
187 lines
4.2 KiB

This file is part of go-ethereum
go-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
go-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with go-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* @authors
* Jeffrey Wilcke <i@jev.io>
package utils
import (
var wslogger = logger.NewLogger("WS")
func args(v ...interface{}) []interface{} {
return v
type WebSocketServer struct {
ethereum *eth.Ethereum
filterCallbacks map[int][]int
func NewWebSocketServer(eth *eth.Ethereum) *WebSocketServer {
return &WebSocketServer{eth, make(map[int][]int)}
func (self *WebSocketServer) Serv() {
pipe := xeth.NewJSXEth(self.ethereum)
wsServ := websocket.NewServer("/eth", ":40404")
wsServ.MessageFunc(func(c *websocket.Client, msg *websocket.Message) {
switch msg.Call {
case "compile":
data := ethutil.NewValue(msg.Args)
bcode, err := ethutil.Compile(data.Get(0).Str(), false)
if err != nil {
c.Write(args(nil, err.Error()), msg.Id)
code := ethutil.Bytes2Hex(bcode)
c.Write(args(code, nil), msg.Id)
case "eth_blockByNumber":
args := msg.Arguments()
block := pipe.BlockByNumber(int32(args.Get(0).Uint()))
c.Write(block, msg.Id)
case "eth_blockByHash":
args := msg.Arguments()
c.Write(pipe.BlockByHash(args.Get(0).Str()), msg.Id)
case "eth_transact":
if mp, ok := msg.Args[0].(map[string]interface{}); ok {
object := mapToTxParams(mp)
args(pipe.Transact(pipe.Key().PrivateKey, object["to"], object["value"], object["gas"], object["gasPrice"], object["data"])),
case "eth_gasPrice":
c.Write("10000000000000", msg.Id)
case "eth_coinbase":
c.Write(pipe.CoinBase(), msg.Id)
case "eth_listening":
c.Write(pipe.IsListening(), msg.Id)
case "eth_mining":
c.Write(pipe.IsMining(), msg.Id)
case "eth_peerCount":
c.Write(pipe.PeerCount(), msg.Id)
case "eth_countAt":
args := msg.Arguments()
c.Write(pipe.TxCountAt(args.Get(0).Str()), msg.Id)
case "eth_codeAt":
args := msg.Arguments()
c.Write(len(pipe.CodeAt(args.Get(0).Str())), msg.Id)
case "eth_storageAt":
args := msg.Arguments()
c.Write(pipe.StorageAt(args.Get(0).Str(), args.Get(1).Str()), msg.Id)
case "eth_balanceAt":
args := msg.Arguments()
c.Write(pipe.BalanceAt(args.Get(0).Str()), msg.Id)
case "eth_secretToAddress":
args := msg.Arguments()
c.Write(pipe.SecretToAddress(args.Get(0).Str()), msg.Id)
case "eth_newFilter":
case "eth_newFilterString":
case "eth_messages":
func StartWebSockets(eth *eth.Ethereum) {
wslogger.Infoln("Starting WebSockets")
sock := NewWebSocketServer(eth)
go sock.Serv()
// TODO This is starting to become a generic method. Move to utils
func mapToTxParams(object map[string]interface{}) map[string]string {
// Default values
if object["from"] == nil {
object["from"] = ""
if object["to"] == nil {
object["to"] = ""
if object["value"] == nil {
object["value"] = ""
if object["gas"] == nil {
object["gas"] = ""
if object["gasPrice"] == nil {
object["gasPrice"] = ""
var dataStr string
var data []string
if str, ok := object["data"].(string); ok {
data = []string{str}
for _, str := range data {
if ethutil.IsHex(str) {
str = str[2:]
if len(str) != 64 {
str = ethutil.LeftPadString(str, 64)
} else {
str = ethutil.Bytes2Hex(ethutil.LeftPadBytes(ethutil.Big(str).Bytes(), 32))
dataStr += str
object["data"] = dataStr
conv := make(map[string]string)
for key, value := range object {
if v, ok := value.(string); ok {
conv[key] = v
return conv