err := whisper.NewSentMessage(&params)
if err != nil {
utils.Fatalf("failed to create new message: %s", err)
env, err := msg.Wrap(&params)
if err != nil {
utils.Fatalf("Wrap failed: %s", err)
err = shh.RequestHistoricMessages(peerID, env)
if err != nil {
utils.Fatalf("Failed to send P2P message: %s", err)
time.Sleep(time.Second * 5)
func extractIDFromEnode(s string) []byte {
n, err := discover.ParseNode(s)
if err != nil {
utils.Fatalf("Failed to parse enode: %s", err)
return n.ID[:]