mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 00:37:09 +00:00
This commit converts the dependency management from Godeps to the vendor folder, also switching the tool from godep to trash. Since the upstream tool lacks a few features proposed via a few PRs, until those PRs are merged in (if), use github.com/karalabe/trash. You can update dependencies via trash --update. All dependencies have been updated to their latest version. Parts of the build system are reworked to drop old notions of Godeps and invocation of the go vet command so that it doesn't run against the vendor folder, as that will just blow up during vetting. The conversion drops OpenCL (and hence GPU mining support) from ethash and our codebase. The short reasoning is that there's noone to maintain and having opencl libs in our deps messes up builds as go install ./... tries to build them, failing with unsatisfied link errors for the C OpenCL deps. golang.org/x/net/context is not vendored in. We expect it to be fetched by the user (i.e. using go get). To keep ci.go builds reproducible the package is "vendored" in build/_vendor.
516 lines
15 KiB
516 lines
15 KiB
Package ast declares types representing a JavaScript AST.
The parser and AST interfaces are still works-in-progress (particularly where
node types are concerned) and may change in the future.
package ast
import (
// All nodes implement the Node interface.
type Node interface {
Idx0() file.Idx // The index of the first character belonging to the node
Idx1() file.Idx // The index of the first character immediately after the node
// ========== //
// Expression //
// ========== //
type (
// All expression nodes implement the Expression interface.
Expression interface {
ArrayLiteral struct {
LeftBracket file.Idx
RightBracket file.Idx
Value []Expression
AssignExpression struct {
Operator token.Token
Left Expression
Right Expression
BadExpression struct {
From file.Idx
To file.Idx
BinaryExpression struct {
Operator token.Token
Left Expression
Right Expression
Comparison bool
BooleanLiteral struct {
Idx file.Idx
Literal string
Value bool
BracketExpression struct {
Left Expression
Member Expression
LeftBracket file.Idx
RightBracket file.Idx
CallExpression struct {
Callee Expression
LeftParenthesis file.Idx
ArgumentList []Expression
RightParenthesis file.Idx
ConditionalExpression struct {
Test Expression
Consequent Expression
Alternate Expression
DotExpression struct {
Left Expression
Identifier *Identifier
EmptyExpression struct {
Begin file.Idx
End file.Idx
FunctionLiteral struct {
Function file.Idx
Name *Identifier
ParameterList *ParameterList
Body Statement
Source string
DeclarationList []Declaration
Identifier struct {
Name string
Idx file.Idx
NewExpression struct {
New file.Idx
Callee Expression
LeftParenthesis file.Idx
ArgumentList []Expression
RightParenthesis file.Idx
NullLiteral struct {
Idx file.Idx
Literal string
NumberLiteral struct {
Idx file.Idx
Literal string
Value interface{}
ObjectLiteral struct {
LeftBrace file.Idx
RightBrace file.Idx
Value []Property
ParameterList struct {
Opening file.Idx
List []*Identifier
Closing file.Idx
Property struct {
Key string
Kind string
Value Expression
RegExpLiteral struct {
Idx file.Idx
Literal string
Pattern string
Flags string
Value string
SequenceExpression struct {
Sequence []Expression
StringLiteral struct {
Idx file.Idx
Literal string
Value string
ThisExpression struct {
Idx file.Idx
UnaryExpression struct {
Operator token.Token
Idx file.Idx // If a prefix operation
Operand Expression
Postfix bool
VariableExpression struct {
Name string
Idx file.Idx
Initializer Expression
// _expressionNode
func (*ArrayLiteral) _expressionNode() {}
func (*AssignExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*BadExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*BinaryExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*BooleanLiteral) _expressionNode() {}
func (*BracketExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*CallExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*ConditionalExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*DotExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*EmptyExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*FunctionLiteral) _expressionNode() {}
func (*Identifier) _expressionNode() {}
func (*NewExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*NullLiteral) _expressionNode() {}
func (*NumberLiteral) _expressionNode() {}
func (*ObjectLiteral) _expressionNode() {}
func (*RegExpLiteral) _expressionNode() {}
func (*SequenceExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*StringLiteral) _expressionNode() {}
func (*ThisExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*UnaryExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*VariableExpression) _expressionNode() {}
// ========= //
// Statement //
// ========= //
type (
// All statement nodes implement the Statement interface.
Statement interface {
BadStatement struct {
From file.Idx
To file.Idx
BlockStatement struct {
LeftBrace file.Idx
List []Statement
RightBrace file.Idx
BranchStatement struct {
Idx file.Idx
Token token.Token
Label *Identifier
CaseStatement struct {
Case file.Idx
Test Expression
Consequent []Statement
CatchStatement struct {
Catch file.Idx
Parameter *Identifier
Body Statement
DebuggerStatement struct {
Debugger file.Idx
DoWhileStatement struct {
Do file.Idx
Test Expression
Body Statement
EmptyStatement struct {
Semicolon file.Idx
ExpressionStatement struct {
Expression Expression
ForInStatement struct {
For file.Idx
Into Expression
Source Expression
Body Statement
ForStatement struct {
For file.Idx
Initializer Expression
Update Expression
Test Expression
Body Statement
FunctionStatement struct {
Function *FunctionLiteral
IfStatement struct {
If file.Idx
Test Expression
Consequent Statement
Alternate Statement
LabelledStatement struct {
Label *Identifier
Colon file.Idx
Statement Statement
ReturnStatement struct {
Return file.Idx
Argument Expression
SwitchStatement struct {
Switch file.Idx
Discriminant Expression
Default int
Body []*CaseStatement
ThrowStatement struct {
Throw file.Idx
Argument Expression
TryStatement struct {
Try file.Idx
Body Statement
Catch *CatchStatement
Finally Statement
VariableStatement struct {
Var file.Idx
List []Expression
WhileStatement struct {
While file.Idx
Test Expression
Body Statement
WithStatement struct {
With file.Idx
Object Expression
Body Statement
// _statementNode
func (*BadStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*BlockStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*BranchStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*CaseStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*CatchStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*DebuggerStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*DoWhileStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*EmptyStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*ExpressionStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*ForInStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*ForStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*FunctionStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*IfStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*LabelledStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*ReturnStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*SwitchStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*ThrowStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*TryStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*VariableStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*WhileStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*WithStatement) _statementNode() {}
// =========== //
// Declaration //
// =========== //
type (
// All declaration nodes implement the Declaration interface.
Declaration interface {
FunctionDeclaration struct {
Function *FunctionLiteral
VariableDeclaration struct {
Var file.Idx
List []*VariableExpression
// _declarationNode
func (*FunctionDeclaration) _declarationNode() {}
func (*VariableDeclaration) _declarationNode() {}
// ==== //
// Node //
// ==== //
type Program struct {
Body []Statement
DeclarationList []Declaration
File *file.File
Comments CommentMap
// ==== //
// Idx0 //
// ==== //
func (self *ArrayLiteral) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.LeftBracket }
func (self *AssignExpression) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Left.Idx0() }
func (self *BadExpression) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.From }
func (self *BinaryExpression) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Left.Idx0() }
func (self *BooleanLiteral) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Idx }
func (self *BracketExpression) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Left.Idx0() }
func (self *CallExpression) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Callee.Idx0() }
func (self *ConditionalExpression) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Test.Idx0() }
func (self *DotExpression) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Left.Idx0() }
func (self *EmptyExpression) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Begin }
func (self *FunctionLiteral) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Function }
func (self *Identifier) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Idx }
func (self *NewExpression) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.New }
func (self *NullLiteral) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Idx }
func (self *NumberLiteral) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Idx }
func (self *ObjectLiteral) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.LeftBrace }
func (self *RegExpLiteral) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Idx }
func (self *SequenceExpression) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Sequence[0].Idx0() }
func (self *StringLiteral) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Idx }
func (self *ThisExpression) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Idx }
func (self *UnaryExpression) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Idx }
func (self *VariableExpression) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Idx }
func (self *BadStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.From }
func (self *BlockStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.LeftBrace }
func (self *BranchStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Idx }
func (self *CaseStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Case }
func (self *CatchStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Catch }
func (self *DebuggerStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Debugger }
func (self *DoWhileStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Do }
func (self *EmptyStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Semicolon }
func (self *ExpressionStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Expression.Idx0() }
func (self *ForInStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.For }
func (self *ForStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.For }
func (self *FunctionStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Function.Idx0() }
func (self *IfStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.If }
func (self *LabelledStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Label.Idx0() }
func (self *Program) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Body[0].Idx0() }
func (self *ReturnStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Return }
func (self *SwitchStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Switch }
func (self *ThrowStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Throw }
func (self *TryStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Try }
func (self *VariableStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Var }
func (self *WhileStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.While }
func (self *WithStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.With }
// ==== //
// Idx1 //
// ==== //
func (self *ArrayLiteral) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.RightBracket }
func (self *AssignExpression) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Right.Idx1() }
func (self *BadExpression) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.To }
func (self *BinaryExpression) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Right.Idx1() }
func (self *BooleanLiteral) Idx1() file.Idx { return file.Idx(int(self.Idx) + len(self.Literal)) }
func (self *BracketExpression) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.RightBracket + 1 }
func (self *CallExpression) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.RightParenthesis + 1 }
func (self *ConditionalExpression) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Test.Idx1() }
func (self *DotExpression) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Identifier.Idx1() }
func (self *EmptyExpression) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.End }
func (self *FunctionLiteral) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Body.Idx1() }
func (self *Identifier) Idx1() file.Idx { return file.Idx(int(self.Idx) + len(self.Name)) }
func (self *NewExpression) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.RightParenthesis + 1 }
func (self *NullLiteral) Idx1() file.Idx { return file.Idx(int(self.Idx) + 4) } // "null"
func (self *NumberLiteral) Idx1() file.Idx { return file.Idx(int(self.Idx) + len(self.Literal)) }
func (self *ObjectLiteral) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.RightBrace }
func (self *RegExpLiteral) Idx1() file.Idx { return file.Idx(int(self.Idx) + len(self.Literal)) }
func (self *SequenceExpression) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Sequence[0].Idx1() }
func (self *StringLiteral) Idx1() file.Idx { return file.Idx(int(self.Idx) + len(self.Literal)) }
func (self *ThisExpression) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Idx }
func (self *UnaryExpression) Idx1() file.Idx {
if self.Postfix {
return self.Operand.Idx1() + 2 // ++ --
return self.Operand.Idx1()
func (self *VariableExpression) Idx1() file.Idx {
if self.Initializer == nil {
return file.Idx(int(self.Idx) + len(self.Name) + 1)
return self.Initializer.Idx1()
func (self *BadStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.To }
func (self *BlockStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.RightBrace + 1 }
func (self *BranchStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Idx }
func (self *CaseStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Consequent[len(self.Consequent)-1].Idx1() }
func (self *CatchStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Body.Idx1() }
func (self *DebuggerStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Debugger + 8 }
func (self *DoWhileStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Test.Idx1() }
func (self *EmptyStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Semicolon + 1 }
func (self *ExpressionStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Expression.Idx1() }
func (self *ForInStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Body.Idx1() }
func (self *ForStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Body.Idx1() }
func (self *FunctionStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Function.Idx1() }
func (self *IfStatement) Idx1() file.Idx {
if self.Alternate != nil {
return self.Alternate.Idx1()
return self.Consequent.Idx1()
func (self *LabelledStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Colon + 1 }
func (self *Program) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Body[len(self.Body)-1].Idx1() }
func (self *ReturnStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Return }
func (self *SwitchStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Body[len(self.Body)-1].Idx1() }
func (self *ThrowStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Throw }
func (self *TryStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Try }
func (self *VariableStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.List[len(self.List)-1].Idx1() }
func (self *WhileStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Body.Idx1() }
func (self *WithStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Body.Idx1() }