mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 06:50:37 +00:00
* vendor: added vendor packages necessary for the swarm-network-rewrite merge into ethereum master * vendor: removed multihash deps
148 lines
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148 lines
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package toml
type tomlParser Peg {
TOML <- Expression (newline Expression)* newline? !. { _ = buffer }
Expression <- (
<ws table ws comment? (wsnl keyval ws comment?)*> { p.SetTableString(begin, end) }
/ ws keyval ws comment?
/ ws comment?
/ ws
newline <- <[\r\n]+> { p.AddLineCount(end - begin) }
ws <- [ \t]*
wsnl <- (
[ \t]
/ <[\r\n]> { p.AddLineCount(end - begin) }
comment <- '#' <[\t -\0x10FFFF]*>
keyval <- key ws '=' ws val { p.AddKeyValue() }
key <- bareKey / quotedKey
bareKey <- <[0-9A-Za-z\-_]+> { p.SetKey(p.buffer, begin, end) }
quotedKey <- < '"' basicChar* '"' > { p.SetKey(p.buffer, begin, end) }
val <- (
<datetime> { p.SetTime(begin, end) }
/ <float> { p.SetFloat64(begin, end) }
/ <integer> { p.SetInt64(begin, end) }
/ <string> { p.SetString(begin, end) }
/ <boolean> { p.SetBool(begin, end) }
/ <array> { p.SetArray(begin, end) }
/ inlineTable
table <- stdTable / arrayTable
stdTable <- '[' ws <tableKey> ws ']' { p.SetTable(p.buffer, begin, end) }
arrayTable <- '[[' ws <tableKey> ws ']]' { p.SetArrayTable(p.buffer, begin, end) }
inlineTable <- (
'{' { p.StartInlineTable() }
ws inlineTableKeyValues ws
'}' { p.EndInlineTable() }
inlineTableKeyValues <- (keyval inlineTableValSep?)*
tableKey <- tableKeyComp (tableKeySep tableKeyComp)*
tableKeyComp <- key { p.AddTableKey() }
tableKeySep <- ws '.' ws
inlineTableValSep <- ws ',' ws
integer <- [\-+]? int
int <- [1-9] (digit / '_' digit)+ / digit
float <- integer (frac exp? / frac? exp)
frac <- '.' digit (digit / '_' digit)*
exp <- [eE] [\-+]? digit (digit / '_' digit)*
string <- (
/ literalString
/ mlBasicString
/ basicString
basicString <- <'"' basicChar* '"'> { p.SetBasicString(p.buffer, begin, end) }
basicChar <- basicUnescaped / escaped
escaped <- escape ([btnfr"/\\] / 'u' hexQuad / 'U' hexQuad hexQuad)
basicUnescaped <- [ -!#-\[\]-\0x10FFFF]
escape <- '\\'
mlBasicString <- '"""' mlBasicBody '"""' { p.SetMultilineString() }
mlBasicBody <- (
<basicChar / newline> { p.AddMultilineBasicBody(p.buffer, begin, end) }
/ escape newline wsnl
literalString <- "'" <literalChar*> "'" { p.SetLiteralString(p.buffer, begin, end) }
literalChar <- [\t -&(-\0x10FFFF]
mlLiteralString <- "'''" <mlLiteralBody> "'''" { p.SetMultilineLiteralString(p.buffer, begin, end) }
mlLiteralBody <- (!"'''" (mlLiteralChar / newline))*
mlLiteralChar <- [\t -\0x10FFFF]
hexdigit <- [0-9A-Fa-f]
hexQuad <- hexdigit hexdigit hexdigit hexdigit
boolean <- 'true' / 'false'
dateFullYear <- digitQuad
dateMonth <- digitDual
dateMDay <- digitDual
timeHour <- digitDual
timeMinute <- digitDual
timeSecond <- digitDual
timeSecfrac <- '.' digit+
timeNumoffset <- [\-+] timeHour ':' timeMinute
timeOffset <- 'Z' / timeNumoffset
partialTime <- timeHour ':' timeMinute ':' timeSecond timeSecfrac?
fullDate <- dateFullYear '-' dateMonth '-' dateMDay
fullTime <- partialTime timeOffset?
datetime <- (fullDate ('T' fullTime)?) / partialTime
digit <- [0-9]
digitDual <- digit digit
digitQuad <- digitDual digitDual
array <- (
'[' { p.StartArray() }
wsnl arrayValues? wsnl
arrayValues <- (
val { p.AddArrayVal() }
wsnl comment?
wsnl arraySep
wsnl comment?
wsnl val { p.AddArrayVal() }
wsnl arraySep?
wsnl comment?
arraySep <- ','